Vidya Buyfag Thread

Post your figure collections
Do you guys have anything interesting on preorder?

Does this count?

>delicious chocolate Pochaco
>no tan lines
They could have made so much money

Buying shit for my vidya piracy store. Also got a G602 and I fucking love the battery life on it compared to my G700. Haven't turned it off since 12th of Feb.

I'm gonna sell all my lewd shit and keep my Berserk figures. Luckily most of the lewd figures has resell value like the Morrigan figure

Got these today.
Still waiting on Casko and Berserker Elin to come.

Its getting hard to choose between Sonico and Porkchop

Can u have both?

>no tan lines

porkchop should be banned from buyfag threads in every board.

Figures are a waste of money and meant for normies who are desperately trying to look like they aren't normies by having objects they can post on twitter about.

Get neither
Honestly this

i'm sorry you are a faggot

Pork a cute tho

what game

Tits are too big

Too much ass

this meme needs to stop

I just have nothing else to spend it on plus I like looking at pretty things.

Plus I don't understand how anyone that isn't somewhat famous could possibly have the audacity to think anything that they say on twitter is really worth it.

>Horny Badass Xenomorph

Best post in the thread, everyone else is fucking gay

Best ASS of 2017
Look at it

Shit taste in alcohol, nice onahole though

I'm not seeing any Mechagodzilla or any Gigan in there.

how many times does this shitposting thread have to be deleted for you to learn

>TOHO Godzilla

2nd best post in the thread

I've never gone from flaccid to throbbing, diamond hard erection so fast in my life


>That limited selection of games
user, are you poor?



user, can I borrow Toe Jam and Earl?

>too much ass was actually reverse psychology to ensure buttposting continued

Sup Ruggarell how's your sister doing

>I posted it again!

>He doesnt like Squid Sperm
Fuck off faggot

I have a Mechagodzilla 1 figurine on my other shelf, and fuck Gigan

I have 2000 and Birth Island, and well as Attack of the Legion Gamera

No my other stuff is at my other house

>said the faggot posting not vidya threads on Sup Forums

I'm the one opposed to Porkshit and fatass Sonico

>Tfw finally got a $20/hr job and can afford to buy cool vidya shit now
Feels good man

>biggest Porkchop is 1/3 scale
Fugg i want a 1/1 scale of this THICC goddess

The Millennium era was easily my favorite Godzilla design.

she's more along the lines of a 2/6ths scale

These 3 are the best designs
Final Wars is also perfect because its a perfect combo of 90's and 2000

>Choco Pochaco
God damn.

delicious Choco Potaco

Is it necessary to one these figures you people speak of.



I want a Megumin statue but I can't justify spending $140 on it. I don't even use my Jehuty or Drossel figmas, and that's like $150 wasted.

You thinking of selling them?

>they will never make a Raime or Sulyvahn statue

>The lightsaber fag that killed Gwyndolin (cute)
Why would you want this?

Not really, but maybe I should try.
I accidentally broke off one of the blue "feathers" though, so I'd probably get a lot less.

Wasn't this the one that got a re-release because of the fucked up face?
Well, good on ya I guess.

Got pics? I collect shit because autism.

one of the only two figures I own

I never liked that twink, shit boss.
Plus I enjoyed Suly's background a lot more since he's arguably the most alluded to/story-heavy character in the series.

Wouldn't mind a Nito figure either.

the other figure

Of which?
Drossel's broken bit is the headdress here.

they are pretty small

Both, I wanted to see what condition they were in.

they can be stacked on top of each other which amuses me

so you faggots arent even trying to hide that this is just an Sup Forums thread huh

>that middle bottom

Fighting game girls need more figures.


Really wished they chose some nicer poses for the three GG girls.

I mean, Jam's is alright but both Elphelt and Jack-O have such boring poses. At least Ram got love.

I think the reason I stopped using Jehuty was because none of the Vector Cannon accessories would fucking stay on, and the cockpit looks ridiculous with that giant hinge.

That Jehuty doesn't seem like a figma. More like a revotech or something else, something about the joints seems like something Max Factory/GSC wouldn't do.

Incoming for thsoe monhun fans

It is a Revoltech, I'm just tired and want to shorthand every figure as a figma.

Incoming lewd MonHun

It's literally their character art pose which isn't that bad. Jack-O's is really the only one that doesn't look that great, and Ram has the benefit of having 2 other figures already.

>It's literally their character art pose which isn't that bad
Not that they were any dynamic poses to begin with. Blazblue's character art poses proved better as figures, but there's only one example for that.

Oh okay. Maybe you should get some rest boyo. But yeah, I would say sell them but as far as I know, that's the only jointed fig of Jehuty. Maybe just sell off Drossel

They're terrible designs, there's only so much you can do with them.

this fig needs generous hot glue

Got these the other day.

>tfw I gave someone $20 to do this to a screen with Lucina
Am I cuckq?

I recived these the other day.

why give 20 dollars when there's people all over Sup Forums/the internet who'll do it for free?

Jesus user dont waste your money. There's literally a subculture on the internet that does this all the time cos they love it.

My stuff. Sorry for camera.

You must be a real hit with the ladies.

How old is your kid anyway?

End your life

It was a while ago and the guy said he needed money.

This person has quoted too many people to not be shitposting.

They can't end their lives if they don't have one to begin with, dummy.

I'm a lady and I think the collection is really neat.

okay in that case its pretty hot but you should've asked for more

anyway... post it

Nah I'm completely serious
This is next level autism and the only solution is euthanasia.

Why are you so angry?

I'm not I just think the world would be better without social autists who waste valuable oxygen

Megami Device Road Runner

anyday now


It's on my old phone which is broken. I do have a screenshot of something my friend did for me on my memory card.


Good job on the Elise though.

post the near pic nigga not something with all the icons lol

also where do you hang out since you're such a big fan of this stuff?


>you must be fun at parties hurr durr

fuck off.

I told you that it's on my phone's memory, not on the memory card.
Chicago nigress, I just sorta hang out downtown when I'm not playing vidya or working. It's also how why I get lewd shit sent to me all the time.

>I'm a lady

No, you aren't. You're a boy who was convinced by an unhealthily supportive internet community into taking drugs that kill your balls. You're not a woman, you're a mockery of them.
