How does Sup Forums feel about life is strange? I finished it a while ago and I can't get over it

How does Sup Forums feel about life is strange? I finished it a while ago and I can't get over it.

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shitty tumblr game.

Basically the only thing I've ever heard about it.

Adored it. Some cringey dialog, but ultimately I think it added to the game.

For the price I paid, couldn't be happier with it.

has some nice rape-able girls


Thats the response you get by people who never played it. It's literally just a meme.

>life is strange




> blue hair
> hipster beanie
> flowery tatoos
> spiked bracelets
> bracelets
> "tribal" necklace
> combat boots(?)
> muh lesbians

Looks like tumblr fapbait, but fuck it, I'll buy.


> Life of hipster lesbians

Oh god

t. Jefferson



I feel like the fanbase is overstaying its welcome cuz the game wasnt good enough to still be talked here.
Now fuck off.

>max with hips

I only like it for the legal waifus in the game like Kate.

That trilogy is quite funny.
I actually laughed when they were getting trolled with donations.

It hurts to know Max isn't real

post rare Maxes



Explain without buzzwords.

Missing a letter.

Life is strange porn parody cover

Rewind mechanic ruins what could have ben a good game.

None of your choices matter.

Officially: I-it's not like I like this tumblr tier shit, o-or anything
Secretly: Muh gorgeous pure waifu. How dare those french fucks subject them to this retard-illogical plot for cheap tears.

That's what I thought, then I actually played it and loved it. Was hooked.


People stream that game?
What the fuck

It could have worked as lesbian sex game with Victoria being the dom route who forces max to do lesbo stuff like licking her pussy.

Oh but she is.

This is a western game. No fun allowed.

Ooooh how it could have worked...

meh, not buying her as max.


This post has basically become a meme at this point.

Okay have fun in your failed switch thread #37615

ain't you faggots got a general to discuss this SJW garbage?

It was good


Even ME3 had a better ending.


Only part I had a gripe with was the ending choice, besides that I really loved it

For some reason I want to bully her for being such a little artsy hipster with her little photos and shit.

But secretly adore her. :3

I hate how people will see this, and take it out of context, and say the game is a tumblr game.
When they intentionally wrote Chloe to have bad ideas, and it just so happens this is one of them.

Was the a reason for max's powers? Was Chloe's personality so repulsive that the universe literally wanted her dead?

t. Victoria

The game is shite, but this guy's review making fun of it made me laugh a lot:

>Was the a reason for max's powers
The blue butterfly was supernatural. It's spirit magic. Ain't gotta explain shit.

Shit review by someone who didn't understand the game. Or perhaps intentionally misunderstands the game for the sake of a more scathing review.

Also bad youtube poop level edit, where he punctuates his jokes by SUDDENLY EAR RAPING THE VIEWER, LOL SO RANDUM.

>there are still waifufags of Chloe
It's at least enjoyable knowing that the faggots that won't die alone will die heartbroken that some dumb bimbo will leave them for a whore.

The game didn't have its intended effect on me as I really did not give a shit about Chloe at all throughout.

People who've played the game knows it is the complete opposite.

That's not the issue. The issue is that her stupidity doesn't get punished NEARLY enough to dissuade people who actually act and think like this from doing so. They'll just think it's validation for their idiocy when a character like Max is willing to put up with it and favor this person so much.

No, that's how you should feel.

that's the game about tumblr lesbians right?

E;R is god tier

Truly you are the worst of us

be gone

I did not give a shit about Chloe, so it made the final choice kind of moot. She was not likeable or appealing at all. Also, nothing matters in the end since it just boils down to two choices, making everything you did before inconsequential.

It was mediocre.

Chloe was in insufferable cunt and I'm glad she died.

Not even close

Cute lesbians warm my heart. I guess it's a video game too.

I watched a full playthrough on youtube.

Do you think I would still enjoy the game if I play it myself?

You think people base their actions on those of video game characters?

He did nothing wrong.
Chloe was asking for it.

Have her kill Frank. She goes back on EVERYTHING she says in that clip.

Because the game isn't trying to persuade the player to like Chloe one way or the other. It's giving you Chloe in raw form, so you can decide for yourself if she's worth it all.

It would be silly to over-exemplify how poor her idea is. It's smarter the way they did it. Nice and neutral.

It's a shit game with shitty characters making shitty decisions that shit people think is good. You want to play a game that legit makes your decisions worthless? He ya go. Remember that girl you saved from killing herself? Well that doesn't matter anymore because you changed the whole fucking timeline. Only thing that never changes is the poor choices and terrible characters you are stuck with for no reason other than why not

I liked it's style, felt engaged with the story all the way through, and appreciate it contextualized save scumming into a mechanic.

Are you not aware that people like Chloe exist regardless of this game? I'm not saying they act like that because of her, I'm saying they're validated by these things in games.

Neutral is fine, but the consequences are too tame. It'd be preferable if you could just choose at the beginning to say you don't like her appearance and she'd avoid you the entire way, or have Max get fed up and abandon her. Then again, it's not like this game exactly has options in the first place.

Her type just pisses me off so much and Max is damn-near ideal.


Where do I find a girl like Max?

Do they even exist?

It had a garbage predictable "twist" ending but was otherwise pretty good.

I met a girl at college who was similar to her, can't quite remember what she majored but she was really into films. Think she wanted to get into media or film of some sort.

>It'd be preferable if you could just choose at the beginning to say you don't like her appearance and she'd avoid you the entire way
Is that a serious suggestion? You're talking about breaking the whole premise of the game. And then what happens after Chloe fucks off? Max goes back to her dorm and masturbates?

>I'm not saying they act like that because of her, I'm saying they're validated by these things in games.
Maybe. People can find validation wherever they look. Can't blame the game for other people's confirmation biases.

Threadly reminder that Max x Kate is patrician

Find a family that wont mind you knocking up their teen daughter.

Pray she doesn't get corrupted by social media.

I'm saving the best for last.


Max, if she was a good ten years older and on drugs. Chloe is fine- she was already on the hard stuff.

Define 'tumblr' as an adjective.



- No character is likeable

- Max spouts buzzowrds as opposed to building a character

- Literally everybody is inconsistent

- Puzzles are literally just "rewind after hearing some dialogue"

- "Oh, there's a huge tornado coming? Let's just fuck around at school for a week"

- None of the choices matter because it comes out to a binary choice of save town or save chloe

The game is complete shit. Anyone who likes it is wrong

It's a good game to play with a girl and make decisions together.


>that one scene with the paint


>main characters are a mary sue liberal arts tumblr snowflake and her blue haired lesbian bff who's a huge bitch that never takes responsibility for her own failings

Sounds pretty tumblr to me.

E;R is literally top tier youtube

Are you mad? The guy was 100% balls to the wall insane and got off on killing people. Fine if he doesn't act on it...
But he DID.

I used to think like you. Then my eyes opened up to the true power couple. Max +Victoria. Max is able to humble Vic, and Vic is able to give Max a sense of self worth. They balance each other out, making both stronger, without all the chaos that Chloe brought.

Max and Kate are nice together, but they're both too timid. There's no one to take the lead or push things along. They'd wallow together.

I love this one.

When I first saw the reveal trailer, I guessed the ending was probably going to be some bullshit about going back in time all over again to make everything that was changed not be changed.

I later heard I was pretty much right, aside from the fact that you can also choose another shitty ending. I figured I probably wouldn't enjoy it if it was really that predictable so I lost interest.

>killing Chloe is wrong

Why was max so bad at using her god powers?

I heard you the first time, you meme vomiting fuckface.
I don't care. His review for Life is Strange is awful, because he misunderstands the game, therefore, his criticism is all based on a shaky premise at best. And his editing is for drooling memelord like yourself.