Hero is more evil than the villain

>Hero is more evil than the villain

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name 5.74 games

unironically what game does this

He heard voices in his head.




God of War

>Hero succeeds against increasingly ridiculous scenarios only to be screwed at the last second



>tfw Big Red Erick Rowan will return and squash dweeb Orton and claim his title and his throne when he buries that geek Braynetty at 'Mania

Drakengard games. All of them arguably.

I'd argue Nier


Spec ops the line

>Implying Wyatt isn't turning Face


I wish they would. The fans have been wanting to get behind the guy forever.

wolfenstein games

It's kind of funny, because I've been making the argument that AJ hasn't been a heel at all.

He's been:
>Winning matches by following the rules, even if it's considered disrespectful
>Talking shit and making fun of people
>Cheating in matches that don't really matter, against people he's feuding with

I mean... Stone Cold did all this shit as a face. Hulk Hogan did this shit as a face. Even John Cena does this shit occasionally as a face.

As far as I'm concerned, AJ is a face who's feuding with other faces because there was nobody else worth feuding with on Smackdown.

Mega Man.

has anyone ever been as screwed over as this man here

In Nier the replicants literally fuck over humanity by not merging with the gestalts so yeah you pretty much are the bad guy.

>that raw, unfiltered mental breakdown Bray had
God tier acting


>when it comes crashing down and it hurts inside

>tfw you just want your championship match but you have to deal with arsonist snakemen and possessed swamp wizards

But "villain" isn't real

what the fuck are you talking about? Bray had always been a face
>entrance has the crowd participating with him
>cheers when he preaches

Fable 1

t. Jim Ross


It all went so wrong

>game pushes a hated NPC as the central hero of the story

guild wars 2


Nah. Caim is a murderous psychopath and so is Zero but they're both trying to prevent the end of the world; Nowe is a do-gooder. They're not good people but the villains are worse.

I'd like to talk about how Sasha Banks is working an early Miz heel gimmick ever since she debut'd.

>doesnt draw
>has no heat
Luke Harper is good at his current role but shit you must be crazy to think he deserves a wrestlemania main event spot

The fact X told Zero HE started not to get feeling of remorse for killing fellow Reploids after many centuries got to me. He has fallen.

Fucking Five Star Wrestling.

Every Kirby game.

Can you wrestling cunts fuck back off to where you belong?


Most Tales game is about you destroying the church

>Leave us, slayer of Demons. This is a sanctuary for the lost and wretched. There is nothing here for you to pillage or plunder. Please, leave quietly.
>You will not turn back, will you?

Probably because AJ is a shit heel.
Don't get me wrong, he's a great wrestler but he simply doesn't work.

Even though he's a heel he still goes for flippyshit and cool moves as a majority of his moveset, he doesn't really seem to be that much of an asshole as you said, just a bit of shittalking and he has gone over clean in a lot of matches.

Neville did a pretty good job removing his face flippyshit and still being a decent wrestler but I don't think AJ made the same commitment.

Zero was explicitly trying to stop the apocalypse, but saving the world always felt like an accident on Caim's part. An accident, or at least a minor side effect.

He did kick Ambrose in the dick that one time. That's a pretty asshole thing to do.

This literally never happens, so you better stop insulting heroes before you get what's coming to you.

There's no villain in that

True, but compared to murderous asshole babies who befriended a small child and had her lead a possessed army to destroy the world and a giant, time-devouring beast I'd say he's probably the lesser evil.

But which is worse; offering release to the wretched and depraved or offering hope to the hopeless?

The valley was an eden for the diseased, but it was also deeply flawed. Unfortunately, Astraea was a means to an end.

Jeanne d'Arc psp game


Villian is the hero trying to stop you

he does

How so?

Fucking Enderal

definition of chaotic evil.

Ambrose crotched him first. Also he talked the biggest load of bullshit in all his promos. I'd kick him in the dick too.

They shouldn't have split gallows and anderson from AJ


The game specifically clears up the fact during in-between mission text things that your character is killing literally thousands of people because he enjoys it and is only saying he's doing it for revenge/to protect his sister.

The most virtuous and heroic member of your party is a pedophile.

This is official art of the main character.

Yeah man, and the Watchers take over a small child, corrupt an empire and set out to wreck shit, and by shit I mean everything, everywhere, by destroying the seals and bringing in the apocalypse that is themselves. Caim is a bad dude, no doubt, but he's not as bad as they are.

>and is only saying he's doing it for revenge/to protect his sister.
This is true, but he still tries to stop her from killing herself, so he's not completely uncaring.

Leonard is also the best party member.

Caim doesn't really give a fuck about saving the world, just saving his sister, and after she kicks the bucket, he decides the next best thing to do is kill the little shit who caused all of this, oh and save the world as a side-effect of rampage
I'm not kidding, the only reason Caim saves the world is because he wanted to murder the person who was trying to end it as revenge for his sister

in gameplay, your dragon pact-partner is getting disgusted at your wanton slaughter of THOUSANDS

Actually /asp/ is the wrestling board, user.

It's Sports Entertainment.