How good of a deal is this...

How good of a deal is this? Been wanting to play some older ps2 gems like Ace combat and Yakuza and this looks like the best way to have an authentic playthrough of them.

Vidya Craigslist thread I guess

How old are you that you don't already own a modded PS2?

Thats not a bad deal, if you don't have a ps2

Pretty decent price. I sell modded OG xboxs with 90 xbox games and coin ops 7 + snes, nes, gba,gbc, genesis,n64 etc for $150 and they sell well.

Poor fag that would have to sell my older consoles to get the newer ones. or parents pawned it fur drug money


Because EVERYBODY these days has a modded PS2, RIGHT?? I mean JEEZ whats ops problem? He most be in middle school or something! HAHA

PS2 games don't look that good on HDTVs even with component cables unless they support progressive scan and only a handful do

>Had Nocturne up to play off backlog
>Have to decide where i want to play on original hardware or emulated.
>Choose emulated for convenience.
>Thank god i did, because that blind playthrough took me 100hours for true demon ending.
>Wouldve probably killed off my poor little ps2

I could probably only play short games or games that absolutely dont emulate well.

not bad I would try to jew him down to $60, but I'd settle at $75
do your best impression of pic related

I'll most likely find a mid sized CRT to set it up on

>1000 games
>working PS2
>80 bucks

Either stolen, or scam.

can you read it says a 1000 retro games, like emulated

Calm down OP he was just Joshing you.

So its a 80 bucks working system with an extra modded HDD in it that lets you play a shit ton of games. Forgive me if i have no experience modding consoles but i dont think you would mod a working console with a probably 1 or 2 tb HDD, load a shit ton of roms, and sell it for 80 bucks.

So either its just a failed shit that wont work or its actually stolen. Probably the first one.

If OP meets this guy, gets to see the console run and load a few games then he got away with a fucking golden toilet.

PS2 is one of those consoles you just dont get the same feel through emulation. Partially because of its 4:3, partially because PCSX2 its a slow piece of shit and Play! is very much early

B-but that wasn't me.

Question to you all, would you buy a modded PS2 with the top 100 games in the library for $150? Been thinking about selling them but not sure how well theyd sell since Xbox does it so much better.

not otherguy but lol a beefy mame romset is like 18GB, add nes snes etc and youre still barely hitting 30GB

hey did you know if you read part of the post that is cut off it says its a 160gb hdd

Its a 160GB IDE HDD tard, not terabytes.

And that's no fucking PS2 roms.

I had like just 20 PS2 .iso for PCSX2 and it would go well above 50 gb. Granted, not every .iso weights the same, but its still a shit ton. There's a big fucking increase in average gamesize between generations.

No way that shit has over 1000 games unless he just copied and pasted homebrews.

A nes rom is tiny, a snes rom is also pretty small you fucking idiot, can you not comprehend how small old games are or do you think every game ever was at least a gig

no shit
it says 30 ps2 games so 1tb hdd my bumbum
oh by the way the post says 160gb

I literally have every NES Rom, SNES Rom and Master System rom and they all barely add up to 3gb you idiot

I sell modded xboxs with 7500 games on a 320GB hard drive. Old 8bit and 16bit games are small in size, how can you not comprehend this?

It's a good deal, if you can haggle a little to see if you can get a better deal, but if you can't just pull the trigger

What does it matter how many games it has? It's not like you can't download all the games you want already anyway.

>literally not understanding that i did not in any point said that old game roms added several gb of size, since i meant as an example exclusive to PS2 games, and made it obvious.

no you didn't, you were adamant that 1000+ RETRO GAMES couldn't fit on it bc it wasn't a terabyte hdd, and litterally if you put on 30 4gb ps2 games it would only add up to 120gb, so now you're trying to backtrack, retard

I was adamant that 1000+ PS2 GAMES could fit on anything that was sold at 80 bucks, retard.

Between the Xbox hueg and the Ps2 which of the two has better compatibility for MAME roms?
I already know the wii is complete ass for this kind of thing btw

so now you're saying that you can't read, bc the picture says 1000+ RETRO games and 30 ps2

Yes. It seems i cannot read. Is it implied that he had 30 games + retro games using emulation?


that shit ain't confortable for couch multiplayer tho

no do not buy this, it probably has like one or two years left until it craps out. People who softmod their consoles play on them all day. the laser is probably already tweaked and is going to die soon, which means you'll be screwed out of playing ps1 backups. the HDD is probably shit too.

Just find another one and softmod it yourself, ps2 has to be one of the easiest consoles to softmod.

>my counterargument is that I have no reading comprehension for the OP
way to save face there buddy

Good price, I got a PS2 real cheap but had to buy HDD/Network attachment separate, then mod etc.
Don't forget once set up you can run games off your PC over the network, check a guide, it's pretty simple

My OG Xbox has every single NES, SNES, and Genesis game made on it, plus a handful of Xbox games. It's got a 60GB HDD. fite me.