What are some games

What are some games

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Wow! What a unique and interesting thread you posted! You must have felt so proud of yourself when you clicked the frog image in your /r9k/ folder and hit the submit button knowing an actual video game discussion thread was deleted to make room for your SHITTY FUCKING FROGPOSTING ASSHOLE OF A POST


monsta hunta


*puts dick in mouth*
Here's a loooong vidya to keep you entertained ;)

i'm drunk and someone needs to be my onahole

deus ex

europa universalis 4

Die you degenerate Barneyfag


*raises paw*
this is a shitposting thread anyway, isn't it?

Hotline Miami 2 is better than the first

Yeah, might as well go full circle.


If it is I'm posting best sister

the legend of zelda breath of the wild

G A M E S ?

Hmm..tell me. What does it stand for?

I would do it if you were nice to me


Do you just post here or what? One would think you'd find more 'success' over at /mlp/.


gay ass men eating shit


Good night, Sup Forums.

Final Fantasy Adventure

If you haven't yet played Rabi-Ribi you are the cancer.

>Do you just post here or what?
I post on most boards that aren't /mlp/. Trying to post on /mlp/ would basically be trying to speak to an echo chamber. What's the point?
That board is consumed by their show, there's basically no going back for them.


Huh. Woulda took you for the kind to charge head-on into the hive.

Ever think of being any amount more selective in your targets? you sorta shoot from the hip at anything from that site. Gives you like a 20% accuracy at best.

The second game being longer was nice but the levels were much more poorly designed than the first game's.
Casualties is fucking awful.

Good night user, sleep well!

W-why are you looking at me like that user?

Antagonize the degenerate that shills shitty toddlers' shows, user.

You sound a little peeved.

There's nothing wrong with skeletons, even if it isn't Halloween

Are you one person or do you see other Barneyfags doing what you do?


wtf i let user put his dick in me and now i have aids

Say your prayers frog

What is the point of this thread?

Fucking kill yourself, Barneyfag

It's good that he does desu, keeping Sup Forums slightly less cancerous

Obvious barneybait

Is this the barneyfag baiting thread

Fight me now

Yeah it fucking is. Switching to 4G on my phone to shitpost.

Aryanne a qt. Edgy qt, but still.

Fuck off already

Hang yourself degenerate


Fuck you nigger

2nd quote was meant for barney

Dumping last one before this IP is kill

kill yourself degenerate


> tfw t mobile is banned from Sup Forums

Alright Lee ((Goldson)), it's been fun but it's around 12 AM in our hemisphere. Time to sleep.

GR15 is moronic and should be repealed.

You guys had better stop posting in this thread.


Fuck you Goldson you child molesting fuck

To be fair, if it was, even I'd have the guts to just go "We may not like it, but their shit's allowed here, so just deal with it".
But since it's still in place, I get to bitch at people all I want until their shit gets rightfully deleted.


Cell phone IPs are often subject to rangebans


Kill yourself degenerate

>unsubstantiated claims

> he doesn't know

Where's the fun in that? The shock value would go away. You wouldn't be able to use Barneyfag to derail threads you don't like anymore

I love you too Lee

Kill yourself, you fucking degenerate

Some guy came out and said he knew you during high school and you tried to molest some kid. Who's the degenerate again?

I really like this art style for some reason

Donald Trump

You fags that like to trigger barneyfag, how many of you actually watch the show?

Please spoonfeed. I don't plan on shitposting. I'm just out of the house a lot and really wish I can post again

Yeah, and I can say my father has a close relationship with Shigeru Miyamoto. Your point being?



Besides proxies those are a hassle to deal with unless there's a type easy to get that works

I don't want to derail threads. I want to be able to discuss the show in germane threads and use reaction images when funny or appropriate.


Not really
Barney on damage control

If this post gets through the mod team is a joke

That a child molester is worse than a brony you sick fuck

Fucking kill yourself, degenerate


Wow man like calmdown

I'm neither of those so that has nothing to do with anything