Should I buy a Nintendo Switch or a Grush, Sup Forums?

Should I buy a Nintendo Switch or a Grush, Sup Forums?

me too thanks

i feel like most women use electric teethbrushes as vibrators

Can't you read, it says "for kids" so you should probably go with the Grush

>Not owning a Grush

Fucking Nintoddlers, I tell you. Cancerous fucks.

They don't. They just use vibrators. They're only like $10-$15 each.

What does gaming have to do with brushing?

grush actually has games

that doesn't work

I'm a boy and I do.

Fuck off faggot

>brushing your teeth
>not wanting termites in your smile

I think these are kind of neat. They pair with a smartphone and can apparently play games to make kids actually brush their teeth

Can the Grush play Doom?

How do you play it?

underrated post

>make kids actually brush their teeth
nothing a drunk and abusive fist can't do

Is making kids brush their teeth actually a problem? Is telling them that their teeth will fall out not a good enough reason for them to want to brush their teeth?

buy a rope and kill yourself

I can't play tetris on a suicide

i know a """"grown ass man"""" who have problems brushing their teeth every night. Coincidentally the few times I've stayed in a hotel with him he decided not to shower at least 1 of the days.

I usually have trouble being bothered to brush during the day just because it's bad enough taking 20 minutes to shower/dress/shave.

But I always brush right before bed because my mouth would feel like shit otherwise.

yup. or toothbrush holders for traveling, those are basically cheap dildos.


Sounds like a smash player.

>gaming toothbrush
What the fuck does that even mean?