Why won't tall buildings develop in my city?

Why won't tall buildings develop in my city?

Because people are actively moving out of your city, figure out what's making them leave and fix it before you have a ghost city.

You need more parks

Literally just spam parks

But I got this far. I figured by now some tall buildings would have appeared. I get that people aren't liking it right now but for a while my population was growing pretty consistently and oddly enough this drop only started shortly after I got above the 100,000 mark.

At a glance, I see that your river is sludges all to hell with pollution.

Are you getting any water from there? Perhaps you should move your sewage plants further downstream.


I once had all of my drain pipes further up the river, which is why it's polluted all the way down, but I moved them down to the end of the river some time ago and placed treatment plants along the river to clear it up, but it doesn't seem to be working.

I can tell by the pic you don't have enough garbage, you should build garbage incinerators and shut down all your landfills, and rely on all garbage being destroyed rather than ruining the value of the surrounding land


Incinerators cause pollution too though.

Then set them outside the city limits proper.

Also, you got enough schools and fire depts and clinics/hospitals for your town?

Isn't travel distance a crucial factor though?

Also yes.

I hope you have that mod that unlocks all building styles. Otherwise you're fucked since it seems you're on euro style so no tall building for you.

What the fuck?

hacker scum

50,000 people use to live here. Now its a ghost town!

What the fuck does that mean?

And another thing. Why do landfills take so long to empty? One of them was at 76% and in 10 minutes it went down by 1.

Did you check "High-poly Buildings" in graphics settings? On low settings it prevents you from having big cities to save power.

I see no such option.

It's a shithole

A lot of people have trouble with this game despite it being pretty easy. It is somewhat complex, but it's apparently complex in a way that doesn't meet most people's immediate expectations and the requirements the game presents you with feel more like a grocery list or items to check off as you go than an integral part of city planning. It would therefore stand to reason that many people wouldn't notice most of the mechanics or complexity missing if they weren't there in the first place.

Would people have actually enjoyed a simpler city builder more? By all appearances, most people just want to build a city and watch it run and the revelation of a system or two that they're forgetting is met with a reaction of "oh" more often than "wow", and in my experience most of the complexity presented by the game just means a little extra busywork more than any significant impact on city planning anyway.

Because your river is full of literal shit

oh boy a city thread

you guys tried the new Colonial Charter(1.7)? about to fire it up

Build bike paths