Reviewers love it

>Reviewers love it
>Streamers and pirates think it's shit

Who should I believe?

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If it's bad literally nothing about my life changes anyway. I will go with the flow and continue forward.

that's deep

>Streamers and pirates think it's shit
and why should I care?

so it's like Horizon?

from what I've played of Horizon it's okay so I'm sure Zelda will be good when I get to play it on Friday. Shitposting about how bad a game when you have an early copy will get you way more (you)s than saying good things.

Sup Forums loves to emphasize the negative so unless the streams show that it isn't going to be the type of game for you, I'd wait until you play it for yourself.

never trust "professional" reviewers unless youre very easily amused. their job is not to inform you or to be accurate, their job is to get clicks for advertisers, the same advertisers whose products theyre reviewing.

Pirate here. Played like 10 hours and it is pretty good. The plot is interesting, the world doesn't get boring and it's really challenging for a 3D Zelda. I have only found two instances to complain:

>Automatic horse can get you killed. The AI is not great.
>There's a shrine with a fucking tilt puzzle, motion controlled. The game literally asked me to put down the Pro Controller and grab that shit Gamepad.

Haven't seen any dungeons with the exception of Hyrule Castle, and boy that whole expedition was hype as shit, even if i got raped in some dungeon cells.

So far, a 9/10.

its basically MGS5 all over again, great gameplay, no story, little enemy variety, shallow open world

Streamers (the few of them there are) dont think its shit though.

Sup Forums edgelords think its shit because they think everything is shit.

Its a very good game from what I've played. I received my Wii U copy a day ago. No regrets thus far.

Not bad but being open world has made it sorta boring.

Not enough to do between events and locations.

Also alot of the newer features have been done better in other games. If it was'nt zelda people would agree its a solid 8

I don't think its shit though

>game has one or two minor flaws
>Sup Forums: GAME IS A SHIT

Never believe Sup Forums with popular titles, especially shitty pirates

Huh so normal people don't like it but people paid to like it do?

The Switch pro controller has gyro, but that sounds fucking stupid.

Aren't they playing it on an inferior console

The streamers I saw said they were loving it.

Im happy to see it isnt another OoT clone, the formula has gotten old. Just worried its gonna suffer from being too empty

It's not the switch tho

Why do some people here get mad that others don't like most vidya?

I know user. I was just stating that luckily that won't happen When I play it tomorrow Still sounds fucking stupid though, like a neat idea with poor execution.

I was watching a streamer yesterday who said he thought it was 10/10

Neither. How can people who got the game for free make an accurate judgement as to its value?

The ones that don't get paid to shill


Personally I like the idea of the gyro. The 3ds games did it great with the bow. Aiming with a gyro feels great. But when the gyro affects lockon, boy that's a fucking autistic idea



Wait, it affects lock on? I didn't notice that when I tried the game a few weeks ago

They don't have to justify spending money on it.

Can you link a steam?

The reviewers of course, streamers are paid by sony

How many hours do you show up beforehand to a midnight release of this scale?

>Playing on Wii U

For Switch users is a non issue, and to be fair, most people will play with the Gamepad. But what it baffled me the most was that the puzzle was Skyward Sword tier. You have to roll a ball tilting a maze, and the gyro controls were really stiff.

That stuff aside, i'm really enjoying it. It's right up there with the most memorable games in the series.

Reviews praised MGSV and the Witcher 3. They praised Civ VI.

Do not trust them.


Reviewers praised Bloodborne.

Do not trust them.

Starting a post with
>xxx here.

Go back to rebbit you fucking faggot

It depends. What store? How busy is the store usually? Do you have a pre order already? Are they doing anything special before hand?

Very true. Bloodborne was unfinished and to compensate they added the Chalice dungeons. Also 30fps.

>Also 30fps.
If you're lucky.

>reviewers are shit-eating retards
>streamers and pirates are """""modern""""" gamers who can't do anything unless handheld to eternity and back

From this you can assume the game doesn't hold your hand too much and gives you freedom to explore/choose your own path, but also is easy enough to satisfy complete morons like reviewers.

try not let others opinions influence how good YOU think the game is. with pirating so fucking easy on Wii U the smartest choice. would just be to pirate it so you don't feel like you need to justify it and can't have buyer's remorse. if you end up liking it enough you could buy it then if you want to support them.

>can't do anything unless handheld
>assuming the competency of people you don't know on the internet in the first place

Your post makes no sense on two counts. Stop that.

Is this a meme? I really thought Witcher 3 was good.

People who Nintendo won't give a free ride too and will shit on any Nintendo product

People who need to disparage everything to justify the fact they stole the game

I trust no one, but I want to see this game get perfect 10s everywhere and then a petition to remove bad reviews just like Uncharted 4 just to see the tears it causes.

Sorry, did I insult your ability and you got presumptively defensive to protect your pirating ways?

Cool. Go and buy a video game. It won't hurt you.

>Streamers and pirates think it's shit


Sup Forums also praised Bloodborne and it turned out to be incredibly overhyped. Don't trust paid marketers or anonymous shitposters.

Nah, I just get triggered by stupid arguments, must be my autism.


>reviewers get paid to like something for ad revenue
>people who play the game don't

hm I wonder

Yeah it got annoying lol.. especially when you try to lay in bed with it

It was design by comity crap. If you cared about the first two games you were left in the cold for 3. The game failed in its narrative goals and the gameplay was bloated and boring. All you need is igni and to mash/roll.

The story bit is more nuanced in its failure.

>reviewers praised three amazing games
>reviewers also praised this game
>therefore, this game is shit

Both the Switch and Wii U are both underpowered garbage so what exactly are you getting at?

Switch is like a 5% upgrade to a wii u.

No, they're playing it on Wii U.

At least we have something in common.

I just liked fighting niggas

>design by comity

I hope you're that retarded. Even phone-posting won't auto-correct to that fuck up.

how about judging it by yourself you humongous faggot?

I've seen the streams and it's basically your streamlined post-MM Zelda with customization tackled on.

the gameplay is literally the same bar the open world fuckery, and that's bound to get old after the first hour. my biggest gripe (other than the disgusting artsyle) is that the boss fights are still gimmicky and piss easy.

Most streamers I've watched like the game

Phone posting while on the toilet bb

Literally shit posting

>Surely people wouldn't fall for such obvious ba--

>>Streamers and pirates think it's shit


Everyone on Sup Forums.

>Switch is like a 5% upgrade to a wii u

So about the difference between a PC and the PS4?

>Reviewers paid to give good reviews
>Streamers and pirates honest opinions

I don't know op


Um... ok?

That's the game running w/o the day one patch ofc its not running well.