

best game ez


trash because invading sucks in this one

p fun, I recently got back into it. Although I found Ariandel disappointing and samey. I hope Ringed City is cool beans.

DS3 has very little original content.

Souls vet here, this is my take on things as someone who has obsessively played the shit out of DeS and DaS1 since their respective launches on PS3.


>New Firelink Shrine (DaS3) == The Nexus (DeS)
The resemblance is fucking stunning if you've ever played DeS. Lord Thrones are in the exact same alignment that the archstones are, surrounding where you spawn in, with multiple levels of height within the area accessible by curved staircases.

>Lothric Castle (DaS3) == Boletaria Castle (DeS)
You start the game here, and the climax of the game is here (fighting twin princes/false king allant).

>Karla (DaS3) == Yuria the Witch (DeS)
Karla teaches forbidden hex magic/miracles/pyromancies that channel the power and rage of the abyss, Yuria the Witch teaches forbidden magic that channel the power and rage of demon souls.

> Stormruler (DaS3) == Storm Ruler (DeS)
Used to take down mighty foes with a legendary sword found in the corresponding boss arenas. Yhorm and the Storm King are basically the same type of "puzzle boss" until you find the sword.


> FP (DaS3) == MP (DeS)
Literally the same exact shit.

> Rolling
Functions the same exact way as DeS, because med rolling was buffed so fucking hard that the difference between fast roling and med rolling is so small that staying right under the fat roll minimum is required for every build.

Case-in-point, DaS3 is super fucking stale for veterans who have been with the series since DeS in 2009/2010. It's literally because the game is around 50% recycled DaS content, 30% recycled DeS content, 10% recycled bloodborne content, and 10% original content.

>DS3 has very little original content.
That's doesn't stop it from being a great game.

>Souls vet here
fuckin lol

In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks.

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Fun PvP covenants that were unique

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

Dark Souls = Castlevania
Dark Souls 2 = Castlevania 2
Dark Souls 3 = Castlevania 3
3 is the best of the trilogy but it's overshadowed by retarded fanboys that love to defend the disaster that was 2, and people that love to suck off 1 despite it's frustratingly bad design choices

Bummed out because it doesn't have any of the things from DaS2 that were good.

>small white soapstone
More humanity, leading to more multiplayer connections and also more opportunities to work together since it didn't require that the host beat the boss. It was nice just hanging out in iron keep and helping people farm for katanas with this.

>bonfire ascetics
Get ng+ items earlier, makes enemies harder, farm souls quickly, get second chances to do NPC quests.

>power stance
Great for glass cannons and gave shieldless players more moves in general.

Frighteningly accurate

I thought it was really good and had a lot of fun with it.

Second best game, worst replayability and noy so good musics.

>i really dislike dark souls 3
>beat it two times and have like 5 failed characters i didnt play for more than a few hours
>my friend really likes dark souls 3
>advises i give it another shot
>k, sure, why not, been meaning to anyway seeing as how so many people enjoy it. maybe i just got bad luck with it
>been playing a lot of bloodborne lately, decide to just equip a weapon with quickstepping as its special ability and play it like a shitty version of bloodborne, mostly because of how so many of the lategame enemies are fast and strong as shit and it seems like the best strategy
>1 hour in i realize "wow this game really IS just a shitty version of bloodborne."
>remove disc
>play bloodborne instead
I guess I appreciate it for being so awful it makes Dark Souls 2 retroactively look good by comparison and reminding me of everything Bloodborne did right by trying so hard to emulate it and failing.

It's okay. Beat it just last week.

I'm replaying Bloodborne right now and having a lot more fun though so I don't know what that says about DaS3

I like that DS3 is halfway between Souls and Bloodborne. BB was far too spammy for me, felt like I was playing Revengeance or some shit instead of a Souls game.

it will be the best when ringed city comes out

Great but too much like bloodborne

enjoyed first playthrough. began new game, then got bored and lost interest halfway through.

imo checkpoints were too far apart. dying and having to redo 30 minutes of intense battle with mobs that can kill you in 3 hits... not fun.

DS1 > DS3 > DS2

DS1 ~ DS2 >>>>>>>>>> DS3

I felt that the weird attempt to combine Souls and Borne was really half-baked and didn't have enough focus. Enemies are fast as shit and hit super hard like in BB, but it has Dark Souls mobility where dodging expends too much stamina to keep up and in some cases it's physically inconceivable to react to certain attacks. The art designers are clearly still in their Bloodborne mindset of making everything a disgusting, visceral screaming abomination, which completely betrays the Dark Souls artstyle of having creatures look like hollow shells of their former glory and being disturbing because of that implication. There's a lot of little things like this that I feel bog down the game, because I can't help but feel that had the developers focused on one or the other, we'd have a much better game.
But hey, to each their own. I'm glad that you enjoy it.

>>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

yeah man I really missed that

The only Souls game I beat once and didn't want to play again. Haven't even bought it and probably won't unless the new DLC is really good.

most people beat it once and avoid subsequent playthroughs because they made resppeccing too easy. you can easily test a build on pvp and pve get bored, feel no incentive to make a new game

Fun for one playthrough but the replayability is ass because they decided to dumb down the entire world layout to appeal to casuals, and as a result the worst fucking areas in the series are offloaded at the very start. The huge sprawling vertical levels are initially fun and pretty awe-inspiring, but they become a chore to repeat on subsequent runs due to their giant scale. And it's not like you can even just run through areas you dislike in NG+ either because the shit with upgraded rings spawning into NG+ means you're going to miss out on shit if you don't comb the same level you already intimately know from before.
None of the unique and fun weapons are at the start, you have to play halfway through the game to get to them, which means if you want to do a novelty build with a certain fun weapon in mind you have to slog through 5-ish hours of the same shit you've already seen before getting to your desired equipment.
For a fun experiment if you haven't done anything like this already, try playing Dark Souls 1, running through Blighttown at the very start with the master key and getting the Great Club, and doing a super strong STR build from the very start. You can't fucking do that in 3 except for maybe if you sequence break Dancer and run into Lothric at first and the weapon you want is in there.

>super strong STR build

butcher knife you can get in undead settlement

At least it wasn't ds2.

Great game back lacking in the raw content and interconnected levels of the first game

>a dark souls game is very similar to demon souls!
Yeah, that is how every dark souls game has been. It is a common theme that they have be consistent in the entire series on purpose user.

it's longer than 1

>poise exists
Well yeah the stat did. It didn't really do anything though.

Overall it's good but it's too lenient on rolling. Also the aristocrat/jail keeper enemies. Just like every other souls game it's got flaws and I'd say it's on par with 1 or vica versa

Best level design and bosses in the series (not counting BB), at the cost of that though they fucked up the world design and weapon balance which meant that it had little to no replayability unlike every other game in the series, there's also a lot of subtle issues in the combat system which led to it being too spammy (although too much roll spam > DS2 iframe scaling any day)

Still overall one of my favorite games of the last few years although I'm pretty much a sucker for Souls games in general

pretty good, but a few issues that keep it from being great

>frighteningly linear. moreso than bloodborne, and every souls game, obviously. they shouldve at least taken the demons souls approach if you were going to have a nexus and 4 archdemon..err lords of cinder
>magic attacks essentially require a ring to use and/or way more levels spent than a melee character.
>magic attacks cost you health in the form of estus, instead of having its own collectibles and adding more variety to the pool of items you can explore to find.
>weapon balance got fucked. its as if someone new was put in charge and noticed "hey...smaller weapons do less damage per second than big weapons! that's not fair!", so the weapons with the best movesets in this game are as effective as their slower, heavier, more awkward counterparts. but buffs still do a static number of damage per hit, so it gets even more retarded with resins in the early game, and carthus flame arc later in the game.
>poise got fucked. after patch its still fucked. Im not talking about your faggot multiplayer duels. i mean against any enemy. you either have an enemy that you can stunlock with any fucking hit, or an enemy that its not even worth trying to stunlock. theres basically no inbetween. coincidentally, straight swords and thrusting swords just so happen to hit fast enough to unleash your entire stamina bar before hitstun falls off.
>tanks got fucked. this is a combined issue with the poise and weapon balance ones i listed already. trading hits has a smaller window since "poise" in this game is hyper armor which only activates in the middle of an attack animation. the damage isnt worth it since through the entire game youll get comparable dps with a straightsword or whatever. finally, youll have to level up vitality to make it viable. so youre spending lots of extra levels to make tanks on par with a much more efficient build.
>STILL fucking embers in this game when titanite+gems make them 100% obsolete.

I guess I mean more in the way that there's less optional stuff, 3 is pretty good at railroading the player through everything in it.

also it's fanservice and somehwat unoriginality got annoying eventually but I didn't mind it as much as other people did

it's lenient on rolling because enemies and combat pace is faster now, you have to dodge more and still have stamina left to attack the enemy. i would say this new mechanic is better for souls

Not as good as 2 but better than 1

I liked it more than Bloodborne but I'm only about 35 hours in on each so that probably doesn't mean much.

Bad game, much better thn BotW though

Yeah but they gave most enemies shit tracking. Also there could have been a happy medium between being out of stamina after 4 rolls and being out after 14. There were plenty of times where I'd fuck up really hard and get cornered by like 3 enemies only to roll spam until my character slid past them, shit felt pretty cheesy.

It's shit. The combat is literally a rolling simulator, the armor is useless and the whole game ffels like a corridor slasher due to how linear it is. I'm on my NG+ to get the cheevos and I can barely stand the monotonous slog through the same locations in exactly the same order.

Poise hasn't really worked well in any dark souls game. It was too powerful in the first game to where everyone would just minmax stupid looking gear sets. In the games after that poise was too weak to where it did almost nothing.

How is it possible to have this shit of opinion

Probably bait, but I unironically agree.

Did you get those backwards?

>Souls vet here

This shit gets me everytime.

heavy weapons have hyper armor and wider range... they're still perfectly fine to use in pvp.
i agree magic is bad now but still viable for pve. you can still find magic in the world
tanks were a problem in 1 and 2 where havel monsters dominate, im glad they removed this. don't know what that last point is about

it was too powerful in multiplayer, sure. but not in single player. everything was op in multiplayer, and no version even worked well for it anyway. and thats before hackers rolled into all three versions.


I was strictly talking about pve. pvp was literally never good in any game. fun, i guess, but never good. definitely not fucking balanced.

dark souls 3 is the most balanced its ever been and people are realizing how without any bullshit to blame, its just not fucking fun.

everything is viable in pve. i've completed the game with the fume gs just fine, i really dont see the problem peeps are having with heavy weapons. you have to space your attacks

The multiplayer and PVP was really what made the dark souls series stand out to me personally.

It's one of the most exciting multiplayer experiences I've had in a game. The singleplayer aspect is great, but I don't think I would've held dark souls in as high regards if not for the multiplayer aspect. There isn't really other games that do multiplayer this way.

If dark souls was just a singleplayer game without any of the online interactions then it probably wouldn't have been as memorable.

>you have to space your attacks.

not that simple. you have to space your attacks and also have to hope that your enemy with a small weapon doesnt suddenly decide to stab after youve committed to your swing. mob enemies in this game can attack so fast that you can start your swing and they can move in, swing, and hit you out of your swing BEFORE hyper frames kick off. and for what? more damage? no. more weight.

everything is "viable", but theres huge tradeoffs to certain playstyles.

by the way i forgot to mention one of the worst things in this game. raw astora straight sword. a drake sword that can take you into the endgame. i have no clue why this wasnt patched out.

>raw astora straight sword
Eeeh, a simply refined broadsword is much more imbalanced, I think. In fact, the variety of builds in this game is completely ruined by how good refined infusion is and how literally everything scales well with a quality build.

Lol WHY?

infusion that changes str/dex scaling was flawed from the start. this includes demons souls, but it wasnt as bad as ds3.

like, in dark souls 3 i choose a weapon, and can change my stats several times per game and i change EXACTLY how that weapon benefits from them. you can not only min-max a character but you can min-max them to correspond to a single level. it doesnt feel like an rpg. it feels like a glorified ubisoft upgrade tree.

Yeah I was a little disappointed myself with how little reason the game gives you to use anything but a refined straight sword.

Dark souls 2 is my favorite :)

Fuck you faggots talking about how straight swords are OP, they've been OP since day 1 of dark souls 1

It's my least favourite that's for sure.

>dark souls 1

a straight sword would take 40 in str AND dex to be as strong as a katana with just 40 dex or less. and they also dont have bleed.

This game is bad,that have nothing to do with pvp.

>Souls vet here