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>Not Final
and yet Sup Forums will finger itself over this

>botw confirmed 6.7

we can try again in four years r-right?

You know, once they add eShop and you can download another Mario scroller or Mario Kart 9123 in addition to a non-remastered Skyrim.

It will end up scoring.


>OP goes on IGN and trusts their opinions
Bitch they say it's a work in progress, they don't have the release date model or firmware, and the aren't supposed to review that shit till like the 3rd.

Do we still F at a miscarriage? Or is it E?


in the real world that's closer to a 1.2

No, only when a site that isn't a biased hater or IGN declare miscarriage.

Oh good starts from Nintendo sending the reviewers a beta version to review for the actual release!

What a gay response.

>9/10 ign is usually a 1/10
>6.7/10 ign is a 1.2
Can math prove this right?

No, I think we let it wither away in silence like all things Nintendo.

Alternatively the idea was a BotW review ready for launch.

Nearly every console has a release day patch now. Companies use reviewers as glorified last minute beta testers for software and firmware

Yh the 6.7 was definitely an inflated score

yeah that was a lame cuck response.

Are u ladies upset because you know this is another failure bound Nintendo product?


Your not subtle you know? No one is under any illusion that your statement is sincere. Here's a (you) I hope it tickles you're brain just right. I know the your and you're are wrong I just wanted to get your hopes up

wew what a rebuttal by the Nintentards.

How will I ever recover.

By killing yourself and being delusional and a dumbcunt FOREVER, Sonygger

watch out we got a fedora edge lord


Probably letting some nigger fuck your asshole.

good thing I got a pro-controller


One job.

Normies are going to return this thing if they encounter this kind of error on a brand new console....

Guys it's ok. Don't worry. Nintendo will be remembered for Pokemon Go - which they did not make and is already dead.

>thank God I gave them more money for 3 controllers so one of them works
Good thing indeed

>remembered for pokemon go
Try harder horse cock sucking faggot chan
your meme game is weak

>RROD All over again.
>a complete console failure compared to a controller malfunction.

Idort here quit exaggerating. nothing will ever be worse then the 360 failure rate.

6.7 hardware that will play the eventual 10/10 masterpiece known as Splatoon 2 is still worth a buy

I still can't believe investors of Nintendos stock didn't realize what kind of % share Nintendo had in that app and how little it's profit would be from it, it just shows that the people who buy the stock are just as retarded as the worst nintendo fans

You are visibly upset. Is this because you spend the last of your pocket money on a shit stained console and vidya game? Also incase you havn't heard you better ask your mom for more $ as the joystick that comes with the bundle dsnt work.

If this is an insult it does nothing for me.
I give you a cookie for effort, but nah. Here's a (you) instead.

You mad?

That (you) doesn't work thankfully I bought a pro (you) so it doesn't matter the first ones busted.

if true this will kill the console
you can't release a faulty product no matter who you are

Yh it's all those Nintentards buying into the hype again, thn thinking they are some Wolf of Wallstreet character.

Would love to have seen their faces when Nintendo came out and reminded everyone that they didn't actually make it.

so on a scale from 1-blackzilla, how bad were you molested as a child?

>Coming out literally tomorrow

Is this the least hyped people have been for a console ever? I only see Nintendo fans talking about it

Not that user but your posts are ad hominems which do nothing but hand him the intellectual victory and everyone but you can see that

I had a ps1

Good fucking riddance Nintendo.

Didn't kill the 360

Well technically it did...but it still sold over 70 mil

Yes. Literally no one cares. Even with how aggressively Nintendo has marketed it, no one is listening.

i thought yall couldn't stand game journalism

>Good fucking riddance Nintendo.

we are witnessing the last nintendo console. a few years from now they'll be reduced to making games for their competitors' platforms like Sega, putting out mario games on the Playstation 4 and Xbox one

what a time to be alive

What makes the situation even better is the fact tht fucking Ouya scored higher.

The price baffles me and the fact that the only game is also on the wii u. A terrible launch price and lineup.

Well of course that happens when you don't leave your hugbox

Honestly should have happened a long time ago. Instead of wasting time shitting out gimmicks and bad hardware they can actually focus on just making games.

Why do people insist on lying when it can be disproven with a quick google search? Is losing 5 seconds of time really that great of a troll?

>already dead
You don't go outside much, do you?

Post yfw you didn't preorder the Switch.

In the advertising it looks like theyre still yearning to grab the casual hordes again. But they wont give enough of a shit to make a distinction between the tablet with controllers attached to it and the tablet/phone they already have. They wont see why they'd spend $300 when they already have a perfectly good candy crush machine.

Post yfw you can tell faggots are lying

I'm getting Deja Vu here...


>we are witnessing the last nintendo console
people have been saying this since before I was born lmao

Please get out of your Echo Chamber

Yes I don't think this is their last console because of the massive cash reserves tht Nintendo has.

But I do think this will be another major blow made worse by the new Zelda.

I literally went to the store yesterday and the Switch section was small. They didn't even have any games set up


Well, we were pretty close with the Wii U...

But the Zelda game is good, and people want it

>new Zelda will make the blow worse
What the hell are you talking about?

Tht's a good thing. It will end up softening the blow thn. And in part prove Nintendo to be a good game developer as opposed to console maker.

When did Sup Forums start listening to IGN?

think they are giving time for normies to gain interest slowly as interest will spread quickly I think. most kids who go to a friends house and see that shit will want that shit. kids will want 1-2 switch which some parents will be interested in as a cool toy, and might tell their friends about it. by christmas it'll probably be $249.99 (apart of the plan), mario will be out, and nintendo has enough consoles in stock to avoid something like wii sellouts on christmas the year it came out. also maybe some parents will recognize its the same price as the last nintendo they bought and find it nice + affordable

I actually canceled my pre-order for this shit.

I have had 5 fucking RROD from the xbox360 not exaggerating. I only bought a xbox360 twice but microsoft kept sending me new ones that broke as well within a couple of months.

They could've made the console $50 more expensive and put better hardware in for fucks sake. I refuse to buy a literally broken product.

Bullshit, the controller is arguably as important as the unit itself, considering the shitty exhibitions during the Direct. It's a fair comparison.

Too bad for you they're both

the wiiU was already a bomb. they can't afford to suffer two in a row. The DS line was successful enough that their mobile stuff was doing alright, but they're putting all their eggs in one basket by billing the Switch as both.

it's not going to bankrupt the company or anything, but they're going to have to take a serious look at their finances and ask themselves the big question, "Can we afford to risk three failed consoles in a row?" The smart move will be to still put out great games, just for other platforms

the new Zelda seems almost universally praised. I'm probably never going to play it because I'm not wasting my money on a switch or a wiiu, but it seems like a great game held back by a gimmicky console

Jesus, if I had a nickel every time I said that about a nintendo game

>they can't afford to suffer two in a row
Prove it

>last Nintendo console
>even their worst handheld has sold 65 Million Units

>The smart move will be to still put out great games, just for other platforms
Too bad for you Nintendo is too stupid and stubborn

typo, meant three in a row. the wiiu, the switch, then whatever would hypothetically come after the switch. Probably a mobile-only platform if anything, based on how much better the DS line has been doing than the wiiu

Even if nintendo had infinite money, and they don't, it would be stupid to keep burning cash over failed consoles when it's their software that people really want

It depends on what they'd consider a "Failure"

Would 30 million be considered one? 40 million? what?

>not final

Every review seems to have done this. They're all hoping Nintendo will release some sort of software update that will fix everything they hate about the console.

WTF they updated it!

(It won't)

GG Nintendo. It was nice knowing you.

Yh seems about right, still kind of inflated. Standard IGN.

Next time on Arrested Development.

So the Switch is going to flop without a doubt, does that mean that Nintendo might stop doing consoles and start focusing on games instead?
Imagine Nintendo games on actual good consoles like the PS4.

>good consoles like the PS4

Nintendo would sooner become a mobile company than follow Sega down the path of shame.

That would be awesome.

who knows? I'm not invited to the meetings where they discuss their financials, I have no idea what exact number they're targeting, but it's obvious from looking at the lifespan of the WiiU that it didn't cut it. Early reviews aren't making the switch look promising either. Maybe they'll fix it. If they don't manage to, I'm not holding my breath for the Switch 2 or whatever.

>Nintendo would sooner become a mobile company

that's my biggest fear. I'd love to be able to play Nintendo games on a console I'd actually want to own. But unlike the WiiU, the various DS's did very well. it's possible Nintendo will look at those sales and just go "fuck it, let's just make DS games and phone games from now on"

Sorry, you know what, that was a lazy shop. Here have a more refined shitpost.

Literally this. Plus the new Mario looks fun so far and Zelda on the go is kinda cool.

also some of the indies look fun, ARMS and FE warriors could be a good time and if we get 3ds second party devs it could be a really fucking good handheld

The indie games look like trash, just like all indie games