Is he good now?

Is he good now?

>not playing protect the bastion in 2017

>bullet spread increased 50%
>can't headshot anymore
yea really good LOL

He's less bad now, I can assure you that.

But he's not meta good yet. Probably never will be.

What were the changes?

That's a shame, they should give him more damage or something

>can move while healing
>normal mode's bullet spread was reduced heavily and mag size increased to 25
>turret mode can't headshot anymore and has the full auto spread all the time instead of only after firing a few shots
>new passive - takes less damage while in turret and tank forms

They basically nerfed his turret to make his regular mode more like Soldier. I think he actually has better spread than Soldier now.


dunno about the meta, he's fun in QP

I mean, was there a point to picking Bastion and not being in turret mode?
So you can move while healing only out of turret mode right.

correct, there was a vid that confirmed that
what the fuck are you doing jeff

his buff really brings to light how broken and required ana and rein still are
they will still just nerf bastion anyway when people complain about the "bastion meta"

You can heal yourself whenever. Turret mode, sentry mode, walking, etc.

Rein will never not be mandatory as long as maps exist how they are. Until 2cp maps aren't just small chokepoints followed by shooting gallery hallways you'll always need a Reinhardt to push through that shit.

he's still slow as shit. someone that slow needs some kind of evasion or damage mitigation maneuver.

He is a sold B+ or A now.
>Survives most ults in turret mode
>Survives a fair number of ults in recon
>As accurate as 76 just not as good at burst fire
>Can spot pick tanks with any solid healing support
>With team coordination can break any choke hold by walking into the choke while being healed spinning into turret mode and pressuring the tanks. While the other team focuses him his teams DPS's get picks
>Ult is solid for sniping supports and disrupting enemy teams
>Can self heal so fast he survives hooks solo
>If he can bait a chaser his self heal can easily get him to 50% ult from 0% with full resources
>Built in armor and health pull gives him sold burst damage protection allowing him to retreat and heal
>Turret and Ult mitigate 35% of damage

All you have to do is not be stupid and try not to force the turret mode. Only do it with team support or to spot pick tanks otherwise treat him like a 76.

>can now survive most ults


Who cares, the game got boring in the middle of June and Blizzard's constant meddling certainly hasn't helped

>trying to kill a bastion bring babysat by mercy or ana

>waaa blizzard keeps fucking with the meta
>waaa why isn't blizzard fixing this shit meta, this meta is boring
I don't even

The only way to fix the "meta" is to completely remove hard counters from the game. That's something they will never do though. Hard counters are the biggest dictator of use. Its better to never risk being countered than to use a potentially powerful hero. With no hard counters there would be a niche and situation that can be filled by at least one hero. At that point being able to read the game and whats going on to pick the right hero for that situation would be the greatest skill.

From there the only limitation is something only casuals care about Ults. Ults rewards not switching even if the situation calls for it. This also pushes the "Use the least risky hero" behavior. If you are not countered you can at a minimum steadily build ults.

>fixing this shit meta
I never asked them to do that. They're patches have only consistently fucked up the perfect balance of the final beta.

Also retards need to stop picking meme characters and stick with what works with them. I'm sick of people stepping in on my niches because of Blizzard's dicking around.

>current meta means tanks with healsluts are god-tier and fragile DPS heroes suck ass

>make a character a strong tank that counters fragile DPS heroes

>what could go wrong lol

Blizzard is making the game worse with this shit. The game is worse than it was on launch. Half the roster is not worth using, ever.

>still easy to kill Bastion if you're not a retard

Brood War was a cornerstone of esports and is still played to this day without any Blizzard fuckery. When something was considered OP gooks sat for 26 hours a day trying to find a way to counter it instead of crying to Blizzard.
The last patch that seems to have balance changes in the patchnotes is 1.08 released in 2001.

The only problem i see is that he is able to tank too much damage.

>in turret mode
>tracer walks up and bombs me
>I heal through it while she dies to her own ult
>she quits the game immediately after

>able to tank too much damage.
Whats the problem? And before you say "Hes not a tank!" Not even Blizzard fallows their role rules. We got tanks out damaging attackers, supports flanking better than flankers, Defense heros better at attacking, and attackers better at defense and ambush than defenders.

He is op, his damage is op, his health in combinations with his healing is beyond op and blizzard are braindead fucking monkeys.
Cant believe i thought for one second that this could be different than all the purposely unbalanced crap in every diablo3 season just cause this is a shooter with a competitive scene.. lol my bad i forgot that blizzards balance patches are decided by literal monkeys. So sorry i forgot that could have avoided wasting money on this crap.

He is both a tank and a dps and he has insane healing. He has everything.
A tank that out damages and outlives other dps or tanks lol

People are flipping their shit over him.
Probably need to give it at least a few days on deciding if he's actually broken or not. Remember how unassuming everyone thought Ana was on release?
I have no clue how they let that D.Va DM bug stay in, especially for the start of a new comp season.

Also worth mentioning that I bought this game on the basis of how fun it was on launch and Blizzard has, for all intents and purposes, unilaterally altered a contract between us and taken advantage of their EULA to ensure they're allowed to do that. I'm not going to be buying shit from them ever again if they're going to pull this.

The problem is he's a better soldier at this point, tankier, better spread, better healing, with turret form on top of it.

If one person dedicates to protecting/healing him, the entire other team has to focus around it immediately.

We already had that its called ptr.

He is hard countered by Junk, Hog, McCree, and Ana and he is soft countered by Zarya, Pharah, and Widow.

>loved Bastion since day1
>is OP now and everyone plays him

It's called that, but not as many people pay attention or play on ptr, which is why most ptr changes immediately make it to live with no adjustment

Hard countererd by Phara or mcree? lol
on what planet? I need 5 direct hit rockets to kill a bastion in turret mode with selfhealing.
Mcree needs to get fucking close dude to even do shit. A bastion in turret mode can survive pretty much everything in the game. A diva self desctruct cant kill a turret basition that is healing, a hanzo ultimate cant kill a turret bastion healing.
Nothing can kill a turret bastion in any reasonable amount of time. You always have to focuse your team on it.

>First game of season 4
>Guy with 420 in his name picks Bastion
>Hits a big toke before the game
>I tell everyone on the team we're losing now
>Cancerous subhuman argues with me, get's furiously shit on as Bastion halfway through
>Keeps switching characters so he never gets an ult.
I've played this game for four seasons now, I've got one gold gun for my main I think I'm done. The fanbase is so cancerous now it's physically killing me with hate and rage. Anytime a character gets a buff or a new costumes morons play them even if their not good with them and infest competitive.

>cannot act as a tank, dps, and move at the same time

his tickle gun in sentry mode is for tanks, recon mode does the most dps

Also, crowd control moves that force him to get up
>sleep dart
>rein charge
>mccree stun

their goal with the next hero is one that will compete with rein's spot as mandatory rally point tank. Its going to be the tachikoma looking thing from the concept art, probably remote controlled by the african chick they keep teasing. blizleaker user confirmed this all a month or two back.

I can't believe you made it this long, I got sick of this shit before competitive even came out. Last straw for me was single-handedly carrying my team in my first placement match until I got 10' from the objective, died, and my team just sat in the back trying to snipe at the enemy team for the last minute of the game. Fuck everything about Overwatch.

>rein charge
>mccree stun

lol how do you pull that off on a shielded bastion or even come close to him.. oh right you dont.

He's different and more fun. Mobility increased and he can easier go into enemy line to spray with the reduced transformation time and 30% damage reduction in sentry and tank mode.
He's still easy to counter.

>Hard countered by Phara
Let me look back at my post

>and he is soft countered by Zarya, Pharah, and Widow.
>soft countered

Bruh. As for McCree. His stun is what does it. Knocks him out of turret mode and a alt fire roll alt fire kills him. And yes that is a hard counter even if in some situations it is hard to get off. I've watched it happen multiple times. All it takes is map knowledge and a good McCree.

He is now a mandatory pick for any compettive setting and every match will revolve around who has the better bastion and which one will die first.
have fun blizzard are idiots and so is you.

good, now maybe I can go full zerk Rein and fuck some shit up.

>what is mei wall to separate the two to kill the rein
>bastion barrel itself does so little damage you can outheal it while applying concentrated damage on the shield

wew are you like, silver or something

>Im bronze and i know everything about the game and meta

>bastion meta
>tfw can't play genji for shit

>their goal with the next hero is one that will compete with rein's spot as mandatory rally point tank.
They're going to fail and fail miserably. All that's going to happen is that both heroes will be picked, sometimes competing for one another's spot.

I may be an idiot, but at least I have fun.

>They're going to fail and fail miserably
hasn't stopped this garbage from winning GOTY awards last year

The sniper cumstain players disappeared for me after season one but recently there has been a flurry of them, a revival that didn't need to happen.

He's pretty retarded. He can tank 4 slashes from a nano boosted Genji without any outside help, and his smg can fire 7 shots before spread starts to kick in compared to 76's 3.

>Faggot Hanzo tries to scatter arrow my feet while in sentry form
>Doesn't kill me, gun him down
>Heal and get on the lift that takes you to the roof of the building just after the capture point on Hollywood
>Jump down and transform
>Gun down their Mercy, Mccree, Bastion and Mei
Fuck the crybabies, bastion is even more fun than ususal.

yeah. the angle they need to go is encourage heroes being good in certain maps and game modes vs others, rather than a standard comp that works regardless of situation. But for some fucktarded reason their devs agreed that the game was only good with a single objective at a time.

I hope the Tachikoma is indirect fire and just makes choke points so uninhabitable no one wants to run through them.

Make him heal just a little less and he's perfectly balanced.

New Meta is going to include bastion, Ana, Lucio, Reinhardt, and a secondary DPS and tank. Screencap this.

>a secondary DPS and tank
You mean Soldier and Zarya?

So the same shit as ever, but with Bastion?

Depending on map and/or enemy team comp.

way more ammo though, and its not like his dps is weak by any means. in fact you can more effectively lay suppresive fire, which is what turret mode is for anyway.

> Reinhardt
> when Bastion was rebalanced specifically to tear through his shield like butter

This. You can do hilarious stuff against bronze to gold players as bastion at the moment. Above that, they are a bit more alert.

>Bastion is now as powerful as he was when nobody knew how to play the game and he was a guaranteed POTG

you forgot that they upped his turret mode ammo to 300.

they upped his mobile engagement ability, so now he can move into positions way easier and faster while still supporting the team. this ups his overall presence by a lot.

He's easily a must for defense teams now.
>still shits damage in sentry form
>more ammo to plow through shields and defense matrix
>normal gun has more ammo and is basically a laser pointer and does a ton of damage on headshot
>tough as hell to kill in sentry and tank form now
>can heal while running and outlast some ults
>can morph in and out of sentry form fast as fuck now
The only characters that can deal with him are Ana, Roadhog, and Genji. Not even Hanzo can manage to kill him now considering how he can just outheal it or just get up and move after one arrow and not die to a second. He's OP as fuck now.

well he can heal on the fly now, and he is usually supposed to buddy up anyway. i feel like he could use a riot shield or something, or maby a short dash his kit is really simple.

Yes. Reinhardt is still a core pick. Except games will be more dynamic.

Naw he needs a ball mode. Its fast and completely depended on melee ramming for damage. Passive should be 70% damage mitigation to give him time to get up to people.

Bastion kind of shits on genji right now anyways

Bastion kind of shits on everyone right now

old Bastion was "noob bait" that only shined because people refuse to counter him. Once countered he should be shit on constantly.

current one should still be workable even with counterpicks involved.

>Pick Tracer
>Blink behind him

He still has counters. I wouldn't consider him that OP when sombra can make him useless with a hack, or Dva can just absorb his damage

He survives Tracers ult now.

Good luck with that. He'll survive the bomb and heal before you can reappear and follow up.

What? Bullshit.
I haven't played in like 2 months
What the fuck how much health did they give him?

None. He just has an extra 30% damage resistance in sentry and tank form.

He has -35% incoming damage in sentry and tank. So tracer's ult leaves him at 40hp and he promptly heals back up.

He has 35% damage mitigation in turret mode and can self heal even if you tag him in his recon mode he has enough time to switch.

140 damage is instantly negated
Leaving 260 to go through. His armor will absorb more. So he will come out with 100ish hp then his self heal kicks in and he will be back to 200 by the time you run over to shoot at him. He will heal through your first clip then start shooting you.

At least someone has a clue about the game on here jesus christ.

a dva ult does 1000 dmg
bastion has 300 health
even with 35% resistance and -5 from armor he cannot survive a dva ult. you cant heal through burst damage retard.

>I haven't played the game in two months but let me comment on this patches balance
Nigga please. Let me educate you.
He has a flat 30% damage reduction while in tank or turret form now. He can heal while moving and taking damage. If nanoboosted his reduction gets boosted to 80% damage reduction. Armor damage reduction is applied after both of these things, which leaves a character like 76 doing 1 damage per shot. He can tank every ult in the game and live with half health bare minimum.

Fair enough. It is news to me.

I don't actually play the game seriously to really give a fuck about those things. Those 500% speed and no ability cool-down custom matches are fucking chaotic and amazing.

He's good, but he's not game breaking good. A nade by Ana will make it so that he won't survive a brawl, even with the transformation reduction he's still weak to riptires or dva ults, etc. Use your head to play against him, he went from shit to good so obviously people are whining now, because they are getting killed, but remember that you are also getting killed by a bunch of other characters.

21 Shurikens
4 Dragonblade Strikes

5 Hellfire Shotgun Rounds
Death Blossom
However, unless it’s point blank he can heal through this and survive.

4 – 5 Rockets
However, unless it’s point blank he can heal through this and survive

7 Peacekeeper Rounds (lol)
High Noon takes 2.91 seconds to kill

Soldier 76
27 Rounds
4 Helix Rockets
Tactical Visor

86 Machine Pistol Rounds

120 Rounds (three clips lol)
Ultimate + 20 Rounds
Bastion can survive a direct hit from her Ultimate with no follow ups.

4 Arrows at Full Draw
However, unless it’s point blank, Bastion can heal through this and survive.

4 Grenades
RIP Tire

7 Icicles (lol)

30 Rounds (Recon Configuration)
120 Rounds (Sentry Configuration)
3 Rounds ( Tank Configuration)

7 Rounds (Primary)
5 Rounds (Alt)
Bastion can heal through both level 1 and 2 turrets
Molten Core Level 3 Turret

4 Fully Charged Rounds(lol)

5.8 Seconds of sustained fire at close range
Self Destruct

7 Hammer Hits

4 Rounds – Close Range (Primary)
3 Rounds – Mid Range (Alt)
Whole Hog
However, unless it’s point blank, Bastion can heal through this and survive.

120 Rounds at Low Charge
75 Rounds at High Charge

200 Rounds
13 Primal Rage Hits
However, Bastion can heal through this and survive.

7 Biotic Rifle Rounds

40 Sonic Amplifier Rounds

28 Caduceus Gun Rounds

7.6 Seconds of Sustained Beam Damage(lol)
4 Fully Charged Rounds

11 Orbs of Destruction (Without Discord)
8 Orbs of Destruction (With Discord)

Its just lol

fucking lol

I'm assuming this isn't counting him just kind of healing through shit.

I'm gonna miss Winston.

Winston buff when? Pretty much everyone except for Sombra shits on Winston now and with Bastion now gonna be in every game he's even more unviable than he was in the 3 Tank meta.

Luckily he's stationary and has to stop shooting to heal.

They just made his crit window smaller. It's nothing huge but it's still something.

And he just starts up shooting again with a Mercy/Ana and Reinhardt Shielding him.

Unfortunately you don't exist in a void that only consists of you and Bastion, where you can just stand and fire at him as much as you want.

Bastion's tankiness becomes a really big problem when he's surrounded by his team, especially if there's a not-braindead healer around.

Also, he can run to cover while healing.


>QP is becoming so garbage people won't even let you play a hero you want if it isn't meta
>Even if you stomp with them, they still think the game would have been better if you went X or Y
How many more months until this game has LoL tier banning for not "following meta"

This list is very much wrong, roadhog can 2 shot him very easily and whole hog does 10000 damage if you actually try to use it for that purpose

Really all Bastion needs is a harmony orb to become effectively invulnerable assuming he has literally any cover from teammates at all.

Doesn't mean a whole lot if you coordinate ults. Plenty of maps where you can flank to stun/sleep too which leaves their whole team boned with no Bastion fire.