Why haven't you replayed me yet?

Why haven't you replayed me yet?

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I did and you were just as shit as I remembered. Next time I'll try Nehrim though and see if it's any good.

Because you're not that great my dude

Doing a playthrough right now.
Decided to do blunt this time.
Combat is still tedious.

Because modding you again is a pain in the ass

Because I could just download the soundtrack

Because I'm not going to install hundreds of mods into you again.

Because I'm looking for mods to fix the shitty level scaling, potato faces, combat, and the millions of crashes that will soon follow.

I am right now. Fuck you

>play the game for 20 hours in
>feel like using showracemenu for shits and giggles
>30 minutes later and I notice that my security skill is back to 6 (it was 25)
>look at my skill levels
>they're all back to their starting point as if I never levelled at all

I had to cheat back in the skills and now my stats are all messed up since I needed to reset my level back after doing so. Fuck you Oblivion.

Level scaling.

Honestly, because character faces are too fucked up. Also distinct lack of beards.

Because I took all the time to download 9000+ mods and build a perfect mod list and it turned out you were so shitty that I uninstalled you before I even got through the first dungeon.

Stop memeing, Sup Forums. Oblivion wasn't a flawed gem. It was shit. We all somehow have nostalgia for it in spite of that but it was never good and never will be. You can replay Morrowind and have a good time, but it isn't going to happen with Oblivion. Skyrim was better.

no controller support, no comfy

I don't really like replaying games. Especially not long, open world ones.

Werks on my xbox :^)

>Skyrim was better.

you should have started with this so i would know to stop reading

Skyrim was what Oblivion was supposed to be.

Didn't even finish you the first time


I'm actually playing it.
Maybe not the best choice of race/class but I'm good (Female Breton, Witchhunter or whatever; forgot)

I can finish a much better game in the time it takes to install all the mods necessary to make this bearable.

It is. Skyrim is fun for an hour or so with the right mods. Oblivion is absolute garbage on all fronts.

This is correct. It was supposed to be dumbed down garbage that was palatable to normies, but it ended up being dumbed down dogshit that was palatable to nobody. With Skyrim they finally got what they were shooting for.

I never played you in the first place. Morrowind left me unimpressed and everyone says you're significantly worse than that, so I see no reason to start.

>roleplaying as a video game

>todd voice acted a character in his test room

You really should!

the game loses a lot of appeal as you become an unapproachable god and you kind of have to be to beat some of the shit introduced by OOO and other overhauls

still it got another solid 30 hours once i managed to spend 10 of those modding and making sure i didn't crash every other half hour


I'm pretty sure you have to be retarded to rank Skyrim above Oblivion.

Shit combat being less shit is never an achievement for Elder Scrolls, which is why so many on Sup Forums swear by Morrowind. Writing on the other hand is usually somewhat important, and while Oblivion is a retcon machine, at least it tries. Skyrim is literally a walking simulator where they couldn't figure out how to do guilds, so they just said fuck it and cut everything once they started on the Arena.

Skyrim was a mess.

Even combitewise there was almost no variety and felt you were doing the same thing which is clicking the RMB. Removing stats made sure of that. In Oblivion you can actually raise the stats to be able to dodge shit and move faster than your opponents even jumping over them/landing an arrow from mid air etc. The combat is already shitty in ES but Skyrim without mods was just something else.

Not to mention posion actually mattering and removal of debuffs where you don't even have to worry about being burdened, silenced and so on. Enemy NPCs being dumber and using less skills(If that was even possible) like they didn't coat their weapons with poison, use potions, spellcasters running away as soon as you approach them(See glemoril witches etc) like they just stand there to get killed while the AI in oblivion even ran to other segments of the dungeon where they basically get more help(Not intentional but still).


It's not really "above". Reddit likes Skyrim, so it's fedora. Of course 3>4>5 in terms of quality/fun/TESness.

Always got through these games swinging my sword like a cave man. I've never understood the combat system and just tank blows instead of blocking. That or I use bows

Because supposedly morrowind is better and I'd rather play that than replaying Skyrim or Oblivion yet again

You arent daggerfall

So does everyone know about the mace of doom now?

but I just did
playing modded, as a female knight
at early levels, so many bandits and goblins filled me with their loads

>while Oblivion is a retcon machine, at least it tries
No it doesn't.

>Skyrim is literally a walking simulator
And it's a good walking simulator unlike Oblivion. And Oblivion's guidls were shit.
Skyrim's College > Oblivion's Manimarco shit
Companions > Fighter's "Hist sap"
Skyrim Dark Brotherhood > meme "best questione"
Only Thieve's Guild is better in Oblivion
Fuck that shitty game

I've never played a WRPG before.
They seem very unappealing and boring.

What mod? Pls show step by step instructions.

oblivion was such a fucking disappointment

they completely consolized TES

I played you in 2015, so I gotta wait until at least 2019 before my memory becomes foggy so I can enjoy it again.

Because id rather replay skyrim

Why would I play you when I could play Skyrim?

skyrim's world is bland as fuck

Weeb here.
Should I play this? Is it cool? Fun?

I'd have to mod the fuck outta you for me to enjoy it and I can't be arsed

>Skyrim's College > Oblivion's Manimarco shit
Ahahahaa. As much as I hated the final part of oblivions mage questline that was infinitely superior to the trash we got in Skyrim. That was the definition of laziness holy shit.

Yeah oblivion was better in that regard. I loved the manimarco lore

It has that extra bit of depth that Skyrim doesn't by giving you choices such as class and birth sign.

Some guilds are better (like the Thieves' Guild), some are equal and some are bad. If you like RPGs or played Skyrim before, give it a try.

It's okay but you absolutely NEED mods to make the game bearable. Aside from that, the quests are more fun than what Skyrim can offer.

>seeing body in first person


Why is there no body first person mod for Skyrim SE?


I'm pretty sure there is, or at least a video that a friend of mine did when he was showing off the huge titty with jiggle physics mod.

>you NEED mods
Explain why. If it's just for convenience, then I don't care.

Melee combat is sort of fine but arrows and spell projectiles move incredibly slow. Third person camera is absolutely fucking awful in vanilla. The UI is big and archaic, NPCs are absolutely ugly. There's a lot more other shit but games like Oblivion and Skyrim are ones that I absolutely cannot stand playing without mods. Unofficial patch helps fixes a lot of bugs with the game as well.

Not that guy, but I agree on the camera. Not being able to look at yourself up front even with your weapon sheathed like in Skyrim feels really odd for me, and it has this tendency to be strictly centered and going in some sort of 'outer sphere' motion.

However, I feel the speed of both arrows and fireballs is fine (kind of)

>I've never understood the combat system
Are you fucking retarded? It's braindead simple. Hold block until they attack and recoil from the hit, spam attacks until they block, back up as much as you can during your recoil, repeat. Low fatigue also lowers damage but it's not even remotely worth taking into consideration.

>jiggle physics mod

dayum seems like my powerlevel is still too low. I have custom walking animations, but haven't seen that.
Are you sure that is out for the special edition not just Oldrim?


Arrow speed is mostly fine (at least the AI is smart enough to shoot where you'll be) but if you're the one casting the spell projectile, it's really infuriating when enemies can just accidentally sidestep and dodge your spell entirely.

And oblivion's isn't?? Put the crack pipe away ffs

That's why touch Spells are the way to go, or just juggle the enemy into a pillar or corner where they will be stuck for at least two or three shots.

>tfw your damage with bow&arrow is shit, but your magic damage is sort of decent

world is far more than the landscape

I play a custom spellsword myself and yeah, touch spells are definitely a must.

Because you look so shitty nowadays and I can't be arsed to install 5million mods that look good, but don't go overboard.

Back in the day when it came out on PC, that fucking thing looked amazing. I remember getting out of the damn sewers and into the wilds and I was fucking blown away by the grass, by the forests, by the atmosphere. It was simply amazing for its time.
Eventually the copy/paste dungeons started to irritate me, but other than that it was a grand time.

It just hasn't aged well. Heck, I can't even play skyrim today because it already feels too old and clunky.

Meanwhile Deus Ex is still fun. I replayed it few months ago and it was fucking amazing. It looks old, but its clean look and the funky controls make it fun.
I figured the old aiming system would have been annoying, but it was fucking great. Felt like a proper RPG.
But this thread isn't about deus ex. Just sayian that it still holds up, but Oblivion doesn't.

> when enemies can just accidentally sidestep and dodge your spell entirely
At first I even thought it was on purpose or something fuck that

>at least the AI is smart enough to shoot where you'll be
This was neat, you have to start moving when the projectile is already fired. Especially when you have high acrobatics and can dodge in mid-air.

Fucking Todd.

Eh, the AI magic/bow useage i feel is a bit weak. Its literally do anything different then what youre currently doing when spell is fired to not get hit. And i dont recall too many scenarios where youd have enough mages flinging shit at your to make it a bit hazardous.

>playing without OCO
you're right about beards tho

I need to play you before I can replay you.
Modding you is a hassle, and your world doesn't hit me in the same way Morrowind or Skyrim does. My interest for you can't sustain it self for long enough to mod and THEN play.

>that complete shift in voice when he chooses rumors

Also, do you need mods for the leveling system not to be broken? I remember picking skills you would never use as you major ones so that you would only level up slowly, and be able to rekk everything. Is that still a thing?

I played it. It keeps crashing innawoods while traveling. Also faces looks like feces if u know what I'm sayin'

I used a mod that increased the projectile speed, including spells, by a shitton so ranged enemies actually became a threat to me. And so am I to them.

>playing with samefaceoverhaul.esp

I'd rather have samefaces sluts over the disgusting poop that they have as a face in vanilla. At least it'll match the huge tits this time. Also Oblivion only has like 3-5 voice actors.

Because I'm playing other games.

better than potatoface.esm

Pick up this:
It removes choosing stats on levelups, instead they'll advance on usage like your skills do. Makes it feel 100% more natural and you don't have to min-max shit anymore at all.

>not putting byazura.bsa in your data folder

I'm currently midway through Oblivion as a blunt Orc.
I just got done with the Arena and I'm now on to the Dark Brotherhood faction quests.
Have to say, it holds up splendidly as a game.

>projectiles are slow
Is the game balanced around it?
>third person camera is awful
How awful? Also, couldn't you just play in first person only?
>UI is big and archaic
>NPCs are ugly

Any other must-have mods?

>tfw having a shit ton of fun playing modded skyrim
>can't work up the will to play it anymore because even if there were a million different weapons, all of them would swing and function in the same way (with very few exceptions).
>realize how bland and uninteresting the gameplay in general is
>no amount of mods can make the gameplay not shit
This has happened twice now.

>How awful? Also, couldn't you just play in first person only?
Well you could, but if they're providing an option for a third person camera, then at least make it so that I can actually hit shit with it. Also no crosshair in third person so good luck trying to hit enemies with an arrow or a spell.

Can't go wrong with a better looking and practical UI especially if you play at 1080p.


Projectiles are useless as far as AI using it goes, sure a player could get the aim down just fine but when its AI, literally go in any other direction and its a guaranteed miss EVERY TIME


I did. It was an awful fucking decision and left me hating Oblivion even more.

>tfw the niggers from the Dark Brotherhood won't eat my poisoned apple after I trashed their food away

I'll never be able to experience this wonder.


Oh and there's no more need to pick dumb shit for primary/secondary skills just so you can control your leveling; whatever you're planning to use the most is completely fine.
Darnified UI, Harvest Flora, unofficial patches. I also like DLC Delayers so you don't get bombarded with letters and shit while still in tutorial sewers. Everything else is optional.

Because I literally started a Morrowind character today and I'm having a blast.


Can you even make your own spells in Oblivion?

Where's the joke Buckley?

By the Gods, this persons dead

Never even considered playing it because I don't play shit games.

Yes but you need to join mages guild for that. Not that it's a problem because there are not even any prerequisites for that anymore. You can be both a vampire and a vampire hunter no problem.

Make sure you've got a compatible body mod installed, along with HDT Physics and a jiggle physics mod.



