That's quite obsessive of you, OP

I-I'm sorry Ninten/bros/ I just c-can't defend this...I-I'm cancelling my pre-order...and buying a second PS4 with Horizon Zero Dawn...this is the only way I can be #4theplayers

I remember when blatant falseflag, consolewar, shitposting warranted a ban

>killer 1-st party lineup

Is that le ultimate trolololo? Like holy fuck.

I got banned last week for that after years of getting away with it

dont you dare buy horizon. buy nier instead you FAGGOT

Looks like ps4 btfo too... time for PC bros...

>not final


>mfw I buy a Switch in a bundle around Christmas with this very game

Sup Forums has been rented by Nintendo for the Switch launch. they've been giving out 3-day bans for anyone mentioning the fact that they're a yakuza megacorp who regularly has any unsuccessful executives murdered.

What about them?


Could've fooled me, I don't even know why I'm on Sup Forums tonight, I knew it would be this fucking unusable because of the switch launch.


I loved playing all three of them over the course of four years. Fucking hell Nintendo.

Pretty much my plan.

Who are you kidding, it's been unusable for years now

>Sup Forums is shit
>all the other boards you might be interested in are worse
>Sup Forums is infested with general threads and tripfags
>Sup Forums is one of the worst boards on the entire site
>Sup Forums hasn't ever been good and hasn't been close to being passable for almost a decade
>/fit/ is stagnant and full of trips that try to make themselves ecelebs
>/x/ no longer has OC and is just teenagers RPing
>Sup Forums is irredeemable at this point
>/out/ moves too slow to frequent heavily
>/lit/ and /his/ are full of pretentious, ironic, memeing faggots

Its actually kind of depressing. I have nothing left here but have nowhere else to go

We knew this thing would be a piece of shit anyway

It's sad that Sup Forums is fucking terrible but it's the only board I can tolerate

Why do the other chan sites have to be so fucking bad? Was this hellhole actually as enjoyable as I remember it being 10 years ago?

Funny how the WiiU stayed exactly the same

Honestly, it has gotten marginally worse but this place was always kind of a shithole. The influx of edgy teenagers really didn't help at all, the whole "self aware weeaboo" trend along with the trap shit all came together into what this place is today.

Gay teenage weeaboos


Does that mean the Switch will stay a 6.7 until Nintendo dies and goes third-party?


you forgot Sup Forums


Sup Forums was probably the worst thing that ever happened to this site

>If we had to score it now

You didn't have to do anything. No one is holding you at gunpoint asking for a score.

>Pre-release console
>Console in its best year of existence

how many layers of irony is this?

It's their fucking job to write reviews of games and gaming consoles. The embargo lifted today. Every second they don't put out a review is literally money lost because their competitor sites WILL (and DID) put out their own reviews and people would have read those instead.

I'm sorry you didn't get the number you wanted, friend. Stay assblasted, though :^)

Due to the whole embargo ending and everyone releasing their "review" of the console they were kinda forced too

Sure, they could've held off till after launch but that means less clicks and less money. Plus, they probably want to give it a higher rating so they left it there so that people would expect edits but also click on it the first time around

I wouldn't be interested in Sup Forums even if it wasn't shit to be honest. The boards I mentioned are the ones I would frequent if they weren't terrible.

I think the lessened importance of lurking (even if people didn't lurk to begin with), people no longer caring about rules 1 and 2, and meme culture in general have made this place worse in addition to what you listed

They could always Polygon it and bullshit their way out of giving a score because it interferes with their personal politics or whatever.

The best part of the Wii U was the virtual console, so you could play Nintendo games that are actually good (old ones). Nintendo isnt releasing a future console right now and if they ever do they will probabbly find a way to rip people off even more.

Yeah exactly, I mean I'm not one to talk about the whole edgy teenager thing I'm 18 but it does upset me because I did find some enjoyment in this site in my younger years, the false flagging has gotten out of control though and the mods don't seem the give a shit at all

>reviewers loved the wii u
>it fails

>reviewers hate the switch
>it succeeds
really gets those neurons firing.

>it succeeds
getting a little ahead of yourself their, friend. that still remains to be seen...


Wa-hoo please tell me it's not true!


So they were wrong about Wii U, then it's safe to assume they're wrong about the Switch.

Is that the Mexican who always uses Roy? He's ok in my book.

>ban falseflagging shills like theyre fucking supposed to
>"N-nintendo bought out t-the modssss!!!"

When is Spooky going to post his feminine penis

Only when a better penis docks into his.

When Mikan asks

get your fucking gay ass discord cancer out of here, you were a cancerous growth that was removed, stay removed

Only if he shows his feet again so I can save the picture.

Nice try Spooky

>if we had to score it now

why do they do this, the systems ui is half missing because it hasnt even released yet

I am buying both because I've got a job and I'm not 12.

Its not really "edgy" teenagers, its just uninspired trolls looking for easy (You)s and idiots who happily oblige.

Mods have never been good but they were bad in a better way before. They used to revel in the chaos; Snacks would lay out the banhammer with no rhyme or reason, mods used to publicly ban to make a point (as with "lol u tk hiim 2 da bar?"), and as a result you had to be at least slightly less obvious with trolling. Mods now ban based on their own personal beliefs and the site suffers as a result (case in point - Sup Forums)

Spooky was a cancer that killed Sup Forumseekeend, I hate him, people need to learn to ignore him, like kite, he did well in blocking him, even if he did it because he is a little crybaby bitch who gets salty when people make him feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable.

Now that I think about it, spooky did nothing wrong.

t. Phil

Because their site gets no fucking traffic if they wait and review it after a week you nigger.

Just wait for the Switch HD in 2018.

>Gamepad is underutilized

Why nintendo never learn? It was basically the same problem with the Wii and the Wii U, besides the party minigames games no games used the "features" in a decent way, at best you could see your inventory moving the wiimote or looking at the tablet.

Fuck you nintendo.

No one ever gave a shit about rules 1 and 2, are you people retarded?

People most certainly did back in 07. If not everyone, there were still people that did. There was that greentext (with pictures in support though it was still bullshit) of that dude that overheard two people talking about Sup Forums so he blew up their car, there was that faggot with the anonymous mask that got punched in the face, and in general you would get reminded of said rules way more often back then

Rules 1 and 2 are probably the most important.

Tfw Spooky will never buy you a Switch

>We lost
It's not fair bros. Things were supposed to be different. Im living on the wrong side of history.

>Spooky's gf only cares about his money

Poor guy.

Literally nintenyearolds

oh yeah dude I'm sure someone actually carbombed people for talking about Sup Forums in public



I literally qualified that by stating it was bullshit you memeing faggot.

That said, this site used to actually have its fair share of actually unhinged individuals, instead of the lazy trolls it houses today. Like people who legitimately knew where bodies were buried and shit like that

yeah dude it was a haxXx0rzzz paradise back in the GOOD OL DAYS

I've been here since 07 faggot kys. anyone that claims "It was better back in 20XX" is a lying nigger that's using nostalgia goggles.

I've been here since 07 too, nigger, and it most certainly was better. Was it good? No. But it was still better than it is today.

>system at launch
>system at the end of its strongest year when it had the most goodwill

Not that the Switch doesn't look abysmal as hardware in ways even the Wii U didn't.

no wonder Sup Forumseekends died

>implying our god king spooky didn't help us transcend this plane of existence

I illegally voted for Trump just so there'd be a wall between me and Spooky. Fuck that guy.

almost everywhere else rated it higher

why are you only posting this one?

>implying spooky didn't vote for trump as well

Brush out on your spooky lore.

this picture sums up the autism of nintendo fans so perfectly

but how does it taste?

>Trusting the media

I don't want to be included with that garbage. I think this was made around the time the Smash Bros weekends started going to hell. I got the fuck out of those things in a hurry.


Were you a literal who that picked GCO? Good riddance.

I believe it, the Switch has clearly been pushed out the door quickly as possible. Aside from joycon range issues it works perfectly fine, just lacks many of the features common in modern game platforms, but Nintendo only really advertised it as a video game platform. So they have time to ad secondary features like a web browser and media apps.


>He doesnt know that image was made ironically as a parody to "the smash club"

Good thing you left, you little cry baby bitch

>newfag thinks he qualifies to say that Sup Forums was never good


But in their defense, it has no fucking games yet. Zelda is all it has, and every Zelda made post MM is shit.

Gotta report something until the system has games.

Humanity has over-stayed its welcome.

>a bunch of people being goofy warrants extinction
You are a human shaped meme.

What else are you supposed to do with them? It's not like they have games on them.

Why are trying putting cartridges in their mouths?


>>a bunch of people being goofy warrants extinction
That pic is only a tiny example of how society has been decaying faster than ever for the last hundred years.

One person did it then noticed how bad it taste, so a bunch of other people did it too because the Switch is a big talking point.

Only richfags would waste money on a Switch, and I doubt there are any richfags on Sup Forums.

just post the next tourney dummies

are you 16 years old or something?

Make Teams and I'll actually register.


Was this game ever explained or showcased so far from any outlet?