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I guess.

I'd still sell the very existence of the entire HM/SoS franchise past and future for RF5 though.


>tfw never ever

I would buy a switch just for RF5

does picking sportsman allow me to skip the marriage requirement to gain the last stamina heart. or does it just ignore the first easy one. want to make 1 branching save file.

debating between sportsman or animal lover for unique perk.

It's so easy to get to 10 hears on animals now, I'd not even bother. Start with Tycoon or Sportsman if you're playing veteran.

>can move crops and trees on the farm now


I have debating what to choose myself, I feel like most of them are just a temporary boost rather then an actual perk.


I tried RF4 I do not get the appeal at all. Why shove zelda into a completed farming game?

Ask Nintendo UK.

More stuff = better

i figured as much, all the choices are essentially boosts that dont have much relevance after the first month.
technically AL is more of a shitty perk than strictly a boost. Its effect cannot be replicated anywhere else in the game. everything else eventually becomes nonexistent. from my understanding of the game so far

Animal Friend is the only one that's actually a perk of any sort.

I'll enjoy it when the porn artists kick into gear

Talk me out of waifuing fluffy tail.

I only play a little bit a day so I don't mind waiting for the dlc.


I wouldn't call the dungeons Zelda-like. It's more about collecting loot/recruiting monsters and season-focused fields.

If it's the combat you can't jive with, try building up to another weapon type. Early game fists are OP

The point of RF is the addition of combat and more magic shit than HM. And to also blue ball you by not letting you marry best girls and milfs.

More stuff to do in general, combined with them being able to get away with weirder characters due to it being a fantasy game

Is it on freeshop now?

Fluffy tail lacks the regular husband/wife events that the regular candidates have. Also Kasumi is best girl.

Exclusives are the cancer that is killing the modern gaming industry.

Why isn't Story Of Seasons on PC? Nintendo can make money here, Why isn't Story Of Seasons on PS4? Same goes.

They are not only anti-consumer but they hold back games from their potential on proper hardware. Look at the frame dips on this game, look at the graphics. None of this would have happened if SOS was multiplat.

Fuck third party exclusives

wew lad
I thought you liked sameface valley?

Animal Lover never expires but is a pretty shit effect. Fisher is worthless all-around.

The other three are all viable early-game boosts that eventually fall out of relevance but are helpful while they last. Sports Enthusiast lasts the longest but is the weakest, Tycoon doesn't go very far but is extremely powerful earlygame, and Charmer is a middle ground that saves a decent amount of overall effort and lets you get more stamina through lunches quickly but obsoletes kinda soon.

Because then they'd have to actually work on the graphics. The game is 3DS-exclusive because it requires by far the lowest amount of effort to look relatively passable there, and something like the PS4 would make a ridiculous difference in the amount of work they would need to do there.

It's not on PC because that market is totally dead in Japan.

>calling SV sameface
>while defending an animu game

wew lad indeed

>american level
>everyone is a cowboy
>clapping and hugging everywhere
>pizza festival

I will never play sameface valley due to the shit design of waifus. I get when Jrpgs do recolors when you're 20 hours in, but waifus should be all original. I know that SoS includes twins, but they are garbo

Haven't started it up yet. I ordered River City Tokyo Rumble along with this game, and so have been playing through that one more. I'll likely get to this next but haven't had the time to do so.

I know isn't it fucking great?

>water someone's crops for them
>they tip you


>chop 5 logs for the lulukoko chief lady 2 days in a row
>get pearls each time
holy fuck am i cheating

So why dont we have our own general on /vg/ anymore? I remember sos came out and we had one going for a while. random threads on here dont last every long due to the post rate

Someone just has to bother making one. And maintaining it.

Why the fuck did they not use the quick menu from RF? i'm playing RF3 and the way ToT is setup it feels like the clonkiest shit ever, also fuck this idea of streamlining farming by using 9 crops at a time it somehow makes the field you get smaller than it is

>play veteran on first game
>it's grindy and slow, regret it
>play seedling this game
>it's too fast and easy to unlock everything

truly despairing

Anyone have fuckin food effect descriptions or anything? There's one for G and I don't know what it does exactly and I'm curious if it's worth focusing on.

Nope. you need pearls for upgrades for later. saves time.

I was interested in it, is it better than Stardew Valley or RF4?

Depends on what you're looking for

.Cia where?
How the fuck is it? Why aren't there any goddamn review videos?

It's totally not!f0Q0FTaL!vorWd1UZu_4pDJcO-c31kUcL_OxvAv4-cLGvykXL5S4

If the only differences weren't stamina drain and item grind, I would have chosen veteran. Needing a few hundred items for a piece of clothing wasn't fun last time around. Those requirements can stay in kMMOs where they belong.

Waifus, reliable controls while farming, good villagers, not 1000 loading screens when entering houses or terrain, combat is optional but I would prefer it

R4 though ymmv as far as waifus go

It has some pretty good waifus imo. The loading and framerate are extremely good compared to the first "story of seasons" on the 3ds. The villagers are hit or miss. There are some issues with the controls like the Y button not taking out what you just put away. No combat, shitty mining.

compared to the first SOS it's better, in the first game even with seedling you had to grind a lot to unlock the last vendors

Well mix bag villagers is fine, not so looking forward to farming or mining then. I'm gonna check the Waifus, and maybe thst will push me over the edge

Rf5 never ever still hurts

No combat in the mainline (SoS and HM) games. No loading screens on my o3ds, but it still handholds you through some of the tutorials.

>town links in SoS2
>not lots of grind
lel. At least they made it seem like much less of a chore. Especially since the rank goes up just by shipping to the town so you can hermit and still unlock stuff. I do like how they put enough stuff to do ingame that you can't cover two towns and manage your farm on the same day.

>that event where Frank reveals his true feelings for Wayne

>modern gaming industry
Exclusivity has been a thing since the video game industry was born, you dumb pasta posting frog poster


tbf, Wayne has a purdy mouth

>Rf5 never ever still hurts
I'm convinced they realized Rf5 would raise the bar so high nothing could compare and would have to drop marriage altogether to not make it perfect

Did they fix the franerate yet

I'm still angry that you couldn't get best waifu in RF4.

No. It's fucking garbage as usual. This series has only gone down with time.

Fuck. It can't be that hard to understand what made the game good to begin with.

>raping mining
>making a small as fuck map with nothing to do

The only fucking thing I liked was the howdy button.


It could be worse Micah canonically picks, absolute worse girl Shara

Neverland's biggest mistake.

Cheers doodle

i swear to god every time i see this image it's slightly different


I was surprised to hear the HMDS title screen music during the festival. Brought back some nostalgic feelings.

>main story includes instances of saving her and getting emotional invested in her

>she is the first one to like you and acknowledge you

>lies and dies for you

>loli portrait

Fucking developers knew

>still not on freeshop


>has a conversation that's a hair away from a love confession


So what's this about an Inari DLC kid?

But he gets defang.png-chan as a sister, so it's fine.

Raven, Pia, Karina, Sofia even fucking Kuruna disagrees

All DLCs will be ported eventually. Confirmed earlier. Except the Russian monkey thing due to rights issues similar to Hamtaro in SoS 1. For Inari, the villagers say the kid looks like you, instead of your husbando/waifu as usual because Inari is actually a chalupa.

Why is the farm report screen so low resolution its fucking blurry what the fuck marvelous or xseed whoever fucked it

use socketpunch then you pleb

still waiting on amazon to send it reeeee

how do you take 3ds screenshots and get then on your PC?

who is best boy this time around? any consensus?


Save to Miiverse screenshot album from your 3DS, then save the image to your PC from there

the trap one

>No 20lbs tits & ass
>No Donte inside

which one is the trap? do you mean Inari? i don't want the fluffy ones, i want all the husbando features.

But can you do it without interrupting the game? I.e without having to close the app and all?

Home button -> Miiverse -> Save to Screenshot Album
It suspends the game and once you're done there's even a handy Resume Game button to make sure you don't accidentally close it.

I love me some farming, and delicious brown twins, so yeah

>cucking Colin
You monster

>slutty older twin
>calm younger twin
Why does that seem familiar

Colin is a faggot anyway.

Is it worth it to wait a few days before mining again or should I just save scum for the ores?

Or is save scumming after a few days the best option?

I'm new to this. Do you harvest crops as soon as they are harvestable or do you leave them to "grow" more. I figured since you can't water them anymore that you have to harvest them but I'm not sure.

harvest them.

Savescum every day

Harvest ASAP

Want to get into this genre on PC, have played stardew. What's best to emu, should I go RF4, RF:tod, or something else?

Thanks guys. Also what's the point of petting/picking up wild animals?


You get the satisfaction of petting wild animals
In the previous game you could feed and befriend them, it's probably the same in this one

When you say befriend do you mean they come chill at your farm or they just like you a lot?

Frontier. Cheating to negate the need to fuck around with Runeys is mandatory to enjoying that game though.


Fuck you I dominated the runey system easily and quickly. It's not necessary at all.

Also Bianca is best girl.

There's a guide.