Switch Killer App

Just wondering what game people want to see on the Switch.

Question could also be which IP do you think would do it best.

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I personally want to see another Wario game, either Land or Ware.

it would've worked better on the wii u unless you mean like a Hunters sequel because the ease of having a LAN party with it would be the tits

Re-release F-Zero X and its 64DD expansion kit.

Could definitely see a ware game coming out with how they are showing off the Joy-Cons rn.

oh hell yes
n-no thanks



Monster hunter would seal the deal for many people

>Not Practical Effects
Fucking disgusting

hadn't thought of this in awhile, definitely


What's wrong with prime?

Mainline Pokémon and a new smash bros

Aliens and even Alien looks better than this fucking garbage
Same with Jurassic Park looking better than Jurassic World
Same with The Thing 1982 looking better than that shitheap in 2011
Same with the Dark Crystal looking better than Avatar
Same with the old Power Rangers movies compared to that fucking abortion coming out
Same with the Henson TMNT looking fucking great compared to Micheal Bays shit

Fuck CGI

not my cup of tea
I thought the first game was of pretty good quality but I just found it boring
Metroid II is weirdly my favorite

>it's a "Metroid fans pretend a new Metroid game would be successful" thread

>2d faggot
Fuck off

>less than 1 second long
the webm meme has officially gone too far

As a casual movie-goer, I don't find CGI bad at all. The retarded anti-CGI crusade is just pure autism.

I bet you got casual filtered by Kraid, didn't you?
Or did you just get lost before then?

Xenoblade 2 is already its killer app for me. On top of Splat2n, Breath of the Wild, and Odyssey? It's a year-1 pick up for me.

But what I'm really looking forward to, on top of anything Monolith does, is anything that Retro does. They churn out 9/10 and 10/10 games like it's a fucking piece of cake. The Prime Trilogy, DKC Returns, and Tropical Freeze were all amazing, and Tropical Freeze is what sold me the Wii U.

I always go for Phantoon first because the bomb trick really isn't that hard to do and I like the extra defense from the Gravity Suit when fighting Draygon.

You're just a nigger with shit taste.

I played through all the 2D games in summer of 2015 for the first time
I called myself a Nintendo fan for a bit after that
then I just realized I was a Metroid fan since I don't really care for any of their other 1st party IPs

Metroid would definitely be a reason for me to get a Switch. Sidescrolling or Prime, I love em both.

A good Donkey Kong game.

Mario Odyssey, if it turns out to be good. The city level looks lame, but the rest of the game is looking great. I really need more 3D platformers, Galaxy 1 and 2 were the last great 3D platformers I played.

A mainline Pokemon title. I think the switch is the perfect console for Nintendo to finally do this. You'd be able to finally play a real Pokemon game from your couch, but you'd also be able to take it out to play with friends or to gaming events and such.

Last Smash Bros. was kinda shit, so I don't know if I'd be hyped for a new one.

Im not saying CGI is bad
Im saying its replacing practical effects

CGI paired WITH practical effects are amazing, see Godzilla Final Wars and Gamera 3

>I like the extra defense from the Gravity Suit when fighting Draygon.
nice googling but you're already supposed to get the Gravity Suit before Draygon, dumbass
you Nintoddlers disgust me

Reminder that Wii Music sold better than Metroid Prime, if they're making a new game it's going to be a low investment 2D one so get your shitposting out of your system before they announce it and enjoy the new entry.

>it's going to be a low investment 2D
that's all I need mayne

If they release a Metroid game and it's good I'll buy a switch.
If they don't I won't buy a switch and will wait for Zelda to work on Cemu.
It's that simple.

>As a casual movie-goer, I don't find CGI bad at all

Monster Hunter, but not any of the Generations/XX shit.

>switch killer app
>post game that doesn't exist on Switch
fitting as the console has no games

>low investment 2D one
I'm perfectly fine with this.

Hey, Super Metroid was fucking great. But modern Nintendo cannot make another Super Metroid, no matter how hard they try.

So, people basically want a new Metroid that plays like Super with the tone of Prime, right?

Prime games sold well. Other M was the one that flopped, but it deserved to flop since it was shit.

Sort of the same here. Except I only played super metroid about a month ago and found myself in love with it. I've been trying to get around to fusion and zero mission but my backlog is absurd. My only other experience is prime hunters on the ds and I also loved that. I'd gladly take whatever I could get (but 2d is preferable)

Are you just bad at reading or are you a shitposter?

People want anything that's good because we haven't gotten anything worth playing in 10 years.

>Muh Kino
Movies are just supposed to be dumb flicks you sit down and watch for an hour and a half with your friends/family. They're a shit medium below books and video games even.


No, I want a new Prime. Prime proved itself to be the height of Metroidvanias, but the Prime trilogy are pretty much the only 3D Metroidvanias out there.

But really, I'd be happy with anything -good-.

I like seeing effort go into movie scenes, Im sorry you cant appreciate hard work

>the Prime trilogy are pretty much the only 3D Metroidvanias out there

The only good thing that board produced was Bane-posting.

this, I haven't bought or played any MH games since 4U because they haven't had any marked improvements

>tone of Prime
absolutely not
that shit reads like bad fanfiction
I'd much rather them take the atmosphere and boss design of Fusion and combine that with Super's level design
I'd even settle for shitty boss design as long as there were plenty of them i.e. Metroid 2 style

>that shit reads like bad fanfiction

They're the only good 3D metroidvania

Tired of Ware, bring on the Land

The effort is wasted and pointless. Movies are a 2-hour-at-most ordeal. No need to put extraordinary effort into making it look absolutely perfect. CGI is fine.


This. Fuck WarioWare. Microgames aren't fun anymore. They're boring and pointless. And worse, if I wanted to play a fun party game with mini-games, I'd put in Mario Party 2, 3, or 4.

But Wario Land hasn't seen an entry since Shake-It, and Wario World has been all but forgotten despite being absolutely amazing.

Retro Studios would make a fucking amazing Wario World entry

Imagine it having better combat with more wrestling move and combos

I'd rather them revive F-Zero, desu, since it needs it more, but a Wario game by Retro would be fucking amazing.

Anything by Retro will inevitably be amazing, since Retro is stupidly thorough when developing games, so I'm looking forward to whatever they unveil next. I haven't been dissappointed by anything they've done yet.

Yeah but it is my cup of tea so you'll have to step down from this one buddy

They should do a new Wario, F-Zero, and StarFox
They have so much potential
I daresay they are on par with old Rareware

Better, even. Tropical Freeze is hands down the best Donkey Kong game in existence.

Tropical Freeze > DKC 2 > Returns > DKC > DKC 3 > DK64

>haloid shit

underage b&


TF and DKC2 are literally equal

TF had better music

>TF had MORE music

Those niche japanese vita games, but I guess thats a given since Sony isnt making a vita successor.

>dont care about mario
>dont give a shit about zelda
>kinda like FE
>SMT are fun
>Squids looks cool
Just give me more games like octopath and ill get the switch ASAP.

How the fuck is kraid a casual filter? He was easy shit.

For the longest time I told myself I would buy whatever platform Nintendo had at the time if they put out a new Metroid or F-Zero

I'm not so sure anymore to be honest

I got a Wii U solely for Bayonetta 2 and pretty much the only returns that console ever saw were Sm4sh (barely better than Brawl) and Tropical Freeze

you know those aren't mutually exclusive

This is your f-zero.

But it was better.

And also less animal-buddies, which is a good thing.

Chuggaaconroy, in his blind playthrough of Super Metroid guided by Jon and Tim, died to Kraid twice, but beat every other boss first try. Even Phantoon. Without using Super Missiles.

There are no more killer apps. The consoles are just too fucking gimmicky and bugged up the ass for anybody to get into them now.

>died to Kraid twice
How the fuck does that even fucking happen?!

Also, of course he beat Phantoon without Super missiles. That's the harder and more tedious way of fighting him thanks to Phantoon's AI.

>every other boss
Wait, haven't they not even reached the Gravity Suit yet?

2D Metroid Dread (Metroid 5)


A 2D one that's a sequel to Fusion would.

>Wonderful 101 sequel/spinoff
>Xenoblade X2
>New Metroid, 3D or 2D, as long as it's not cutscene heavy, not voice-acted, not directed by Sakamoto, disregards Other M completely and is actually well made
>New Kid Icarus

I think it's OK if it's a Prime title, or even a sequel to Fusion simply done in the manner Prime was - but go back to the way power ups were handled before 3. And NPCs for that matter.

It looks more like Wipeout. I like Wipeout too, but neither can take the other's place to me.

They're right before it. Chugga spends a ridiculous amount of time trying to sequence break because Jon keeps mentioning it and saying "Nah, that's too difficult, move on".

I don't want it to be SUCCESSFUL, I want it to be G O O D. I don't play video games based on how much copies they sell, that's fucking dumb.

>Company makes a bunch of amazing games
>They don't sell well enough
>Company goes under
>Gets bought out by EA/Activision/Ubisoft and sockpuppeted
You can fuck off.

Then why the heck doesn't he just let Jon do it? He's the ex-goon here, not Chugga.

Speaking of which, why the heck are you admitting to watching TRG so casually? I thought Sup Forums had condemned Chugga for having autism. You're basically painting a giant target on your head bringing him up.

Not having Jungle beat top.

List's shit yo.

if thats how quintet had to go then i'm actually okay with that

video games can just die if that's how it's gotta be

Honey select with added bestiality options.

if I was mistaken about the controller and it CAN be used exclusively by one hand I think I'd just about buy anything mario party/kart/whatever the fuck to play with my brother
Like I'd buy this shit for christmas despite originally planning to wait until it had at least ten solid games/that SMT thing

I hope all of your favorite franchises die.

If a franchise has to sacrifice what makes it good to stay alive, it's better off dead.

Chugga wants the feeling of accomplishment.
>Speaking of which, why the heck are you admitting to watching TRG so casually?
Chugga doesn't actually have autism. He went to a doctor to see what's up, and he's actually confirmed non-autistic. He's just a broken man who had a really shitty family life with his parents fighting all the time and being bullied and mocked relentlessly at school.

I hope next they force him to do Prime.

I'd rather them just go the route of Fire Emblem.

I'd rather not, waifufaggotry is a cancer and Other M is the proof.

I wish people stopped perpetuating this meme, it's nothing like F-Zero

>waifufaggotry is a cancer and Other M is the proof.

Right mindset, wrong argument. Try again, user.

>He's just a broken man who had a really shitty family life with his parents fighting all the time and being bullied and mocked relentlessly at school.
We've all had a shitty childhood. That's kinda what they're for. Certainly helps to make people avoid getting stuck in idolizing the past, at least according to Bobbin Threadbare.

Speaking of which, as long as you're admitting to liking LPs, you really should watch Bobbin Threadbare and his Deus Ex LP. Could change your fucking life. Certainly changed my outlook and morals.


>I hope next they force him to do Prime.

Because we totally need to make TRG completely indistinguishable from Brainscratchcomms, right?

Waste of your time because 90% of them have been for years

the Ivan Ooze MMPR movie had atrocious CG for the Ninja Megazord though

Smash, a 64 tier 3D Mario or Metroid