Have the people of Sup Forums ever created a game together?

Have the people of Sup Forums ever created a game together?

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You're playing it right now

Boku no Pico

VX Harem.

They've tried MANY times. They always give up because most of Sup Forums is idea guys with no sense of game design.

It depends on your definition of game.
It also depends on what your definition of Sup Forums is.

Katawa Shoujo was kind of Sup Forums
It was mostly Sup Forums but it was still kind of Sup Forums

Katawa Shoujo was made by Sup Forums people

Minecraft was made by somebody from Sup Forums who used to frequent game dev threads

well it fucking sucks then.

Not really. Sup Forums was the shitty ideas guy.

Huniepop has A LOT of it's developmental team from Sup Forums and Sup Forums

There's quite a few easter eggs relating to the chans in there including;
-bowl of eggs
-shoe on head

Those were the two that stuck out to me when playing

RIP Flaots

If were including minecraft, may as well include yandere sim

I'm currently working on a game using OCs stolen from those Sup Forums create-a-pokemon threads, if that counts.

You can't really count Minecraft because that was all just one dude, being Notch
Sup Forums just beta tested it

>Sup Forums makes a video games
>Sup Forums makes multiple music albums

I think boards are just destined to make off topic things.

Minecraft and yandere are single dev games, so doesn't really count as "coming together"

Oh shit, those threads were fun. I better see some progress, boy.

>Sup Forums makes games

Crab Nicholson?

What an awful idea

I'm fairly sure Sup Forumsirgin quest is at least vaguely playable

Does anyone here remember "Run n Jump"? A game idea that was born from a thread about "Sup Forums making a game together" as kind of a joke but people ran with it.

It was an idea for a black and white runner game that was suppose to be satire. It was basically mirrored with the black and white.

I can't find a single god damn shred of its existence, which is weird because at least a couple years ago I was able to find a few of the MS paint "concept" pics people made for fun.

Eventually someone turned it into a simple flash runner kind of game but it never went anywhere after that. It's driving me nuts because the MS paint pics were pretty good and I wouldn't mind seeing them again.

>someone other than me remembers that abomination of ancient memes
It's actually pretty alright in the gameplay department. Winnie is the best party member.

>mfw /aco/ has more game development threads than Sup Forums does

I know exactly what you're talking about. Damn how long ago was that?

There's been a few.

>tfw could be a translator for Unterhalterbach but pussied out
>saw the threads where they where talking about the development

/tg/ has made a lot of /tg/ stuff
but they've also made a fuckton of off-topic stuff too