Name 1 game where I can play as a, Resident Evil: Retribution, Leon Scott Kennedy

Name 1 game where I can play as a, Resident Evil: Retribution, Leon Scott Kennedy.

>Saddle, you're unimportant in the grand scheme of things.

What was the point in including the games' characters in the movies?

The first one was actually pretty good in comparison to the rest, and that's because it doesn't have a Mary Sue taking out zombies left-and-right while said characters watch, impressed.

The films are already pretty lazy in terms of storytelling, and they have the rights to a bunch of premade, mostly one-note characters they can just lift the likenesses of.

They also get to bank on some die hard fans of the games grudgingly seeing the film cause there's some dipshit in a red vest who's on screen for 5 minutes named "Barry."

They're fun movies that can borrow things from the games.

Novels Leon >>> Pewdiepie-clone movies Leon >> Leon

Prove me wrong

>What was the point in including the games' characters in the movies?
People have been assblasted by a movie based off a game having very little to do with said game.

If you enjoy cancer, I guess.

Movie Leon is shit.

>each movie is made with no intention of their being a sequel, it just so happened to work out that each made shitloads more than the last
>sequels are made up as they go with no real care for continuity
>this is made obvious with the second movie
>people still go into these and complain about stuff that isn't even being attempted instead of just enjoying the flick
>things are just taken from the games and thrown into the movies for no reason other than fanservice
These are the best kind of movies.

You have shit taste. Sorry about that.

>>sequels are made up as they go with no real care for continuity
>>this is made obvious with the second movie

Damnation Leon was pretty good. Shame he couldn't share an American burger with JD

>babby's first beard "i wanna be a classic badass" edgelord Leon

Degeneration' biggest flaw was using the g-virus as the climax. Whatshisname shoulda shot that up in the intro so the movie could've been more slower paced and body horror focused. The appeal of the g-virus is the different stages of mutation and increasing desire to reproduce. Great concept, poor execution outside of RE2. I have my hopes though, one day it'll hopefully be done justice again

> haah

>Racoon City at the end of the first movie
>empty wasteland, bloodbath
>Racoon City at the beginning of the second movie
>bustling city still evacuating

>people call a bad movie a bad movie
>y-you guys s-should just enjoy it for w-what it is!
>if you ignore all the stuff that make it bad (aka the entire movie) its a good movie!

He's better than "stone face" Leon in Degeneration. And he actually feels important to the plot instead of being roped around by Helena all the time who actually knows nothing in the grand scheme of things.

I don't follow, do you genuinely believe they went out to make a masterpiece or something? You are only proving my point.

>Third movie
>World is a gigantic desert, t-virus killed all the plants and shit

>Fourth movie
>World is totally fine, there's water and plants everywhere

Do you genuinely believe people cant shit/dislike a bad movie because they should be "ignoring the bad"? "So what if it's bad, do you really think they were really trying??" What kind of shit excuse is that for having a poor film

The first one being an acceptable movie made the second movie so enraging to me at the time I saw it. It was only the third movie going so off the rails retarded that I started to appreciate the second movie for the schlock garbage that it is, and enjoy the series as a whole.

I did get kind of annoyed with this last movie with the multiple 'fuck every prior movie' story events.

>Wesker rescues Alice from Umbrella rape camp for the sole purpose of having her there in DC to get killed, despite how she could've easily been killed while unconscious in Umbrella rape camp
>Wesker has his foot crushed by a door and is completely immobilized and eventually killed by this when in prior movies he was essentially an unkillable super-monster.
That and the printer near the beginning being the loudest thing on the planet bugged me, but given the series it was pretty enjoyable overall.

I mean with the second movie. Forgot the ending scene in the first though.

Feels like the games honestly. They don't exactly retcon, but they're so everywhere.

Because Milla Jovoich is fucking the director.

Literally, they're married.

I'm not saying it's not a poor film, you are the one saying I said it's a good movie. Good =/= Fun. You can have fun enjoying something that is shitty, and that is exactly what they did.

>Feels like the games
The games with wildly different environments take place in different countries.

>Wesker has his foot crushed by a door and is completely immobilized and eventually killed by this when in prior movies he was essentially an unkillable super-monster
This doesn't even begin to make sense. Can't he just break the damn door down?
Makes sense. She was never a good character.

>people complain about continuity with the movies
>yet don't give a shit that all of China being exploded with zombies and Africa being a bio-weapon hell hole was just erased from the books

The games are relatively consistent in the universe's internal setting, narrative, and story progression.

I never mentioned those. I was talking with the story. They're all over the place.
Yet they have multiple huge "accidents" with monsters and the world still acts fine.

I think it chops his foot off and he bleeds to death. He just lies there. Alice even walks up to him and gives him a dead-man switch for bombs and he eventually dies and lets it go off.

>ken doll emotionless Leon
>Claire playing second fiddle to tits mcgee

Degeneration fucking sucked

>I think it chops his foot off and he bleeds to death. He just lies there.
Are you fucking serious? That wouldn't even kill a normal human being assuming they have a basic knowledge of first aid. Although, I am assuming it's just part of his foot.

Both Africa and China were confined to single urban centers, and the world cares enough about bioweapons for the BSAA to be a thing, it's probably just not bad enough to be a problem everywhere, hence why life is normal otherwise.

>the world still acts fine.

Does it? We mostly only see the world through a limited perspective of characters who are dealing with the shit in front of them. The games don't spend any time on how the world has dealt with bioweapons being proliferated. It's not that it's lacking continuity, they just choose not to address it.

It's his entire lower half iirc. He just lays there in disbelief because he got fired from Umbrella.

>Jill was the best part of all these movies
>shunt her into the background and then drop the dumb RE5 shit all over her

Wait was it? Everyone I was with thought it was foot and was baffled like I was.

I guess I can see the existential dread setting in from being fired immobilizing him though. What about his 401k? His pension? How will he live? And then he lets go of the dead-man's switch while pondering his financial future and the whole Hive explodes. Which STILL probably wouldn't kill him.

This is either bait or just a really stupid statement.

Considering he does shit well enough on his on in RE5, I'd say that wouldn't need them. Of course I'm more referring to his physical state. Fucker could just go on a crusade to kill all in charge and place himself as the sole leader of Umbrella, which is what the movie should have had.

I took at as when he got fired, all the Umbrella shit, that was giving him super powers, just shut down in his body. Like how they were able to remotely shut down Alice in Extinction, his Umbrella nanoblood virus shit shut off when he was terminated.

Damn, that's shitty writing and missing a decent plot.

The Final Chapter was okay. I mean, it was a fucking shit movie but it was fun.

>that weird thing they did where they edited action scenes like there was a giraffe with a go pro strapped to it's head that had ADD and epilepsy shaking around every time something happened

How could you not laugh?

Given the horrible monster-state of him at the end of the fourth movie, I'd assume if he had wifi enabled Umbrella implants they'd really only be keeping his mutations under control rather than specifically making him super strong like the... main old guy, whatever his name was. So if anything, I'd expect him to start sprouting monster mash out of his mouth again and going crazy if that was the explanation, though of course we're
>trying to explain the RE movies

I was busy trying not to have a seizure.

No one has named a single game yet.