Visionary or overrated hack?

Visionary or overrated hack?

Overrated visionary

Overhacked Visionary.

Visionary hack.


Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 and 3 are some of the best video games ever made. MG2 is very good too.

So yeah, i don't think he is overrated at all. By some crazy fans, yes, but not in general.

It's these three


Having Psycho Mantis read you memory card is fucking bonkers.

underrated genius

>ywn get horse pussy

Overvisioned hack, that's why he wears glasses.

Joosten really got it during the development

Is she the model they based d-horse on?

For as long as some of the cutscenes can get, the best parts in most of his games only work because they are video games.
MGS1 : Psycho Mantis, that back of the box shit
MGS2 : Literally all of it
MGS3 : Killing The Boss, The End boss fight, some of the interactions you do like blowing up the sheds with food ammo
MGS4 : Probably the worst in this regard. Actual gameplay is great, especially in the levels with the two fighting factions, but there's just nowhere near enough of it. Microwave hallway I guess?


Kojima's work changed the course of history. By the time the world saw Metal Gear Solid for the first time, it was clear that Kojima had created something that would change lives forever. Video games would never be the same. But Metal Gear Solid was not his only great creation. Just his first. His works are still studied by creators in the industry today. Some consider his "Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater" game to be the greatest video game of all time, and to some, the greatest story of all time. The tones and themes of his works taught us to think outside the box on things like war and government. He taught us to look into a future of technology and surveillance. He taught us to laugh with his butt and boob jokes. He taught us to cry with his heartbreaking character drama. Simply put, there will never BE another like Hideo Kojima, and we should all consider ourselves fortunate to be alive at the same time, and to witness his creations as he releases them.

I mean, I picked up the HD collection on a whim when I was about sixteen, and it ended up being the most fun I'd had with games since I was about four or five playing OoT on the N64. So I'd say he's pretty fucking good.

Hacky overvision.

The real visionaries are the gameplay engineers and programmers who are actually making the game while this dipshit watches movies all day long and talks about pop sci/pop philosophy to them.


Actually Kojima has always had a hand in the game development itself.
In MGS1 and MGS2 he was one of the main level designers and in MGS1 he was the main AI programmer.

He worked on Policenauts programming too by the way. His involvement is less in terms of engineering the game because he's directing the other aspects of the game too.


Vorerated hacktionary.

a hack and glorified idea guy
I bet he can't code shit

Overrated hack since MGS4. Before that he was decent.

Not anymore. Pajeets are doing the code nowadays.

>in MGS1 he was the main AI programmer

Pretty sure he just came up with the enemies' patrol routes.

Because modern Triple A games are way too big.

He actually can.
He is so autistic over how things happen in the game that he developed his own scripting engine for Policenauts because the devs weren't doing things like playing cutscenes exactly like he wanted.

Any random chucklefuck can learn to code. Ideas guys are the ones who dictate whether the game is actually fun or not.