Fallout 5

Since its already in the making and Fallout 4 was, lets say, underwhelming and i dont doubt that bethesta will try to outjew everyone and release it before the end of this generation, what do you want to see in F5?
Where will it be set?

New fucking engine and better writing are a given.
Would love to be set in California again(or even Vegas), but with the current gen and hopefully new engine capabilities.
I want new factions, kinda sick of bethesda rehashing DUDR BoS LMAO all the time, thays one of the reasons why New Vegas was way more interesting imo-new, good-written factions.

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Fallout: Denver
Actual snow and actual nuclear winter
New animals like mutates wild cats

4 wasn't goty but you can't call it underwhelming when its one of the most popular games of this generation

>Let's set ourselves up for disappointment 5-6 years in advance

Really, user?

normies have shit taste

>want it to be set anywhere near vegas or california

please no, leave those places unstained at the very least

Whats going on in Los Angeles lore-wise anyway?

It's already confirmed/rumoured to be New Orleans.

No, it was definitely underwhelming
Popularity doesn't give something more depth

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.
And by the way, those words are exact opposites

Not one you use in lieu of the other

>le confirned meme

Why is there always some retard walking in those threads and acting like he knows shit without any source given

>B-but popularity doesn't mean...

You're wrong. Next you'll say Total War: warhammer is bad because it has 10x the audience of any other total war.

Sure it isn't cut and dry. But we are a consensus driven species, when something triggers A LOT of people, one way or another, it means there is something very worthwhile to explore. Fallout 4 with mods is goty, easily

>when its one of the most popular games of this generation

I want this.
Or at least any snow setting.
But make it properly, Anchorage was boring dogshit

Haha, you two are like little babies. I remember this same logic when the "Boston Project" memo was leaked. Next you'll tell me TES 6 won't take place in Valenwood (despite that same memo confirming it years ago).

Get fucked scrubs.

It was underwhelming in the sense it offered so little
That doesn't mean it didn't have points of interest
It was trying to accomplish too much and instead fell short


Nice source there, champ

I dont think you understand what underwhelming means

Link me to ANY website as of late that has confirmed/rumored that Fallout will be taken to New Orleans which has an actual source and NOT speculation

I'll be sure to find where you live so you can eat my dick when I'm proven right yet again.

Bethesda needs to realize how long two hundred years really is. The fact that 200 year old edible food is just lying around is baffling, hell that would be like eating food from 1817 today.

They should let Obsidian do Fallout LA

Yes I can, what the fuck are you talking about. It was a significant step down from even Skrim both in terms of quantity and quality.

>still no source

alri lad

i think we can all agree fallout 4 was a good game

No, Bethesda shouldn't touch California lore EVER. Period. End of discussion.

>m-muh source *tips fedora*

yeah yeah burden of proof. You have the internet. I'm not your search monkey. Bethesda has been researching landmarks in Louisiana and trying to keep it lowkey like every other fallout. Plus I'm a latent psychic and feel it in my balls.

I don't owe you anything senpai.

my biggest gripe with FO4 is the map size. bethesda thinks they can convince everyone that a smaller map but filled to the max with content is OK. this is just an excuse for being extremely lazy and cheap. it doesn't matter how filled with content the world is. by the hundredth time you have to run across the map and face the same things over and over again it gets so tedious.

We'll have Skyrim 2 before Fallout 4: 2

Not a good RPG but if you want to be run and shoot man it can cover that well

>Hate Newspapers

Unless a different developer makes it, it's gonna be shit

1: I want SKILLS back damn it! The Fallout 4 shit tier leveling system was a failed experiment and I'm going to be pissed if the series gets permanently hampered with this dumbed down BS.

2: I want what New Vegas had back, decent writing, ammunition crafting, etc.

3: Set it in New Orleans, add vehicles in and let me cruise around radioactive swamps in an airboat.

Set in somewhere far away from any previous locations so that they won't retcon more good shit with bad shit.
Better writing is not coming because bethesda
New engine is not coming because HEY CREATION ENGINE IS BRAND NEW

At the time of fallout 4 ? As far as I know it's pretty stable as the NCR have had a strong hold pretty well from Francisco to the dam locked down for a good time while there are still raiders and other small bands and such it's not like the wild west out there

>I want new factions
>but also set in the core region


No post to send the link

Bethesda clearly want to make a game set five minutes after the bombs fell with everyone living in huts and untouched ruins full of skeletons in amusing poses and pre-war loot scattered everywhere. Why don't they just do that instead of maintaining the "it was 200 years ago" facade? Leave the actual post-apocalyptic world building to studios who know how to do it.

They should translate Fallout of Nevada and release it as Fallout 5.

being popular and being a good game are two different things.

To be fair, At launch New Vegas didn't even deserve a fucking due to how buggy it was,

Fedora tipping source-demanding neckbeard growing NEETs are so fucking spergtastic. Google is like two clicks away, are you that lazy? Asking for source highlights your dull lazy mentality not your intellectual superiority like you hope. Just saying so you better yourself. Or ignore my help and keep coming off as an annoying autist.

New Vegas was in a "core" region and yet it had a lot of great new factions.

It doesnt even have to be a "big" faction like BoS or the Enclave, small but well written new "factions" like the Kings, White Glove, the Boomers, etc are always welcomed

Tactics did that... I mean tactics blows ass but they have done it.

>still no source

wew lad

ild like to be placed somewhere in china get a different perspective

Well thats what im saying, F3 did it too but it was terrible.If they build their whole world around the idea and do it properly id be hype

New engine is a must, if tes 6 doesn't have a new engine I'm fucking done with Bethesda. This is coming from a die hard tes fan of 11 years.

To be fair, Bethesda rushed them to hell and they had to cut a shit load of content.

Not that Obsidian is completely innocent.

I want what you're snorting.



Fallout London lol
I just want it to be an rpg like the first 2 and for them to stay away from the west coast. Also enough with the BoS shit.

Bethesda should back to do team work with obsidian, then do a remake about FO 1, 2 & tactics with the best engine they have or had in new vegas or 3 and introduce all the left out ideas from van buren and put cuted content because the guy who was developing Fallout the story mod is in a long hiatus and his fan made work with the old geck is nice

They should just do a side game fallout base invasion

Multiplayer game set in massive waste land where u just get things craft and build bases and invade other bases and make own factions


Chicagoland Area
Enclave VS Midwest BoS VS Ronto Raiders

PC is a passenger on a caravan that gets caught in the crossfire of an ambush by raiders on an Enclave patrol.

The Enclave is led by a council of officers, politicians, and scientists. Heavily reliant on older (FO1 and 2) equipment stocks after their defeat. Many outposts throughout the region, with their main garrison being Northwestern University. Has become a safe haven for escaped synths, as long as they're okay with intelligence service.

Midwest BoS is similar to how they were in Tactics. They have gone rogue, claiming that moral superiority is more important than human superiority. Domesticated super mutants and ghouls are important members. They're led by Elder Campbell, a zealot with no tolerance for "degeneracy". Slavers and pimps are kidnapped and tortures; chem dealers are executed publicly. Old tech artifacts are regarded as religious items. Based in Joliet Penitentiary.

The armies of Ronto are violently expansionist. They are led by the Earl of Ronto, an elusive warlord hell bent for supremacy over the Great Lakes. After getting scouts in Chicago via gun runners, slavers, and mercenaries, the full scale invasion is at hand. The Earl and his soldiers have occupied Navy Pier as their main base.

It's idiotic that Fallout has been reduced to the same thing expect in a new city. The old games took place over huge areas that weren't limited to the culture of just one locale.

>In 2287+
If people thought Vegas didn't feel post-apocalyptic enough they ain't seen nothing yet.

1. I want better graphics, not skyrim reskinned. I also want better character art and animations. Exactly the same shit from Fallout 3.
2. I wish we could properly mutate. Maybe gain certain mutations with a cost.
3. Hacking needs to be implemented better.
4. We fucking need vehicles!
5. None of this shit grind to get a perk from a companion.
6. A more diverse wildlife
7. Better looking armor for fuck sake.
8. Multiple endings and the ability to just be chaotic evil and fuck shit up

>Fallout 4 was, lets say, underwhelming

I never understood this meme
aside from the shitty way they handled dialogue, the game easily has the best gunplay in the series and the story premise is actually intriguing and not an excuse for tabula rasa self-inserts, even if the roleplaying was subpar

but I guess we can only circlejerk obsidian-made games

patrolling the fallout thread allmost makes u wish for a nuclear winter

i want Fallout:Sweden

I just want it to die already.

At least pass out of b*thesdas slimy hands

tw:w was shit tho

I'm amazed anyone gives those faggots money after R2

>mfw the Van Buren doc already had Denver overrun by wild dogs

It's a functional big city with all the good and bad that entails. New building construction is not uncommon in the NCR but there is crime, gangs, unemployment and stuff like that. NCR was getting too civilized this far along the timeline and that's why Chris Avellone wanted to nuke them again.

New Orleans was one of the cities Obsidian pitched but it never leaked as a Fallout 5 location. Bethsoft might steal it for themselves though.

Quest design was shit. Story was pants on head retarded. Too much of that garbage settlement building. Lackluster DLC besides half of Far Harbor.

>fallout game



Way to make the enclave shit

>no tolerance for degeneracy

Yet super mutants and ghouls are important members

nonsense user

>fallout 5 is gonna be a New Vegas sequel with 4's gameplay (expanded on of course) with a much better story and lore and everything

a man can dream

Fuck it. Fallout: Paradise. Set it in Hawaii and give us access to all the islands.

To be fair, the political climate of Fallout may have led to food companies just overloading food with preservatives if only as a marketing ploy to get people to buy em for vaults. This is the same universe that had nuclear reactors in cars, I dont think they are really health conscience.


Fallout 4 was my last hope after the debacle that was Skyrim.

Bethesda has demonstrated that they don't care for polished, quality RPG's anymore.

I have no hope for the game.

Of course I'll still get it.

Far Harbor was a small flicker of hope if nothing else. And I mean a spark small.

>saying a popular game is bad is the same as saying it's bad because it's popular

People like you need to leave

You know good and goddamn well I was referring to bethesdas shit ass gamebryo engine.

And greenery. Hiroshima is green again and it hasn't even been 100 years let alone two hundred. SOME greenery would grow beyond minor bushes and leafless trees.

Did mods make F4 decent yet?

Gun mods and Graphics mods made it comfy at least.

I'm curious why they spend so much time on quests when they'd rather be doing shooter stuff. Why don't they just do that?

Fallout set way farther into the future where America is divided into a series of petty kingdoms and confederacies. The mad scramble for life is a thing of the past (for the most part) and civilization is once again growing upon the back of the war-scarred earth.

You are insane to assume FO is in the works.

Skyrim came out in 2011 and Bethesda had to apologize a few weeks back they won't even be announcing a new TES game in the next two years since they are working three other unreleated projects, two being revealed in the summer expo season.

The new Fallout won't even be leaked being worked on until 2020 or so.

I want to see it not be called fallout 5, since this implies that Bethesda developed it, and they have proven several times over that they will manage to fuck it up.

I want Obsidian to make it, they have actual experience with making rpgs which is what fallout is. Past that, I really don't care. After all, the major flaw with fallout 4 is not the setting, but the fact that it plays like any other first person shooter but with looting and settlement building. As many have said, New Orleans would be a cool location, would allow for some new factions since the other games haven't touched the deep south, and has iconic monuments that make the post apocalyptic feel work. I would also not mind seeing the game set in a metropolitan location, although this would require some explanation for why the entire area isn't just a crater, but I was fine with the explanation for how Vegas survived.

It would be kind of hilarious if all the old world guns finally broke down and they were back to swords and bows. Also if psykers had become more prevalent, creatures kept mutating, and the game setting basically turned into Gamma World.

As TES lore shows, they've obviously got a talented/bugfuck crazy team of writers. Why the hell aren't they pulling them from "background lore book" work and onto mainline endeavors instead? The stuff about Akatosh and the Towers weren't even touched on by the main story quest.

The old world guns might break down eventually but I know the NCR and maybe a few other groups are capable of producing firearms.

I envision the future of Fallout civilization as, on average, around the tech level of the 1900s, interspersed with savage tribals and enclaves of techno-wizards.

This isn't the Canticle of Leibowitz.

Because the lore in TES is just a byproduct of the main story, and not the other way around. No matter how good it is it's really no more than a canon fanfic to Bethesda.

That's pretty much what fallout is supposed to be on the cusp of anyways, bethesda simply want to use fallout branding to make right after the bomb dropped post apoc.

>It would be kind of hilarious if all the old world guns finally broke down and they were back to swords and bows

That's stupid user, most meaningful factions in the Fallout Universe make their own guns or trade for recently manufactured ones.

I just want it to be good, but of course that's not going to happen.

It totally could be in a couple hundred more years though

Bethesda lacks creative vision. Or just wants to capitalize on an existing conception of the franchise.

Whatever it is I don't like it.

I still don't get why the abbey was cut from Fallout 2. Way better designed area than San Francisco.

Fallout 3 touched on the south a bit

>As TES lore shows, they've obviously got a talented/bugfuck crazy team of writers.

Well, they used to anyways

Can't believe everyone's already excited to get fucked in the ass again

Not in my game. House established New Vegas as an independent power with trade routes to Shady Sands.

>Bethesda lacks creative vision. Or just wants to capitalize on an existing conception of the franchise.

It's a nasty mix of both. To add to it, they're just chasing a profit without interest in creating something.

Not really. There was what? 2 NPCs with lines? That one ghoul from England I recall.

Doesn't look like it lad