broke up with my girlfriend a few months ago

> broke up with my girlfriend a few months ago
>no friends to talk to cause everyone I thought was my friend decided to leave me behind too
> family is not really helpful

Which vidya should I play to help me not want to fucking die

Other urls found in this thread:

Mother 3

>boo hoo da pussay is gone
Play some Rimworld and watch real tragedy unfold as your colonists struggle with survival and everyone dies a slow and painful death.


Nice blog fag, now play Rimworld like that other user said


Russian roulette.

play the game of shooting yourself in the brain

I play Splatoon myself being in the same situation
It doesn't help

>that guy that thinks that vidya can give more than instant gratification.
Ride a bike, walk a bit, listen music, whatever
Fucking videogames won't help

>decided to leave me behind
You can't resent other people for growing up when you refuse to.

Kys normie.

Depression Quest


Dragon Age 2


Kirby. Kirby makes everyone happy.

Chose heroin and cats.

Play dark souls, it really helped me with depression, prolly the only game one can enjoy in tough times.

You should play Russian roulette

don't play anything

read Aurelius's "Meditations" and it will change how you see the world. philosophy should honestly be taught in high school - the world we live in makes us depressed, not our brains.

Play space station instead.


We doing this again?

Takayuki calls Manami and confronts her about the issue. All he receives are cryptic messages. Takayuki goes over to her place to set things straight and end the madness, but Manami knocks Takayuki out and holds him hostage in her apartment.

Takayuki get locked up for days and during this time, Manami terminates the lease on Takayuki’s apartment, gets rid of all of his possessions, steals all his money in the bank, and tells Haruka, Mitsuki, Akane and Shinji that Takayuki is leaving them to be with her. Takayuki tries to escape whenever he has the chance, but all of his attempts fail. She punishes Takayuki for his insubordinate behavior by urinating on Takayuki.

Eventually, Takayuki escape and tries to make contact with Mitsuki for help. Instead, Shinji comes and beats the crap out of him. Mitsuki tells Shinji to stop and asks Takayuki what the hell happened. Takayuki explains everything. Mitsuki and Shinji feel sorry for him. Mitsuki tries to give Takayuki another chance, but Takayuki refuses since he realizes he’s lower than shit.

Shinji gets pissed at Takayuki, beats the crap out of him again and tells him to never show his face around them again. Mitsuki feels sorry for him, but Shinji drags her away saying that Takayuki is trouble.

Takayuki realizes that he has nowhere else to return to, so he walks back to Manami's apartment where she welcomes Takayuki with open arms and a full bladder.

Over time, Manami breaks Takayuki down to the point where his pysche reverts back to a child-like state. She treats Takayuki like a daughter and dresses Takayuki up in women's clothing. She also rapes Takayuki with a strap-on several times. This trend continues and in the end, Takayuki get some breast implants so he can be emotionally closer to his beloved “mother”


I think you mean
"Grim Fandango"

wut a dip

Disregard boobies, go to space.

Play Rune Factory until you get a new whore break up with her repeat

Watch this

>no friends to talk to cause everyone I thought was my friend decided to leave me behind too
lel, they left you because you became fucking pussywhipped.

100% Guarantee you fucked up all your friendships by choosing the bitch who dropped you over all of your mates.

>Nice blog fag
Why not just call him a blog fag? "Nice" is a shitty insult.

Watch Hardcore Henry

Seriously, mane. Got me through some tough times. Also, if you do play it, make sure to do it on the rs2 servers. That new shit is wack.