Look at what the mental disorders bought back from the dead

look at what the mental disorders bought back from the dead


Is she gonna speed run botw?


Dont fucking validate his mental illness you degenerate.

>that nose

why is she hotter now!?

hormones + Sup Forums slowly turns you gay

>it will never shank the fuck out of your pubic region while she(he) deepthroats your dick and balls to hell and back

i just want to destroy her (his) esophagus

The fuck user?
I'm supposed to hate jews
Not make me want to fuck them

This is merely an apparition of the wonderful man that once was.

R.I.P Cosmo


I unironically think she's cute



enabling mental illness is half the problem

How does someone fall so far from grace

He wasn't even graceful to begin with but fucking Christ, just when you think he hits the bottom of the barrel, the floor collapses even deeper

Fuck off.

>Oh shit, I lost 99% of my fans. Maybe I should return to speedrunning now that it's completely fucking dead.

Who is she?

Why are there so many speedrunners turned transfaggots? That fat guy who always runs Super Money Ball at AGDQ came out as a tranny a few days ago.

I wanna see her in a Link-as-Gerudo cosplay.


oh yeah shes back baby



they have even worse luck with women than your average shut-in
eventually they want to wear the skin of the girlfriend they never had


His wrist will fuck him up and he wont be able to stream.

don't fucking post this shit without source and pics

mods do your job

I know speedrunning is a mental illness, but does drinking a lot of Soy fuck with your testosterone levels?

Monotonetim seems to be a huge flaming faggot now.

peer influence.

Soy protein is a source of isoflavones, compounds known to have estrogen-like effects in the body (subsequently referred to as “phytoestrogens”). They are also implicated as the main culprits in soy protein’s testosterone-lowering claims.

Clinical and epidemiological evidence have backed soy protein’s cholesterol-reducing, total lipid-lowering, and cancer-preventative effects, but concerns still remain over its role as a muscle-building supplement, especially in men.

Soy protein’s testosterone-lowering effect has been documented by a limited number of clinical studies and anecdotal reports; however, high dosages were often used to isolate the effects of soy and serve as an unrealistic measure of average daily intake. One study, for example, found that 56g of soy protein for 28 days significantly reduced testosterone levels in healthy male volunteers.

Soy= estrogen. Its why they take it. Its HRT light when the doctor wont do what you tell him to.

Its why all normal males should avoid soy products like the plague.


it does. that is a pretty drastic change in such a short timeframe, though. reminder that trap/trannyfags are trying to destroy civilization

What if I'm a fatty and I want to turn into a cute trap?

Whats the common link between speed running and degenerates?

>trannyfags are trying to destroy civilization
Agriculture was a mistake. We're taking this bitch down to pre-Mesopotamia.

vaas said it perfectly

>dont work out or do much physical activity
>still drink a ton of soy products

For what purpose? They are just protein sources at best. Drink fucking almond milk or something good.

Is soy why Asians have smaller dicks?