How would've you written MGS5 and MGS4?

How would've you written MGS5 and MGS4?

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4 was fine. Snake was already out of his prime in MGS1 so while you could have had another Snake game similar to MGS1, I think it would have been kind of contrived to do so. Though 4 could have been better in the overall design even if the story was the same or similar. I would have had 5 actually be about Big Boss developing Outer Heaven and ended with Snake starting his mission in MG1 like everyone thought was going to happen.

1. Don't hire a Hollywood actor that's going to charge you $10,000 per line

Snake kills himself at the end of 4

We are the real Big Boss in V and build the real Outer Heaven while recruiting Foxhound

With 4 get rid of the "Big Boss's pals from MGS# became the Patriots" retardation.

It's the biggest cancer the series has ever had.

>MFW Ground zeroes was probably 2nd best metal gear out of the whole series

>Vanton Vain
Original Mother Base attack was a conspiracy by world powers to get rid of a mercenary group that had grown too big for comfort. Skull Face is simply a lackey of said powers and Cipher. Snake lashes out against a world that only wants to use him but not let him be and do what he himself wants. Quiet is "just" another enemy super-soldier. Ishmael, Volgin On Fire and Psycho Cricket are completely new characters and/or figments of Snake's imagination (you could almost call them "Those Who Don't Exist" or something).

or alternatively

Skull Face is still after Zero's head, but for less retarded reasons, and he's tricking Snake into fighting and finding Zero for him.

I would've had 5 actually be a story of friends becoming enemies, villains making more and more sense, and a slow descent into being an evil person yourself.

>friends becoming enemies
I was bracing myself for Snake and Kaz to develop a massive rift between them and have viscious arguments over views and decisions, growing to despise each other and even leading to an unmendable revolt inside the organization.
It would have hurt to watch, but in a good way because I would have been so invested and desperately against it.

What we got was this awkward silence and indifference where the characters barely acknowledge the other's existence. Unhappy married couples at least snark and fight with each other, but this was just... nothing.

I would have made it the sw episode 3 everyone wanted it to be

But it wouldnt be that hard to salvage TPP as it is now

>remove the cutscene where eli escapes with the child soldiers
>have just one act, put the quiet mission before mission 30
>same with the kill your own troops quarantine shit



Huey's arc is the only good part of the story in MGSV

He cost less than Hayter I'm pretty sure

I actually liked 4, B&B corps was shit. Drebin was also annoying. Mr Shitpants fit the world. Gorilla Meryl was too ugly. But overall I liked it and Big Boss showing up was actually nice in my opinion.
5 was a trainwreck, I´d rather take any of those retarded fan theories we had. Can't really think of any positives. Kiefer sounded nice.

I realize that there are in fact a lot of technical and programming hurdles to it, but a co-op mode with just one other person would have saved so much without having to change any of the actual content already in place.

Have boss wake up from a Coma, and go find Kaz. Turns out XOF has been using a big boss double as a figurehead and turning him into the bad guy he's known for. Finally defeat your double, turns out to be an illusion created by Mantis. You were never in a coma, you were being manipulated with drugs, mind control, nano-machines, whatever into being the badguy by the patriots to scare the world out of the cold war. Game ends with Solid Snake showing up at Outer Heaven. Retcon MG1 and 2 into them being about Solid Snake being manipulated by the patriots into defeating a sacrificial lamb you've been turned into.

Even having a few of your own AI soldiers (not buddies) take part would have added a lot. Like you could call for backup or SOMETHING. It never really feels like you have your own army.

Leave it as it. It did nothing wrong
Erase PW. Make PO the story for V

What everyone wanted to see: The fall of Big Boss. How he went from a hero to the scourge of hummanity. How Kaz left him, how he built Outer Heaven, more details on Les Enfants Terribles .

Instead we got some random as the main character, voice parasites and a chick that seem to cpme out straight out of an anime.

Get rid of B&B squad. Waaaaay too cringey. Kojima was being lazy and it showed. I'm not even against an all female squad of villains, just don't make them "powered by trauma" and then make most of that trauma fucking laughable.
Don't reveal that Ocelot was on your side all along. Indeed, just generally trim and clean that plot. It's okay if its complicated, don't save twenty reveals for the epilogue of the game.
Zero helping found the Patriots isn't the worst. But Big Boss's whole crew being patriots is dumb.

Include bringing along your soldiers as an option, as well as buddies.
Remember that Ocelot is a pretty horrible dude, and show how Boss coming to rely more and more on him is a bad thing.
Include Chapter 3, and/or a scene where Kaz abandons Mother Base when Boss sides with Ocelot too many times.
End with a mission as David Hayter-voiced Snake infiltrating Outer Heaven and fighting Big Boss.

Find a new director and writer who are competent.

>Make V a global spanning adventure meeting the future FOXHOUND team
>have BB and Eli have a good relationship till he discovers he's a clone
>add in more jungle, snowy and urban enviroments

I would've had Solidus as Venom Snake instead of a fucking body double, Kojima is a fucking retard for doing that

This was supposed to be that scene

I think Solidus would have been even younger than Liquid during the time MGSV takes place.

4 stays the same, V becomes Metal Gear.

so did the medic have a rocket arm or what?

>4 was fine

Stopped reading there. You're wrong, it was fucking awful story wise, and game play was decent.

Breddy gud

Make mgs4 not retcon the fact mgs2 is a vr mission. Not make mgs5 into a shit walker clone

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