Meaning you cant post ITT if Sloth is in your shortcuts or you have visitors to fight your own battles

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I feel like such a loser. I used it for the first time on the epilogue boss just so I could end the game knowing how it works. Now ill never get to experience the boss the way I was supposed to

I used both faggot

I'm not doing nobuniga and his slut without sloth on NG+, fuck you

Hey man.

Is the kusarigama easy mode?

Items that I should be using? I'm at umi bozu and I'm basically only using heals, weapon talismans and bombs.

I have never slothed. I have never summoned.

Currently going through region 4 in NG+

If the kusarigama has +paralysis and +low attack break then yes.
Still less easy mode than sloth talisman

Are you fucking retarded? I keep seeing posts like yours in every Nioh thread complaining about Oda and Lady No. For fucks sake just LOOK at them when they are both in the middle of doing an attack and hit them with a kusarigama or spear while from their blindspot when they are bunched together. Its an easy fucking fight, you just got to run around you fucking idiot. Git gud.

People always talk about Sloth, but if you have spirit to 25 by the end of the game, you're living weapon lasts fucking forever on bosses. Also Discord is so easily abused. It shouldn't have been added.

>kusarigama or spear
There are other weapons in the game, you know
I hope you like running around for half an hour and then get oneshot by yuki's projectiles

i beat the game last week, felt good,
this might be the only game I'll ever get a season pass for

>just got to run around
Wasting your time running around and quick attacking every 30 seconds doesn't make you skilled, user.


Better than using a talisman that makes boss fights not even fun you dumbass

Literally first post in the thread is guy feeling remorse for not getting to experience the boss fight as he should have.

this. I did this on ng and felt it was a cheese strat because it took ten minutes and i didn't take a single hit. not an honobaru duel. but then i think honor goes out the window in 2v1, especially when one has magic projectiles that insta stun you for several seconds.

>in a singleplayer game

Its not good against heavy armor guys.

Don't worry the boss was shit. I got Kelley levels of disappointment from that shit. The final cutscene was pretty cool, tho

went through the game without using any kind of manually applied buffs or debuffs, just whatever elemental effects weapons already had. will probably play around with them in NG+ to see what everything does.

Thanks. Just so I dont feel bad, please tell me you killed it after like 2 times without sloth. I hope I didnt miss out

-reduced enemies
-halved breathing time
-removed double/triple flux
-Added "low stance ki pulsing" to all stances because??
-gated skills behind both talents AND missions (double dipping)
-Diablo 3 stylized loot (99% junk 1% upgrades)
-Removed punishment for dying (no repair)
-Reduced damages of enemies
-takes BB's instabillity damage and dials it to a 10, leading to one shot gimmicks

It's really sad how weak the bosses in this game are overall. I don't think any of them impressed me except for Onryoki, but that's because his presentation was great in the beta.
God, the more I talk about this game, the more disappointed I become in it.

> Real Samarai
> Playing as a white, aryan male to self-insert neck beards as weebs


>Removed punishment for dying (no repair)

Explain? Didnt play the demo. Did weapons break or something? I never used a whetstone once. A 180 from Monster Hunter

I died once because of his confusion shard attack, and I only saw half his moveset. I curbstomped that faggot without touching Izuna.

Kekkai + Carnage + Weakness is way stronger than sloth. I just walk behind an boss, do one combo and it's dead, even on NG+.

Holy fuck is this game fucking boring. It's so fucking slow and boring. How did the alpha manage to keep me constantly engaged in the gameplay where this version is slow and boring.
Even just using Dual Katanas because even though this game lacks any depth whatsoever the 2kats have the most depth out of all the weapons and EVERY ENGAGEMENT is literally Low/Mid stance Square -> Kick -> Triangle combo -> Instant Iai ad nasuem.

This game is putting me to fucking sleep. I have to stop playing every half hour or so because how dull it is.

Alpha had a durability system ala Diablo 2. Everytime you died all your armor and weapons took a hit.

armor had durability, so shit would literally drop off of you if you got hit too many times. I'm glad they removed it, but they should have lowered the overall drop chance for items other than mats and consumables

Well thats good. After my quick fight with him Ive decided to fight enemies without sloth my first few times just so I can see how the game made them to be before they added a item which should really be nerfed (half the duration) ?

For the two-on-one fights, it is better, you chucklefuck. Running around turtling is just not worth the time expense.

I don't think you know what weeb means.

I don't think you know what it means.

Excuse me for asking but whats a mat? Also, why are whetstones still in the game if the durability was removed? Is it a worthless item?

William was an actual samurai in that time period though.

To raise "Familiarity" with a weapon.

> White guy name
> B-But I was REAL Ching Chong!

Anybody else feel burnt out? I think the alpha and beta kinda ruined it for me.

materials. Also whetstones increase familiarity, which in turn boosts attack and skill abilities on your weapons.

Are you literally me?
Game is a complete snoozefest. Didn't help that the game took literally an entire fucking year to come out. Played Alpha in april, got hyped and excited that finally agood game will come out. Then the beta came and it was fucking atrocious, then the last chance trial and even worse.

I got the game as a gift because friends remembered me hyping it up in april but now i feel fucking bad because this game is trash

what the fuck happened

Yeah, now that I've beaten the game and jumped into NG+, the game has really lost it's charm, and it was losing charm since Umi Bozu.
I'm honestly considering trading this in for For Honor. I don't think the DLC for this game is really worth waiting for. The 3 or 4 new enemies and bosses they add probably won't be very interesting.

Fucking retarded. You can raise max familiarity in one damn mission. Familiarity doesnt do a damn thing either.

I don't think you know what samurai means.

>he didnt parry nobunaga to death
>thinks he can call other people bad

Hidden. You're way too obvious.

Nioh was the chosen one, but casual nippon audiences ruined the game.

shiggy in ng+ ruined it for me, fuck him. He was literally just spamming his fucking shiba while doing nothing but hyper armor atracks that he would follow through on EVEN IF I HIT HIM WHILE HE HAD NO STAMINA.

Seriously fuck the nips for being so casual. This game would have actually been a 9/10 if they wouldn't have changed that much, but it ended up being a fucking 7/10.

>Play Alpha

>Play Beta
>What the fuck? Whatever the game is still passable, better than Shit Souls 3 at least.

>Play Last Chance Trial

>A pile of shit

Easily one of the most disappointing things I've encountered in gaming.

I dropped 60 hours into this game. If it weren't for the hype and how much I wanted it to be good, I would have stopped playing after Umi Bozu.n This game is a fucking slog. I put 60 hours into Dark Souls 3 before I got bored at all. I put over 100 hours into BB without getting bored if you don't count having to realize Chalice dungeons are lame.

The AI in this game is so laughably bad. I've had numerous enemies just run into walls over and over despite me standing right in front of them. I've had Revenants de-aggro and stand with their thumbs up their ass because i walked 2 yards away from them.
Remember when the fucking alpha had a fuck huge aggro range and NO aggro leash? I miss that shit. This game is almost insultingly easy.

Nobunaga, Mitsunari, Sakon, Otani, Kelley, Hino-enma and Yuki-onna are all great fights though

Are you serious? It raises ever stat and bonus effect on your weapon. You also need max familiarity to transfer attributes vita soul matching.

The fuck were you expecting exactly? 2kat has the most depth? Pretty much every other weapon has a lot more skills and shit to choose from. Not that it would matter because you've found one strategy that works and you are sticking to it.

Not sure why people were expecting the game to be super hard on release. Bosses are meant to be farmed for materials and loot, no fucking shit they aren't that tough.

Shit game,

An insult to Dark Souls and Bloodborne

I've clocked in I think 100 hours in the alpha, 40-50 or so in the beta.
0 in the last chance demo because the hype has been dead. The game took way to long to come out after the initial alpha and after seeing the changes to the beta I lost a lot of faith into the game being what I wanted.

I still bought it though, because a little part of me was still clinging to the idea that the game would revert all the changes and bring it back to golden status that was the alpha and my taxes came in so why not. I'm 20 hours in and just cleared Yukki-Onna and really can't be arsed to keep going. The game is a complete bore. Lacks any and all of the depth and difficulty that made the alpha appeal to me.

Completely disappointing and really fucking easy.
He was okay, but it wasn't as hard as people made it out to be.
Fair enough. Fun fight.
Lol, that was one of the worst fights in the fucking game.
Cool design, easy as fuck.
Yeah, she's a fun fight, especially on NG.
First time against Muneshiggy isn't bad either.
Large majority of the bosses are pretty shit.

i truly love the sickdark genre

>play game enough to get beat ng+ a few weeks after it came out
>get burnt out

Seriously guys don't go full autismo on games and you'll get more enjoyment out them.

Don't waste any more of your time, dude. Sell your copy on ebay or something. You could probably get most of your money back.

It took me 2 to 3 weeks to beat the entirety of the game, and I was burning out half way through. The game is lackluster due the difficulty downgrade.

>Not that it would matter because you've found one strategy that works and you are sticking to it.
Yeah that's how it is with other weapons too bucko. There is no reason to go "cuhrayzee" because it's inefficient. It doesn't matter what weapon or what combos you use because the gameplay by default is boring and dull.

People expected it because the Alpha was original hard and people were hoping they reverted the bad changes.

This. After I beat it, I felt there was nothing to do after. I think the beta and alpha testing ruined it for me.

The game has been out for a month and I've only been able to clock in 20 hours because of how boring the game is. Gotta take it in moderation. Some days I think "I'll go play nioh, gotta at least finish it" Then remember how boring it is, sigh, and then do so something else.

Fuck, the game was so different in Alpha. It's incredible how much they changed for the worse.

I gave in and used Sloth in the two kings.
I was like 20 tries into the mission. Beat it in 1 the moment I used Sloth.

Is that the Honda/Tachibana fight. Took me about that many tries, but I just had to try to land as many Shrikes on Tachibana. I didn't bother with Nobu and Yuki. Fuck that shit.

You fucking suck. I was level 90 and beaten them.

Nobu and Yuki is easy cause the Arena is large. And you can easily split the two apart.

Honda and Tachibana is in a small arena and both of them have some combo faggotry.

You've already dumped over 170 fucking hours into the game relentlessly memorizing a handful of stages. No god damn wonder you are burnt out on it.

>Having fun isn't efficient

Maybe you aren't having fun because your a min/maxing try hard.

yeah but you have the chokepoint rock to compensate.

I've clocked more hours on games because the gameplay is what keeps me coming back. Alpha was engaging, beta, while not as engaging, was still fun. Especially with double/triple fluxing. 2kats were a new weapon and I wanted to explore every inch of it.
There are games where I have double if not triple those hours because of engaging gameplay. I'm pretty sure I've gotten double if not triple those hours in DMC3 and 4 each.
A good game can be played for a really long time without getting burned out. Also keep in mind the Alpha was in April 2016 and the Beta was October 2016. The game launched in February 2017 a whole 10 months since I clocked in the 100 hours initially and 4 months since I clocked in the 40-50.

>LV90 2Kings
You're like one of those fucks who says "Rom is easy, you just have to get to BL80 to beat her lol"

Chokepoint rock is fun till honda comes from one side and Tachibana is running from the other with tiger strike

Recommended level is 135.

Hyakume was shit.
I didn't use anything on him because I expected it toi have a Phase 2 at least after the first lifebar.

Then he just fucking died.

Also, you use Sloth in the Dojo missions for Onmyo mage.

>no LV1 + Wooden Sword only achievement
C'mon, just once I want a hard to obtain achievement. I'm not going to autistically do a LV1 challenge if there aint anyway I can gloat about it.

It's incredible that you chose a shitty video like that to show how great the alpha was

I was using the video more to show how different the mechanics were. If you played the alpha, you knew it what great. It's just interesting looking at it now up next to the current gameplay.

>nioh thread
>alphafags shitting it up
like clockwork

>Oda + Lady No
>refuse to be a slothfag
>put on two different 1kats
>dodging counterplay, using a semi-cheese spirit though (spider)
>finally beat them

I had fun.

The fuck is this Sloth thing anyway? I beat the game without paying attention to any of that shit. I just killed enemies, took their shit, and leveled up. Right now, the only missions I have left for the trophy are Nobunaga with his ice waifu, and that annoying lightning sword fuckface with Big McLargehuge carrying that spear. I keep dying in both missions.

Never did any co-op.
I think I might have used Sloth once or twice in the Onmyo dojo missions, but never outside of that.
Got the plat today.
Good game.

135 equipment.

Sloth is a debuff in the magic tree - it's basically the lightning slow but better because if you hit the enemy with a single projectile they are hit by the effect instead of having to build it up. ALL of the buffs/debuffs are stupid powerful but for some reason people bitch about sloth the most.

>Don't cheese with sloth
>Cheese with spider instead

Atlas Bear could trivialize it even more than the others since you can knock down Nobunaga and stab him for a quarter of his health.

>bored of the 900 hour main story
>spend the last 5 hours sprinting through the levels and cheesing bosses with sloth, elemental buffs, and 2kat

Jesus the game would've been good if it had ended 10 hours earlier

>you can double/triple flux

I'm waiting for the DLC to release.
Burnt out on Alpha/Beta and I want a copy with all the content on it.
Good to see that it's ok at least

I played through the game first as basically pure dex-kusari, didn't even know what sloth did as I only had basic elemental buffs unlocked.

Fuckin' ninjas 'n sheeit>magic an' flow

This. Waiting for new weapon. I already played the whole weapon from the beta.