Rhythm viyda games thread

What are ya playing? DDR? Stepmana? Miku's game?
Why do these nerds want to include me into their group?

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Maybe it's just me but the Color Tone songs seems a bit easier than Future Tone Songs, I only got Color Tone pack earlier today.

Gayest module?

I wanna build a controller for diva, but would I be better off just buying a premade fight stick?

Not tight enough

How much easier is Future Tone compared to other rhythm games?

Luka is still a mistake

Surely you mean Meiko and Kaito

Meiko is a miracle.

>What are ya playing? DDR? Stepmana? Miku's game?
There's an SDVX machine in our local mall...


Miku is garbage don't call it a rhythm game.

>tfw any song on 8 level difficulty is too hard

What does the rank uo do again? Does it unlock new songs? I didn't notice what it does.

>Press corresponding buttons in the correct time as the music
>the score reflects how accurate you press said buttons
>don't call it a rhythm game
I'm not a huge fan of every Miku's song too, but why is her game not a rhythm game?

>Press corresponding buttons in the correct time as the music

No one does this while playing project diva, they ignore button commands and just take screenshots to post on here or twitter to look like hardcore non-normie otakuz

Voez is my current addiction.
Very much looking forward to the home Sound Voltex game though.


you can take screenshot in stepmania, too and Miku's game isn't so different than Stepmania and DDR

This. I really would love to discuss scoring strategies and how to pass difficult sections with Sup Forums but everyone just waifu posts. Maybe I just have to play a different game.

I need to get a new 12* clear picture.

Got the Platinum medal for all castles cleared yesterday. Also took the time to at least get a play on the remaining 12s which I haven't bothered because they're the difficult BPM gimmick bullshit which I don't want to deal with (Mei, Faxx, etc.), though I think I would be able to get Saber Wing with another attempt or two. The score would be bad but whatever. Hopefully next week I can go on a day where I'm better rested.

>tfw extreme Rhythmfag

IIDX,Pop'n'Music, GITADORA,SDVX,GC3,DDR+ITG,PIU,Project Diva, MUSICA 1+1/2,etc.

>tfw still go to R1 to play and discuss rhythm vidya with other rhythmfags

I guess I'm lucky?

>What are ya playing?
Completely stuck on Polyrhythm 2

Looking up online how to do it properly

At least i managed to perfect some other games

>rhythm game

Maybe if you're autistic you turbo virgin.

Fucking hell I need to work on my accuracy. I have no idea how to calibrate properly or if I even need to. I can't imagine how people manage to consistently get 1 frame holds like this.

Oh, I forgot to mention. 〆 is a neat song, Go Ahead not so much.

I personally go to R1 midweek and at midnight so that I can assuredly have IIDX to myself the entire time.

Sometimes I can deal with taking turns, but I've only had a few good sessions with Sinobuz and I grow too impatient if I have to wait through someone else playing a single credit. I'll just come back next week.

give me an actual reason why it's not.

>Anime poster
>Calling other autist
Oh the irony

Best rythm game coming thru
Where are my korean/mexibros at?!
I have a 50gb stepmania compilation with most songs and videos, shit so cash

>Play X, first miku game
>Takes a bit, but eventually pass every song on extreme
>Hop into FT
>Get absolutely bent over by some extreme songs

And then theres fucking ex extreme or some shit. How do the asians do it?

Right here

Canon D/Mr Firefighter/Cheong Wa Bam Jeom/Greenhorn best songs

Great taste

Being well versed in rhythm vidya has it's downsides. I hate going on Saturday nights and EVERY GAME is busy

When I feel like playing Sinobuz, there's a line. Switch to SDVX4,and there's a line of 6,GITADORA has 3 in line. GC3 has all 4 cabinets taken up because "grinding muh BP for this Touhou event".

Sssshhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiittttt, as much as I love seeing arcades packed and full of life, I can't stand waiting 20+ minutes for EVERY fucking game.

My fingers, legs and body can't get warm and nimble enough to progress at a pace that I want. I'll be stuck at 3k on GITADORA for the foreseeable future.

Feels fucking bad man

Tbh,I've been switching to fighting games and I'm glad that Tekken 7 AC is finally out, even if it's vanilla

ex extreme is for the most part just "updated" notecharts so they have the slides from arcade. FT is different in that it's based on arcade mechanics which I personally find to be dumb and inferior to older titles scoring/chance time. extremes in older games equate to Hards in FT. If you haven't gotten gud at DUEL WIELD than you absolutely have to for extreme as well as mapping out the triggers so you can comfortably hit triple and quad notes. Other than that it's just practice.

EX Extreme just updates older charts to include slide notes, some songs are actually easier on EX-Extreme

One sided Love Samba is my favorite ex-extreme song so far, it's really fun to play

I wish there was an extreme+ for the easier extreme songs that already have slider notes, sometimes they're too easy despite the actual song being really good

>One guy that shows up at conventions in the area owns a handful of machines, including a pop'n music one
>Always have fun playing it
>Find the game room at whatever the last convention was
>Monitor was fucked up, thing is half open because someone was trying to fix it and left or something, and people were still playing it
>Isn't fun if you can barely make out what's on the screen
I had whatever that PC game that let you play pop'n music songs, but it's just too cramped with a keyboard.

stepmania? Play with a gamepad?

Yeah playing at cons is always rough. Had to hit the Taiko drum with 53,000 Newtons of force to get it to register the note when I played. Would be nice if the closest Round 1 to me wasn't 100 miles away.

ah gotcha. Whats this about dual wielding though? That for some sort of fancy gamepad? I just use a normal ps4 controller.

Why does she have a big office but no worker?

>rhythm game elitist spergs don't consider diva to be a legitimate rhythm game


Got a new pen stylus to play Project Mirai Dx and TheaterRhythmn FF.

However im afraid with all the tapping im doing, itll fuck up my 3ds

dual wielding means using both the face buttons and the dpad in order to hit notes rapidly

because she's just some random bitch that snuck into an office at 3am to vandalize it and then escapes before anyone shows up for work.

You're supposed to play mirai with the buttons.
Who even plays with tap mode?
That's for kids.

I already beat mirai on button mode, so im in the process of beating tap mode

Mirai is for kids.

I wonder about that too.
Why is Miku being buddy-buddy with Godzilla after she kicked his ass?
I'm not convinced with that theory.

Aside from dual wielding and figuring out that most patterns never deviate from triangle-circle-cross and cross-square-triangle, the only way to improve is with practice, and that doesn't require paragraphs of discussion.

How do you play the duo/trio songs? They look fun, but my friend and I have no clue where to find them in the menus.

Fuck, I had been using some really weird thing, I deleted it ages ago but it wasn't a pronounceable name iirc. Also pretty sure I had to run it with that system locale stuff, but I could be getting mixed up.

How would you keep the buttons straight though with a gamepad? They're not lined up. And I don't think the gamepad I have has enough buttons.

The problem is that it's too easy and has an incredibly low skill ceiling,even lower than groove coaster

And the newest songs just aren't good when it comes to game mechanics.The charts themselves on Extreme+ just follow the vocals and don't do anything interesting.

The last good Diva chart was Sadistic Music Factory.

There's a lot of great Vocaloid music, but the charts themselves are boring as fuck

hey guys


>doesn't require paragraphs of discussion
Never said it did. But it sure beats talking about how to sex Miku or whatever.

>low skill ceiling
Try playing for score. An aspect not present in any other rhythm game (at least that I know of).

>skill ceiling is too low
I can't take this as a serious criticism when the skill ceiling of other games are so damn high that you have to be literally autistic dedicated asian-tier good in order to perfect any song.
If you look at beatmania iidx shit, you're tapping more notes than there are melody lines in the song.

Just looking around I think I had to have been using LR2.

>Couldn't find my favorite weeb songs
>Made my own beatmaps
>Actually finished one
Ah damn it now I have to look for that, it might have gotten deleted when I uninstalled it.

I started playing that for a girl I liked in high school. She ended up fucking the guy who was teaching me how to play.

>Double Lariat
>Not Luka Night Fever
>Not Just Be Friends
Come on, now.

>that feel when too dumb to play anything higher than 4 button mode in DJ Max Trilogy

I've also never played IIDX

Yeah, because In IIDX you play everything at once. Melody, counter, bass, percussion; everything that they take the time to keysound.

You should see what happens when you play some IIDX songs on the PC sim with All Notes / Extra mode activated.

i can't even fucking see the notes

I will never understand autism this intense

I'll probably never play IIDX because there's literally too many buttons and I lack the coordination to be able to interpret the note charts


Full Combo and Scoring is LITERALLY in every rhythm game. SDVX has perfect ultimate chains, ITG has quads,DDR has PFC and MFC's, GITADORA has PFC's

You clearly don't play other rhythm games, and have no history with them if you think playing for scores is a thing only present in Diva

And that's part of why a lot of the rhythm community can't take Diva seriously anymore. I still play Diva occasionally, but it's strictly for fun because SEGA hasn't given the AC community any reason to take it seriously. Part of the reason why rhythmfags play games is for self improvement and Project Diva offers next to nothing in that department when compared to every other AC rhythm game.

When was the last time that Project Diva had an event that encouraged leaderboards and local/global multiplayer?

>rhythm community
There's no such thing.

Also project diva doesn't require constant marketing to remind people it exists because it piggybacks off of already popular songs and character likenesses and vocaloid fandom is several orders of magnitude larger than any autistic rhythm game community, even weeb shit like osu.

Just play 7s and 7.5s first

Maybe easier if you need to

>even lower than groove coaster
I don't know about that. Groove Coaster is laughably simple. But I don't even care because that game is pure A E S T H E T I C.

>You clearly don't play other rhythm games
Only the ones worth my time.

>global multiplayer diva
how would this even work
the lag would be horrible unless it's just a passive score pissing match and you don't need to do it at the same time if that was the case

Because project diva is not a real rhythm game. You don't need to press the buttons to the music because the time windows are so gigantic that it's enough to just press them whenever they show up on the screen. It's a fucking joke and more like a QTE than a rhythm game.

Okay, name a rhythm game that doesn't have that then.

that couldn't be any more wrong

That's about the time I roll up on the pinball myself.

Taiko? A full all-great combo will always yield the best score.

Also Jubeat. Can't do better than 1,000,000.

There's no doubt that it's popular because Vocaloid is popular,thus needs little marketing to appeal to casuals. However, it's a double edged sword. There hasn't been anyone that's taken Project Diva AC seriously without looking into other games.But if Diva is so good, why would anyone want to play anything else?

Because it's babby's first rhythm game. Again, the simplicity in Diva isn't inherently bad, however when people play other games and notice that those games get significantly more love and care with every update, than Diva has gotten on AC in the last few years altogether.

I want to also note that I'm a big fan of Miku,has gone to multiple tours and even dabbled around with a few vocaloid and megpoid tracks in Reaper. So I don't want it to seem like I'm out to chastise AC Diva players, but it's a glaring issue to anyone that plays more than one AC rhythm game

It's a gorgeous game but all of the touhou and late vocaloid songs making it into the game aren't helping it. GC3 EX needs more originals

It could be done how DDR A is handling it and just give everyone local rivals, global rivals, and global rivals.it would be a good start imo

>Meiko is a miracle.
not when Stay With Me exists

You and anyone else who hasn't tried it should do so. The reason that we keep playing IIDX is because you learn to make the impossible happen. No other game does it for me like IIDX does. None at all.


OP, here I didn't people could get upset over if Diva Miku games were rhythm games or not, If they're not, what are they?
Besides I'm a newbie at Miku game since Future Tone is my first Miku game, but I used to play Stepmania and a bit DDR. I just thought they were in the same category of games.

nobody is saying diva isn't a rhythm game

rhythm games are all glorified QTEs anyway


How many times do I have to say that Diva games aren't terrible. They're just a fun entry level rhythm game.

I'm a Mikufag and enjoy it occasionally, but again, should you decide to play and follow other games, official or not, pay attention to the scene, if it's active or not. If so, look at early charts vs. Current charts and see how they stack up when things like patterns, technique, and originality are considered.

When all things are considered, maybe you'll start to view Diva or other games in a new light user. Maybe you'll pick up IIDX or something and find a new favorite.

>entry level
>"i refuse to accept X as a legitimate Y because it's too popular"

Stay mad.

>People still playing this un-choreographed mess of a rhythm game
I sure like spazzing out in the dance pad instead of actually moving with the music

Nigga this ain't Miracle 5ympho X


It's an entry level rhythm game.it's a rhythm game, but it's too easy with a low skill ceiling. Where are the AC Diva tournaments at?

Besides, ITG has infinitely more fun Vocaloid charts and song selection than AC Future Tone :^)

Lmao,can you even into 15's?

Beatmania IIDX
Debating if I want to buy sanwa buttons for my Sound Voltex controller that I barely use because the buttons feel and sound like shit


>Not posting the one with the loli machine gun
>posting the one without the hold notes
step it up, fampai


>only one Theatrhythm mention
oh, okay. i guess it's pretty old now. ;_; anyone else hoping for a port of All Star Carnival?

Who DDR here?


Do it.

Are there some cool retro console rhythm games?

OP here, I used to play DDR (Disney editon) I wish I had a better version. It was PS2 Bundle. But there is a better DDR machine at my local cinema with a few other arcade games.

>DDR 2015


Just grab a shitty soft/foam pad and Stepmania if you want to get back into it, that's what I've done at least.

Great Hinatabi Bittersweets song, I'm also a big fan of NekoNeko

>tfw Triple Counter is the final unlock in the new generation extra stage pack

I just want to see chibi Jomanda,Vallis,and DJ Taka flying across other Bemani staples

Also the challenge chart is bretty gud

I have the soft pad, but I need a better PS2 DDR game, that's what I mean.

DDR 2014 was the official release after X3vs2nd Mix but Konami gave a huge update to it in 2015,so it's just considered DDR 2015 by everyone

Didn't change anything aesthetically or messed with the scale, so it's an official "unofficial" lazy expansion to 2014