What's the worst fangame you ever played?

What's the worst fangame you ever played?

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All of them.

Is this Edgy Pokemon fan fapbait?

Not really fapbait but it's the edgiest thing I've ever played.

How edgy are you talking?

The worst of the worst

Do redditors honestly think they're funny when they make posts like this?

We're talking pokemon dying and killing people, suicide, torture, drugs, lesbian romance drama, gender neutral characters, 90% of characters are teenagers with tragic pasts and original characters donut steels based on a roleplay session and of course swearing.

10/10 in the Coldsteel scale

That doesn't sound Anonymous Agony tier, but that does sound pretty fucking edgy.
Also kind of entertaining, in that way that shit games tend to be.

It's a fucking wreck but I'd recommend people play it or even watch a LP of it just for laughs, the story is a mess, the characters are all terrible and retarded, it's great for the wrong reasons.

For bonus points, Most of the events that occur in game are based on real life events

One gym leader an heroes and another gets Garchomp'd because the IRL people they were based on died

I didn't know that, I thought it was based on their roleplay.

Want to know what I liked about this game? You can obtain Pokemon through roleplay and out of combat means.

As laughably edgy as it was it felt more real than the real Pokemon games.

heres your upvote

dark souls 2

That's not even the worst Pokemon fangame.


From the thread:
>The game is going to have quite a political storyline and is going to be much deeper than the main series games [...] It will involve issues of democracy, sexism, homophobia, depression, mental illness, political dispute and all of those kinds of things.

Sounds like it puts an insanely edgy fire emblem hack called The Last Promise to shame.

Streets of Rage Remake.

The Last Promise was gold compared to the trainwreck that is MK404Hack.
In all honesty, it's one of the best FE Romhacks out there, despite it's flaws.

This edgy pile of shit

some shitty romhack that changed all the text in super mario rpg to be shitty 12 year old jokes. its been so long but I remember how awful it was, even back then.

What's so bad about this? Genuinely curious.

Was it the one with this in it?

Not sure why but it's almost always the edgy one that's shit.

Well, it features Coldsteel the Hedgheg in a leading role.
The writing aside, the gameplay isn't awful and some of the map design is pretty decent.

I haven't played it yet but I heard the actual gameplay is well done.

Sonic Epoch

What is that.

Why do i feel like its gonna be edgy as shit.

Not sonic.exe?

How can you hate Pokemon Reborn? It tries so hard.

read It's a fan game made in rpgmaker.

I don't hate it, but it's pretty damn bad in pretty much every aspect

That sounds awesome

I need to play this shit

Fallout 4

it's sjw and it's edgy
shouldn't that be all you need to know?

oh my god

Do it. The downside of this game is heavily limiting you to bad TMs and mostly bad Pokemon throughout a lot of the game but at the same time you can use Speed Boost Blaziken as your starter so who gives a shit. Also you can just inject :^) if you have RPGMaker installed and Pokemon Essentials.

Mechanically and stylistically its one of the most fun Pokemon games out there. Its significantly more challenging and has more strategy to it than normal Pokemon games do

Well, yes, but it's the fun kind of bad.


That Tangrowth kicked my ass a few times so I would hope I'd see it again. Gives me thrilling battles.

the same shit constantly is not thrilling ,user

Being challenging doesn't mean it's good. 90% of the "depth" is pretty much your opponent abusing terrains while you have shitmons that you strictly have to keep under badge level.
That Tangrowth is like a little baby. Watch this.



Probably some bullshit from mfgg.
If you love playing awful games for some reason, you can find a fair few there.


most amazing, you mean
kelik the edgeheg and Weedlord Anakin are great, to say nothing of Mr. I Question The Effectiveness Of This Plan

>call it a deeper story

I am playing the last promise, and i think that it is the best FE hackrom released, it is actually a full game, it has postgame content too.

The only hackrom better than TLP is GhebFE[/Spoiler]

As much as I want Pokemon to be a little more darker, this shit would make me vomit on my 3DS

That's actually comedic compared to pretty much everything else.

Meh~, I've played worse.


What do yiu actually rape and kill other trainers mid battle or something?

Not mid battle and you don't really do any killing, some guy kills himself because you beat him though.

>That roster
>11 Nintendo characters
>7 fucking sonic characters
>2 of them are OCdonutsteal

God damn, Newgrounds must have prevented so many of these fuckers from shooting up their schools

That sounds fucking hilarious.


>Mario the only one facing to the left
What did they mean by this?

None of those are OC tho

>hating on Mr. Incredible

Who the fuck is Blue and Blade then

That isn't Mr. Incredible arrtard.

It's Mr. Incred

Easily Dark Souls II.


When was this made?

Oh boy

Probably something obscure on Newgrounds

I used to look up a lot of Mario flashes

The MK404Hack LP threads were pretty great though.

>playing fangames


I played it for /vp/. It was actually fucking hilarious and I loved it.

This is a guy commiting suicide after you beat him and his daughter leaves him.

The best part is that this guy's suicide is based on real events. Pokemon Reborn is based on a really old forum RP that's still going on today, and the guy who played the poison gym leader a long time ago actually did kill himself due to depression.

They decided to honour him by putting him and his suicide in the game.