Only one day left until the Switch is released. If you want to claim an original-looking ID, here are some short words that aren't taken.

Other urls found in this thread:

pastebin user back at it again with dank free names

>Skelly isn't taken


Uh, how am I supposed to claim five letter ids?

not interested in taking any yourself OP?

As an Arab im really tempted to take hummus.

>tfw you're not quite fast enough

Oh god not more names I already have enough this shit is like collecting trading cards

Jesus Cwithe user

How the fuck do you get a 5 letter one
It says 6+

wow thanks I was kinda worried I'd have to take something gay with numbers like always

you can't

but the only punctuation allowed are periods and underscores.

I just threw a period at the end of my name, it suffices

JK I googled it out of curiosity

Type in the name that you want, open your browser's JavaScript console, and enter $('#login-id-edit-form').submit();

You can definitely do it. No one knows if these names will stick on console though.

post your hauls boys

I already have 1600 names so I don't need these

>that motherfucker who got Luigi weeks ago


boy I can't wait for the retards who brag about their nicknames without having a set ID

>I already have 1600 names
legit autism

>both chink and chinks are still free

Kek are people afraid they'll get banned for profanity?

thanks home boy

I just decided to try filling in the name field with 5 letter names from the thread, and the nintendo database recognizes them as taken, so I have to imagine it'll work

I know, user. It's an addiction. Thankfully I'll be free in one day when all the possible decent names are taken instantly

is the user who got Boshi yesterday around??

I got my name.

Does anyone know if any more e-celebs got btfo by someone taking their name before them like what happened to ProJared?

>minimum character limit
why tho
has anyone stopped and truly asked why

Not really a celebrity, but someone took smealum.

>Sega will never make JSRF for the Switch


I saw a few anons on Sup Forums saying they were taking YouTube and Twitch steamer names specifically to do this so we may see some more in the coming weeks

these id's don't matter because your nickname is what people see

He seems upset.

1. you'll be using the IDs to find and add people and they're displayed right next to your nickname
2. these accounts are gonna be for all Nintendo platforms (including future consoles assuming a new user system doesn't take this one's place) so I don't think it's fair to say we will never see these IDs online

If Nintendo Accounts are here to stay for a reasonably long time, I think the IDs will matter to others eventually. I can't really say for sure, but it's not like anyone here wasted more than week looking up names.

did anyone get any weeb names because I know weebs are retarded enough to pay for that

5 is a fine limit. 6 not so much.

You know that's actually a decent question. Why are ids under five characters a no-no?

Any popular anime -> Their main characters

I really do hope that Nintendo doesn't force people with five letter IDs to change them. I got what I've always wanted to use as a handle and I will be buttmad if it's taken away from me.

I think I did ok

Isn't your NNID your account? The same as wii u? Like why would you need another account then?

Someone else on here got Wario, Hitler, and Captain_Falcon. And some turbo autist took nearly every last Pokémon

no it isn't. this is a new account system that will be above NNIDs and will be used on every platform

>not taking sixtyninth


As an American im really tempted to take it to spite you

daily reminder that it's a fuckup on Nintendo's part to allow curse words in the id and you'll probably be FNCd or banned for it

I hope they do, I already reported it to them.

If I can't have my name, no one can. :^)

>anonymous message board creaming their pants over a username

>nickname has a 10 character limit
>ID had a 30 character limit

Both of these extremes are awful and they should have given us something in between them

everyone is forced to be a tripfag in vidya so we might as well be the best tripfags


>tfw your name is lewd but Nintendo's filter doesn't care about it

What was the name you wanted, brother?


wtf are you me? that's literally my name (well surname and first initial)

samhyde is still up for grabs people

>tfw someone already took fartboy

Congrats, fucker.

Fucking kek you can always take fartgirl

too late I already took this faggots name

people with identities can eat shit

I'm Anondorf.

I'm pretty sure it's just because skelly is short for skeleton


rate mine

I took Lain a couple of weks ago or something. And LainWired. Are you proud of me?

What is this shit? I already have a NNID since the 3ds came out with them. Is this a different thing?

You can't take something that has four characters even with JavaScript. Are you sure those weren't nicknames, user?

It's a new thing that supercedes NNID for the Switch's improved system, but if you have an NNID it's just a matter of going into your account settings.

Im gonna give these a decent to strong 7

>lower case A
You've done goofed

IDs can only be lowercase.

everything is forced lowercase since Nintendo is run by cavemen

Shit, I don't know, maybe you're right.

Log back into your accounts and check your User ID. LainWired probably still isn't taken since everyone is rushing to get really recognizable words and characters.

>friend tells me about this
>I wonder aloud if the name I want is still available
>he takes it

I'm going to kill him

I feel retarded, but I can't think of anything classic vidya related that isn't taken yet



Qbert is available

>mfw I nabbed phoenix_wright

>Qbert is available
I was thinking more NES/SEGA/SNES related. I was never a fan of Qbert

i had blaster_master for a bit

nabbed and dabbed

gaynigga is not taken
I repeat, gaynigga is not taken

what the fuck is "access denied" mean? That the Id is in use?

You probably tried 4 characters or shorter. Minimum is 5.

Neither is gayfish.

Usually when it happens to me I've just been tabbed in for too long and I need to refresh.


even better, nibba isn't taken

ayy lmao

My friend got waifu ):

bateman is available, use it wisely

Checkem is also available

Remember lads, every name we take is another that the Nintendo babbies will never get to have.

I'm happy with mine

Can someone do this but with every possible variation of tompreston and andrewdobson?

im not planning on playing online anytime soon so im not sure why i did this, but i did

how soft do you nikkas have to be to not take aroused yet

I took the letter L to the character limit and someone has already done that, the fuck?

barcode names are actually kinda popular on Xbox Live and PSN