For people who have been playing it for the last few days and who actually played Zelda in the past how do you rank...

for people who have been playing it for the last few days and who actually played Zelda in the past how do you rank this game compared to


It feels odd ranking it at all honestly, it's such a large departure in a lot of ways I feel like it's going to be very divisive

>MM 1st
I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, I'm asking why you put it first to contextualize your response.

Personal preference is what my list is based on though I bumped OoT up a bit for the sake of avoiding shitposting

>MM first
Why do you people come into these threads and then shill your shitty romhack


Is anyone streaming?

The most unique game of the frachise desu senpai..


BOTW > TP > SS > WW > MM > OOT

>b-but m-muh m-m-m-m-m-m-mmmmmmuh 64
garbage console, games aged like milk tea

MM > OoT > BotW = WW > TP = SS
BotW is refreshing after the past decade of purely mediocre 3D Zelda. It has its flaws, and it shares some flaws with WW, but it's still a return to form for the franchise and an easy 8/10 so far.

If TP's dungeons existed in BotW's world and gameplay BotW would be the best Zelda game. That said, while it's great to explore and find dragons, shrines, and koroks, that's about it.
I want to find a temple on a mountain or in the woods, too. Hopefully they reuse BotW like they reused OoT to make a new MM-type project.

I like this meme of preceding every zelda post with "for people who have played the game"

FOR NINTENDO EMPLOYEES ONLY: Did you mean to intentionally fuck up Breath of the Wild, or did it happen by accident and being rushed?


Shrines make dungeon/bosses short comings less impactful. Also the dungeons themselves are really neat, having it be in the overworld and rotating it around in real time is neat as fuck

Is there any chance that there will be copies of BotW for Wii U at my local gamestop? Idk what version will be more popular.


1. Ocarina of Time

2. Majora's Mask

3. Breath of the Wild

4. Wind Waker

That's all that needs to be counted. /thread

Of the 3D games.

ALttP, TLoZ, and AOL are all worth playing.

Don't engage with TPbabbies, just let them wallow


Pretty good game so far. Not a masterpiece but not a huge blunder either. 8/10

Didn't play
Didn't play
Didn't play
Didn't play
Didn't play

Also this game is nothing like Alttp so I can't really compare it.

A link between worlds is good tho.
Minish cap is good too.

No shit it's based on personal opinion, I'm asking you what you value in the title.

So far from the streams and screenshots here are my thoughts of the game.

1. Pretty neat technology going on in the game engine
2. Presumably a pretty big game
3. Weapon Variety
4. Challenging

1. Horrid fog and washed out colors
2. Empty world. I was mildly optimistic but while watching the streams there seems to be nothing to do except shallow romps like destroying outposts.
3. On an underpowered system

I'll probably get a switch at some point but this game is not going selling it for me. It looks fun and yeah I'll play it just to see how it ranks to the other Zeldas but for me the empty world just kills it

Lets not forget this game will have DLC, and maybe, MAYBE, patches.

The only way to truly rank it is to ask:

"Will this game be talked about in hallowed tones for decades to come?"

The answer is undeniably yes. Its neck and neck with OTT and MM. Arguably ahead of them given its mastery of a genre that so many have failed at.

I've been trying to play the HD version I put down ages ago because of the shit controls for an OP Wolf Link companion in BotW. I played one file to 100% completion back in '06 but now I remember why I never picked it up again. WW controls feel far better.

>tfw people call it a return to form for the series, even if it's not the greatest game of all time

That's all I ever needed to hear for this game, man

Ok I'm 10 hours in and have one MAJOR gripe - the game is too hard. Since when was Zelda about difficulty? Zelda is supposed to sweep you into an adventure, not have you struggling to progress every 30 minutes because enemies kill you in a few hits. The games have never been like this (except for 2, which was poorly recieved) so why start now? We fans do NOT want our favourite series to become a chore to finish!


You're not a Zelda nor a nintendo fan. GTFO of this thread sonnyger and go play le hard bloodborne.

It's very different from oot. I can't compare them. When I think of oot I think of atmosphere and mistery, which botw lacks.
Botw is all about action and movement. The game doesn't feel empty at all. But it just lacks that certain "feeling" oot posseses (the music, the magic, the joy, the darkness).
Yet, it's so much better than all the other attempts at reimagining oot formula in 3d zeldas. If it had bigger dungeons and better atmosphere, it would be an absolute masterpiece.
It's lots of fun, though. I just finished the first dungeon and I don't understand how can people complain about lack of content and "empty" fields. There is always something to do. Roaming, attacking, hunting, collecting, just messing around, searching, climbing, gliding, riding horses, riding deers, going into shrines, doing sidequests, helping the npc's, escaping from powerful enemies, sneaking... It's really lots of fun, I can't complaim about anything but the framerate and sometimes a lack of color. Characters are lovable, too.


Where is this game in the timeline?


In that order.

Why is everyone talking about suicide squad?

Are WW and BOTW similar?

>MAJOR gripe - the game is too hard
Well, that's a pro in my book. All the 1/4 and 1/2 heart damage in past games is really boring.

Lots of enemies after the plateau do at least 4 hearts of damage. It's fun.

TP is my favorite

I played OoT when it came out and i still say TP is a step up

It has me super excited desu senpai.

That's great. After seeing the webm of that lizalfos take 13 hearts in a single hit, I knew this game wasn't fucking around.

More like:

Really love the new direction of the game, Zelda really should be about exploration and discovery.

Don't spoil it for yourself and look up locations.

What a fucking faggot.