Do you think KH3 will actually be better than KH2FM?

Do you think KH3 will actually be better than KH2FM?

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No, KH2FM is still Action RPG perfection.


Modern video games can never be that good


Probably, 2FM is overrated by a good amount.

No. Maybe 3FM will approach it though.

You mean with your DLC extra worlds?
Its gonna happen. Just watch.

no, the action gameplay / engine wont be as good

0.2 wasnt even CLOSE to KH2FM action rpg quality

It will get close or maybe equal, but it's a little hard to follow up KH2FM's act.
Still hype as fuck, though

no but KH3FM will be better.

I feel like it could be 100x better than KH2FM and still nostalgiafags will complain

This, fanbase has become cancer

This. See you in 8 years

it'll be hard though


I doubt it.

it's destined to be so yes

I'm wondering what voice actor they snagged from Rocket Power to get sora's awfully ethnic sounding voice he had in 0.8.

He's still voiced by HJO.

Not in 0.8, he sounds like a black child does in a lot of cartoons, I was fearing that was his KH 3 voice, and desu if it is, it changed, rather play it in french, and I hate french dubs. Don't like the language, can't understand a word of it.


What's 0.8?

Literally all you had to do was check the credits for 0.2/0.8.

Again, he's still voiced by HJO.
That Sora section of 0.2.

It's an OTT reaction. People would have bitched if they changed Sora's English VA, and people bitch that they kept him and of course, he sounds 10 years older than he did in KH2. There was no winning that.

But of course, if people had played the other games they would have been eased into it.

Well, yeah.

Is that why I'm hearing the nick etchnic voice? It's the farthest the games are cronotically so if it's the same voice actor, he stopped trying to sound younger.

>if it's the same voice actor
It is.
>he stopped trying to sound younger.
Considering how people were complaining about this in the last couple of games, he probably did.

I have not seen any reason in the last 10 years as to why 3 would ever be better than 2FM

Why would he sound young anyway, Sora is 16 and by that time your voice stays the same for the majority of your life

No, but I have hope that it will still be great after 2.8. I just hope they make bosses as good as the data org and Lingering Will again. Fuck me they are fun to fight as a pseudo boss rush.

>It's being made by the Osaka team
Not a fucking chance in hell.

Timeless river is still the best KH world, besides Halloween Town.

100 acre wood I'd most comfy though.

>tfw not larxene porn
>tfw no other boss battle has still topped sephiroth
does nomura or the game play designers understand the whole revenge value system and balancing aspect. If not then kh3 will be bad as just like bbs and ddd but with prettier graphics.

>tfw no other boss battle has still topped sephiroth
Really nigga?

Honestly yeah.
2FM is easy as fuck despite it's """"""deep""""" mechanics (which only takes like 5 minutes to explain what revenge values are, and what to do with the other abilities besides the attack button since the game itself poorly tells you). 2FM gets it's praise from it's gameplay variety and KH3 is guaranteed to have more mechanics, as long as the balance is fine (which it hopefully should be since they're taking feedback if 0.2 is anything to go by) then it should be the superior game, graphics are already 10/10 and music will always be god-tier with Shimlmura behind the helm, story will always be shit though.

is so overrated that a lot of people will end up disappointed

>It is eventually revealed by Xigbar, who has also returned due to moving through time into the future by the young Xehanort, that Master Xehanort, in his heartless form known as "Ansem", had enlisted the help of his younger self from the past, and gave him powers to survey time and space itself to enlist different incarnations of himself, including Xehanort's Heartless and Xemnas, to form a new Organization XIII.

It has the potential of having better combat, but in the end the biggest decising factor will be one thing: The bosses

I don't know about surpassing 2fm but at the very least it should feel as fluid and I'll probably be satisfied. If that doesn't happen we're always going to have 2FM so hopefully they don't fuck up the ps4 ports

Human bosses are overrated, I want Disney worlds and Disney characters to be relevant again. Everything after KH1 shat the bed but at least KH3 is opening up with Hercules being relevant to the plot, that's a good step in the right direction. I also want to see if Jame Woods is still playing as Hades since hes been too busy pissing off liberals lately.

Square hasn't developed a good game in, what, a decade? More?
I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Nah am really serious his battle is a lot more fun than data xemnas or data roxas imo. Data roxas stops being fun when you master dogging all his attacks and powered up you're attack and defense values higher than the bosses own stat values.

LW easily tops Sephiroth. Sephiroth is a repetitive cakewalk.

I believe this time around disney is taking a more active role in the dev, all those talk with roy aka xehanort and nomura himself saying that disney is keeping a tight lid on talking about the development in the game seems like good sign for that

>tfw I never beaten the lingering will.

Terra's mad as fuck and he isn't gonna take it anymore.

it's just a matter of observing his attacks and learning to block or dodge them

>tfw first time i managed to beat him 10 times in a row

>Sephiroth is a repetitive cakewalk
So is Lingering Will. It doesn't take that long to understand his attacks.

Still better than Sephiroth.

Sephiroth is both easier to outlevel and easier to figure out than data Roxas. Though that first part is irrelevant because level 1 is where boss design really shines.

When ever he's in down 6 chunks of his hp, he does summon a blue circle that locks my commands or magic abilities. It just too much bs happening. What worse is that he goes in fury mode and just ko's me because I lack the ability to reflect or don't have any potions.

All his moves are avoidable. If you pay attention to his health and what he's doing you'll know what's coming

you can dodge the attack/magic lock attack by rolling or dashing. a lot of his attacks have unique sound effects so memorize them and that can help you tell what he's doing

The move where he locks your command is easy to avoid, he'll transform his keyblade into a bow and shoot up to 3 times and he'll do a teleport thing before each shot, so just dodge roll when you see him appearing, it's also easy to get the rythm
When he does his Limit Break keep gliding up until he does a circle of gears or something similar, then he'll do a lot of attack swings but if you fly to a corner of the map, face to the arena and simply keep blocking you will survive all of it no problem

>he sounds like a black child does in a lot of cartoons
Wh... what?