Webm thread

webm thread

God i miss this game during its prime.





Shame RO2 is pretty empty since quite a while. Waiting for RS2 though, pretty excited.


Just a reminder that Ascend is the second worst tribes game.

What mod is this? Seems like floris assetsbut def not it.

Blood & Steel


>Sup Forums is too busy shilling or replying to shills to post webms
p-pls i just wanted to talk about video games


that game any fun? And is it pretty populated?

What game

Honestly I haven't played it in a while but as it is right now it's basically a better looking/more polished Project Reality with only mechanized infantry so far. It's had a pretty solid population in my experience with it.

Of course it's still early access, but they've been good about pushing updates out.

Eh nevermind, you have to have a mic, fuck that gay shit. I prefer lone wolfing instead of having to deal with everyones autistic sounding voices ruining the game


What the hell, Ash belongs to Misty.

Maybe in Season 1.

i can understand that
you used to be able to lone wolf in earlier versions but its been heavily discouraged by not letting you take non-basic kits if youre not in a squad











Is this Insurgency?



Mount and Blade?

Biggest faggot on Sup Forums


I wish I could play as well as this

>have to defend certain area
>can't stay to defend one spot or else I'm camping
wat do???

>implying ascend midairs are impressive

what game is this

Atelier Firis.

that's vermintide
the one above it is mount&blade

Gravity Daze 2.


This is an exclusive right? Not just timed?

>male belonging to a female

terror from the deep ending


No what? certaintly not no games

Remember the end to the Halo series guys?

Thanks. Never finished it.

Can't wait for uncle TWI John Gibson's dick, can you?

wake me....when you sell the franchise



>Wake me. When you need me.
Sure as hell didn't need Halo 4 or 5.

You mean Serena

Worst part of new season is her not being in it.

Sakasama no Patema


Ends up exactly the way he starts in Halo:CE. Halo 1-3 were beautiful.

>Those late night playthroughs with your friends.
>unlocking every achievement for the 100%
>insane custom games and the crazy Infection variants
>All that time in Forge with your mates
>That ending

Truly, Halo 3 was the greatest game ever made

Halo 1-3 were magical.





reminds me of this




I looked into it a bit maybe 6 months ago, and I thought it was alright but kind of klunky

I looked into it again this week and it's improved quite a bit, there's a new update about to come out, and a better animation system in the works. It's now on my watchlist, especially with planetside 2 possibly nosediving into the ground.

This satisfies my gottagofast autism

too fucking bad this game's origin only or I'd be playing it right now





>Tfw finally uninstalled

Its better that I forget


That is s actually pretty good.

>areola faintly visible
my dick

Can hack/cheat programs even work in games like this where you have to eyeball trajectories so much?

is that a fucking areola

Yes. When the game first came out, hackers were an actual issue because there was no anti-cheat implemented if I remember correctly. There were Assault Rifles and Snipers that had hitscan.

I have way too many planetside webms man

2.5GB, 3mb each

Is PS2 still alive? I was actually itching to get back into it.



Only with hitscan and chain weapons. Close range spinfusor was a thing too. It had hacker issues throughout its life but long range spinfusors could never be a thing.

for what purpose

Population's hardly changed over the past 6 months - still ~5,000 players daily.

Wrel's possibly going full retard with balance changes though. New implants are being worked on, and nobody likes them, but they're getting forced through anyways.


>especially with planetside 2 possibly nosediving into the ground.
user, that happened long ago. The Beta was the best it will ever be, both in terms of community and the game itself.



Oh no fucking way, is that dudley specific?

epic meme webm my friend.
Glade you made it.

Can anyone else not play these? Does hiro allow VP9 now?

I really liked Grigori. It's a shame I had to kill him and couldn't ride him off into the sunset.

Make sure you're not block 4cdn.org