Are kins aliens or people turned into aliens? If they're people why do they look like stereotypical aliens...

Are kins aliens or people turned into aliens? If they're people why do they look like stereotypical aliens. Some lore related things about Bloodborne still confuse me, apparently Ebrietas isn't the real thing either.

Other urls found in this thread:

The cosmos isn't space, but a layer of reality on top of our own. Kin are beings from that realm.
Some Kin (like the wobbly stereotype aliens) are people turned aliens, some aren't.
Those giant things clinging to the cathedral building and in the nightmare frontier are natural Kin.

the point of the lore in these games is that you're supposed to come up with your own conclusions
Miyazaki has this design philosophy because when he read Western novels as a young boy there were parts where he did not understand so he filled the blanks himself.

>The cosmos isn't space, but a layer of reality on top of our own

I have never heard that theory before, what the fuck I thought they meant literal cosmos. Why are there so many allusions to the literal cosmos, like the One Reborn coming from a portal that looks all deep space with nebulas and shit from within.

The Great Ones are Ayys but the grey looking guys with the balloon heads are mutated humans.

Because Lovecraftian "gods" come from space, but not rational 4D space but other dimensions and other forms of existence.
It's basically aliens mixed in with bizarre religious stuff.

>I have never heard that theory before,
It's supposed to be the twist. It's why you see certain creatures only when your insight is high enough, and when you beat up Rom, that layer of reality merges with ours.
> what the fuck I thought they meant literal cosmos.

have fun OP

When the Brain Trusts/Winter Lanturns cause Frenzy is it because the player character is forced to comprehend the form of a being their own mind simply can't? They look like the body of the doll and a head of messengers because that's the closest thing the hunter can recognize even though it's not their true form? Is it the same for the Brain of Mensis and why does frenzy cause spears to appear even staying on various bodies after death?

Don't forget about dreams. They can't just merge layers. Everything still communicates through dreams. Cosmos is real. They just far away

Fenzy and the spears are two different effects. That's a fact. Now for the theory:

The spears appear to be made out of hardened blood so it's your own blood piercing you from within and the bodies you see got their own bloodspears sticking in them. The brain of mensis probably has some blood manipulation powers.

Wh the lanterns look like they do is still a mystery.

Funnily enough, we still don't know what MP's intention actually is and why it created the hunter's dream.

Kin are people transformed to be closer to Great Ones

MP created the dream so it could gain a surrogate child, it wanted someone to turn into a kin like what happens when you turn into squidbaby. There's shit in some of the ruins descriptions about how the MP and other Great Ones desire children or something like that. That's why there's so many child motifs; the pieces of umbilical cord, Arianna giving birth, Mergo's Wetnurse and the crying baby etc.

I disagree. The squid ending is the bad ending from MP's perspective since it fucking dies and can't babysit anymore.
That would rather imply that it was the Doll's plan all along because SHE's holding you like a baby after all.

There were also many good hunter's before you and we don't know their purpose either.

MP is weak xenomorph. You just kill other Great Ones, consume their blood/powers and give them to him through Gherman. As you can see in true end we fight him after killing Yosefka and Arianna's baby. That means MP pretty okay with two Oedon kids but not okay with Mergo. So MP somehow in cahoots with Oedon or something.
MP is child himself tho. MP, Kos and Wet Nurse are results of that ritual.

Much like Lovecraft lore, people equate these plains of reality to "space" because they don't understand the concepts of layered reality. To them, "space" is easier to understand. This applies to characters in the game as well, hence the references to the cosmos and such.

Why do they only cause frenzy when they look at you though? You can sneak on them and it's fine. I think? It's been awhile.

>fight him after killing yosekfa and arrianna's baby
That's factually only half true since there are 4 thirds of cords in the game and we fight it either way as long as we consume 3 of them.
It has nothing to do who we killed to obtain them rather than by consuming them we ascend as an individual and MP can't play its game with us that it played with Gehrman.

It just wanting to collect blood echoes is possible but we don't have much evidence.

>fight it either way as long as we consume 3 of them.
Yeah. I mean MP can't miss other little Great Ones if entry ritual builded around his presence. I assume he was Oedon children and they don't like others Great Ones in their neighborhood

Ebri is a upper tier kin, hence why she's called daughter, a woman had intercourse with a great one.

We DO know that it wants mergo to shut up because we can end the game as soon as we kill his wet nurse.

We don't know why

Reminder that it was odeon that gave laurence the guidence on how to use his blood, but laurence got greedy and he cursed the blood

Look up his lyrics translation, its odeon speaking to laurence in fucking latin

>we will never know who supposed to be Mergo's "father"
>we will never know who killed Kos
>we will never visit other layers on nightmares in Clock Tower
>BB2 never

The villagers did, the finishing hamlet was a whalling town

well to comfort you:

There's still quesitons in DaS that haven't been answered yet because DaS2 shits all over the lore and DaS3 had to work with that mess.

Wishing for a BB sequel will have some terrible monkey's paw effect

Wasn't it the parasite that killed her?

They look like generic aliens because that was the choir's collective phobias/beliefs.

Commoners turned into werewolves, byrgenwerth scholars obsessed with medicine and disease turned into insects, Cainhurst nobles turned into vampires and the astronomers of the choir turned into aliens.

Transformation is as much mental as it is physical. Your own nightmares manifest themselves as your beasthood and you eventually lose yourself to your own phobia. But, those with enough knowledge or willpower can resist or even use the old blood without succumbing to insanity. Some can even control the transformation like the darkbeast guy.

One step further though, is you, good hunter. You'll never lose yourself. You've always got complete control over your beasthood. Because you're a foreigner from somewhere never said. You know its just a video game.

Is there any lore to the shadows of yarhham as to what they are or why? Are they meant to keep you from ROM?
I'm on my first play through so maybe I'll find out soon, is there any lore to the one reborn? Is he just a result of the mensis ritual? He's the last boss I fought

Consider the history of the Forbidden Woods and that you face them again before seeing the crying Pthumerian Queen before facing the Mergo's Wet Nurse.

never looked at transfirmation/beasthood that way

this would explain a lot

Isn't the whole point of the DLC finding the source of the nightmare? The old guy you first meet in the hamlet talks about the Hunters and a curse iirc

The Hunters might've killed Kos, the villagers cursed them, thus creating the Nightmare by virtue of the Orphan granting more power to the curse. You kill the Orphan, fix everything

They are people turned into pseudo-great ones. Iosefka had turned one of the survivor we sent to her clinic into a celestial emissary which have been classified as kins. Ebrietas is different because she had thousands of years of time to evolve to what she was when we killed her

>the sky and the cosmos are one

I think it was mentioned somewhere in the game that oedon and his kind are beings that are free from the bounds of time and space and exist on a higher plane. I don't think they are aliens but rather higher dimensional beings.

Let's talk about the doll Sup Forums. She seems to be the heart of all mysteries.

>what the fuck I thought they meant literal cosmos

Pretty sure that the world "cosmos" encapsulates multiverses and alternative dimensions.

>we'll never know who is mergo's Father

it's Oedon.

Great ones are sympathetic in spirit. MP is trying to put mergo's disturbed consciousness to peace, we are doing a service to mergo by slaying the nightmare maybe that is why Queen yharnam bows to us after the nightmare has been slain.

yep i am pretty sure too.

also cosmos, space, moon, or humans are not same as things in our world.

this is very good post.

>game came out almost two years ago
>still daily if not constant threads about it
>Dark Souls came out in like 2011
>still daily if not constant threads about it
How does Miyazaki do it?

this is good post.
after you kill mergo, Gehrrman is redy to end your contract and new Odeon baby is birth.

people still try figure out blood bornes mysteries.

We're given almost no info about her. She bleeds white like a kin, is based on the hunter Maria and has some lingering connection with her, and probably spent a lot of time getting pumped and dumped by moon-scented hunters.

>the villagers cursed them
No, rhe Oprhan does.

>the hunters might've killed kos
unlikely since she was washed ashore. the villages worshiped the (dead or dying) corpse and then byrgenwerth/the hunters found the hamlet and saw an opportunity to experiment.

You don't really fix anything by killing Oprhan. The old hunter's dream is like a hell where hunters repent for their since.

Maria protects the host of the nightmare because she feels guilty about what happened and believes the nightmare exists for a good reason.

You're just destroying an interation of hell. If you think that's right or wrong is up to you.

is she a great one?

how kos get pregnant, and did she die because of that, did orphan killed her in birth or something taht thing is connected to kos guts and rips part of it when he is born, great ones should not be able to bear children of their own,

sweet child of kos returned to ocean bottomless ocean bottomless sea, accepting of all that there is and can be. did he meant orphan and how he should not be out of the water there is same kind of thin whit merga and laying their "souls" at rest. also they both are nightmares.

>GOs are sympathetic in spirit
>MP is trying to help
this may explain OUR purpose since we happen to arrive at yharnam in during the ritual but what's with the countless good hunters before us?
>we're doing a service to mergo
Depends. Yharnam is thankful we saved her child. Who knows, maybe life as a GO's adopted kid is awesome?

dont listen to this retard

and youre also retarded for mindlessly accepting whatever other people say

Kos washed up dead, the game states so explicitally.

Hunters didn't kill Kos, but they DID define the corpse and possibly fuck up the orphan that was still inside of her on Brygebwerths orders. Which, given the importance and reverence given to Great One children was a huge mistake and the cause of the curse.

Maria even echo's this to the player: "A corpse should be left well alone". She, Gehrman and friends caused this whole Nightnare by poking around and tarnishing something sacred.

is orphan host of hunters nightmare. what hosts do anyways if micolash and gehrman are one too, if they die nightmare keeps going on. oh my god are amigdulas hosts of nightmare and they can bring it with them to real world and sink it too like things happeneing in yahrnam, did mensis beacon amigdulas while they tried communicate with Kos or MP

Bloodborne threads are always so comfy unless there's console war shit
Post hoonters (or any BB related images)

I've no idea what the hell she is. She's definitely sympathetic, and she doesn't seem surprised by either of the endings she's in. She's also immortal and can manipulate blood echoes, but she never ever fights back.
We simply don't get enough information about her and her place in the universe.

>I have never heard that theory before
There is literally a note in the game that says that in a non-vague way.

It doesnt merge, that shit was always there with Mergo nightmare fucking with everyone. Rom was just creating an illusion so people didnt lose their shit more than they already had

Thanks user :)

how Gehrman and orphan are connected did Gehrman fuck kos or something was that the ultimate sin. orphan got this weird voice that goes from baby cry to oldman cry (gehrman cry)

Maybe the villagers and hunters teamed up to kill Kos thinking of her as some sea monster. The broken ship masts maybe the wreckage of the battle ensued in the sea.

The only connection we know of with Gehrman is Maria. Unless I've missed something, there's nothing to suggest Orphan is connected to him in any way.

Hunters also killed villagers and started searching inside their heads for eyes.

form dont recycle voice lines like that for no reason. is also very rare to hear gehrman cry in his sleep.

>form dont recycle voice lines like that for no reason
They kind of do. Like the Pthumarian HMPH from Allant and the silver knight death sound used with Alonne knights. From recycles fucking everything they can get away with,

Holy shit I never understood what that meant before this thread

Here's a webm.

>what's with the countless good hunters before

We are just a pawn of the hunt just like countless hunters before us, useful only for one night. The Hunter's dream is not just a hub it's a place that MP created to organize the hunts. Do u srsly think that mergo was yharnam's(city) only tragedy? No there were countless others over the course of hundreds of years namely djura, who was tasked with cleansing old yharnam, or eileen, who was tasked with killing the blood drunk hunters. The nightly hunt and it's hunters are a damage control mechanism employed by MP to resist the fuckery that the byrgenwerth's scholars brought upon yharnam. Heck, I can even assure u that the next hunt would have been for Arianna's child. Every night a new tragedy befalls yharnam and every night a new hunter rises but alas! It is no more possible.

Who wss Mergo? Was Mergo even real?

>Getting stomped that hard by fucking micolash

Dude, Micolash will 1HKO the FUCK out of you with his pew pew lazors on NG+. Don't underestimate him

If you ever let him get a lazor off, you already fucked up.

The NPC hunter in byrgenworth is harder than micloash.

What did you mean by this? Seriously, I only played through BB twice and missed almost every thread on Sup Forums about it because I didn't want to get spoiled.

Playing Bloodborne for the first time. What is generally the recommended level for Amelia? I'm at 25, but I'm doing no damage and she always kills me in one or two hits. I would use fire more, but I just end up dying and wasting my resources.

I think 20-30 is the recommended range for Old Yharnam and BSB so if you have the echoes you could go up to 35 to fight Amelia

35? Christ did they even playtest this area? Nothing before her even comes close to needing that kind of level.

If you go left at the stairs leading to Amelia, you'll find an optional area Hemwick that you can use to get a little more powerful. Beat the boss of that area and you'll unlock runes, which are BB's version of rings.
Amelia is also considered a 'beast' enemy so a serrated weapon (like a saw cleaver or a transformed cane) will do bonus damage to her.
25 is strong enough to kill her, just don't get greedy. If she throws a tantrum that means it is not your turn to attack so back the fuck up.

If you're struggling with amelia you could go to hemwick lane instead and unlock the ability to equip runes.

the problem isnt with playtesting but with you being actually retarded if youre stuck at one of the easiest bosses in the game

I'm no expert, it just makes sense to me that if you're having trouble with getting one hit killed you go through another area or use up your coldblood and raise your vit as much as you can

I don't remember what I beat her on but it was probably 20 something, she's a very easy boss when you understand how to dodge with her claws

Can I just say a big fuck you to fromsoft for patching the forest of death skip and the shadows of yharnam skip.

Neither of those bugs would ever be experienced in a regular playthrough and they made the speedrun for bloodborne so much fun and interesting.

Mergo's father was some Pthumerian king.
The one who killed Kosm was probably Gehrman. Either that or he fucked her and she was just killed by generic Byrgenwerth dudes.

>Cathedral graveyard
>snatched by invisible hand
>wtf man
>the paleblood moon cometh
>see Amygdala on the cathedral
>it's always been there

Nothing else had me in absolute horror and awe as much as Bloodborne.

I wonder if FromSoft's next game will compare to Bloodborne. I also wonder if it'll be another Souls type game or something new.

I really wouldn't mind a new Bloodborne-tier game though.

Actually I'm dumb, it was almost certainly Oedon.

I remember once playing at night on the serpent forest being scared as fuck running like a crazy lunatic freaking out. A serpent proceeds to push me down a cliff to the ayys river.

Nope, turned off the console.

Hidden village was also a fucking struggle with red moon. I was scared shitless every second, the lazer shooting amygdalas while still super ridiculous were also scary as fuck.

Bloodborne is scarier than most horror games and movies

We're all waiting to see what those gooks are cooking up. It's good that they're giving the souls games a break, they've been running a blistering schedule for the past 6+ years. Franchise fatigue is very real.

lol pussy

Yeah I don't get the Host thing properly either.

>a place from that MP created to organise hunts

citation fucking needed

you're assuming too much here. why would MP has interest in the hunts? The hunts are organised by the church.
Why would the MP try do control damage?

I just want to explore a completely new game with Sup Forums again before every single secret has been found

playing bloodborne is PSVR is really atmospheric., ue to the game's colorsheme it fits well with the black surroundings of the screen

Hey Sup Forums, was something on "The hunt of Paleblood" Essay wrong or something you don't agree with?

I read it recently and it blow my mind because it cleared for me A LOT of lore from the game.

Still not sure what was the whole agenda of the Doll, Moon Pre and Mergo.

There will be lots of games, user, and Fromsoft is a world-renowned developer nowadays.
They're not going to shut their doors now that they have a license to print money.

Moon presence either wanted to end Mergo nightmare because pity or stop his fuckery his nightmare had over the world

>push me down a cliff to the ayys river.

it happened somehting similar to me
>exploring woods
>killing beasts and mobs
>feeling good slaying some filthy beast
>wrong turn somewhere
>suddenly ayys shootings lazers
>one crazy alium with tentacles
>nope'd the fuck out

wtf this game was suppoused to be about beast and werewolves

Mergo is queen yarnham's aborted/mudered baby, who lives in the nightmare of mensis, just like orphan of kos lives in the hunters nightmare.

Is it just me or do all infant great ones live again in "nightmare" dimensions when they die? Peraphs one can't truly "kill" an old one, only banish them to another reality. Are "nightmares" really nightmares or just portals to other dimensions accessed through the minds of people with high insight? may we never know, good huntahs.

There's Nioh

>paleblood = moon presence because of one note that doesn't even fucking mention the moon presence whatsoever

This is the most Reddit tier leap in logic I've ever seen involved with this game. It makes me mad to even fucking see it because of what a stupid jump you have to make to reach that conclusion. It's literally something a fourteen year old would theorize.

I don't even see threads for it anymore and honestly I'd rather just keep playing Bloodborne

Nioh is fun but not $60 fun

>wtf this game was suppoused to be about beast and werewolves
That's the beauty of it, most of us who weren't following the development closely thought we were just going to be killing werewolves and other spoopy haunted house creatures in BB.
Then aliens show up out of nowhere and before long you're fighting Lovecraftian nightmares.

how the fuck would some one think paleblood and moon presence are the same thing?

you need to go to /vg/, there's where the Nioh fun of discover the game together is at, you should check it