Does Sup Forums still enjoy AVGN?

Does Sup Forums still enjoy AVGN?

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Though Mike is keeping them alive these days

I don't think so.
His most recent episode was awful, and that was two months ago.
James seems to want to do anything BUT the Nerd these days.

His newer videos are beyond bad and I thought the 2011 videos were bad. What's with the sudden stiff acting? His character doesn't feel natural anymore.

Cucks are not to be glorified nor enjoyed.


He took the money for the movie and ran from avgn. I don't remember the last time I saw his gaming room. It's just that video store room now

he seems like a dad that tries too hard to be cool

It's like being a balding middle-aged man doesn't fit well with the character or something.



Yes actually.

But, I miss Bootsy.


Yes, but usually old episodes more so than new.

I haven't enjoyed his videos for the last 30 episodes. His acting is just way too forced nowadays.

In what is he a cuck?

People are fucking weird man.

>he doesn't know

I don't believe it.

Very true. If it wasn't for Mike their channel would be nearly dead

Nope, I don't.

Sure, but Mike fucking sucks. I wish he would disappear.

What i don't get is that this person labels him autistic for not talking to them. Prehaps he just fucking hates your guts and finds it a waste of time to even speek to you.

Pretty sure this is exactly what happened.

I still enjoy it, just not as much as I used to.
I guess he is getting old and tired, or maybe I'm the one getting old and tired of these kind of videos.

Hi James.

he doesn't say "cuck" enough times for Sup Forums to like him.

Didn't Sup Forums start that shit?

What? Did i offend you?

I prefer the nerd. Mike is okay though. Hes good at old games and his penis is ridiculously huge

>rambling paragraph long rant about how internet celebrity is "autistic"
I seriously hope you losers don't actual believe posts like these.

I've read so many posts like these, of people pretending to be e celebs or saying they're a person who knows them who just so happens to be a Sup Forums browser.

I've met James at a con and he genuinely seems like a cool guy

I used to not like Mike but he started to seem pretty cool over time.

Hey Mike

He's gotten much better over the years. Seems like a nice guy.
I dont believe any of the crap they write about james on this board. People on here are so bored they have to resort to making up negative stories about genuinely nice people

The whole site was better when the word cuck was filtered.

Hey Dan how are you?

Hey Mike, that meltdown on /vr/ last night was humiliating. You should hide out for a little while until the smoke clears and people forget that you're a little pussy

I used to be able to sit at my PC and watch his shit all day but desu, I kind of prefer the Mike and Bootsy or Mike and James series

It was for a few weeks.
Dunno why they changed it back

Tell me more

We know it's you Mike. You got BTFO on /vr/ so you think you can shill your shitty videos here, but it's not gonna work.

Cinemassacre is a pretty shit channel now.

No Bootsy
Barely any AVGN
Mike 24/7

funniest episodes are

>tiger handhelds episode
>mega man episode
>dr jekyl and mr hyde episodes
>any ljn episode

>No Plumbers Don't Wear Ties

Haters and stalkers are pretty autistic.

Don't forget Mike's tranny girlfriend he streams with too.

The Mega Man episode was garbage

>no Dick Tracy

Does James know LJN was a publisher and never actually developed any of those games?

Probably not, nor would he even care anymore.

jesus man
just posting that pic makes me feel old

i remember when he was still the angry nintendo nerd...

James knows absolutely nothing about video games other than muh nintendoes

He used to be good but his humor is running dry and the games/consoles he's reviewing aren't interesting anymore.

He is not a nice guy. He bullied Bootsy off the channel.

everything is autistic now
you do anything that isn't normal (what fucking is anymore?) and your autistic.

reading books? autistic
look in a direction 1 second longer than 0 seconds? autistic
being on the net anywhere that isn't news or social media? autistic!

>never actually developed

They bought the publishing rights to z-grade Japanese games and had the sprites changed to match with their licenses. That was bad enough.

That was an autistic post

went to shit after he got married and had a kid

now your getting it, user!

cuk him like a walnut.

People hate on Ryan... but who's the one who started a show with him? Mike. Who's the one who wanted to "go in a different direction" and got rid of Bootsy? Mike. He claims to be the creative force behind AVGN, but what does he do when he works alone? Elmo and Miney Crafta. He shitposts on here every day (nothing worse than last night), and he moderates the reddit page and deletes comments on YouTube. He's ultra sensitive and insecure. Mike isn't keeping Cinemassacre alive... he's driving it into the fucking ground while patting himself on the back.

Maybe a little of both, but you can definitely tell that he doesn't have the energy for it that he used to. I guess that getting married, having a kid, and working your ass off to make a shitty movie that nobody ended up liking will do that to you.

I'm still mad how phoned in the last Monster Madness was. It should have been the big sendoff, but he just sort of pinched it off, and said "I'm done".

Ryan from Statefarm will save the channel, You'll all see.
Indie games>retro games

I hope he does a Kamen Rider vid

Didn't he say he's only doing season 1 of PR?

I don't know why this is controversial. This isn't exactly new information, James obviously has autistic mannerisms and a childish sense of humour.

I don't know why the dude writing it is seems so bitter though. Sounds more like a scorned ex lover of James' wife than a relative in law.

Do we know what actually happened? I really liked Bootsy on Board James and the playthroughs.

Has AVGN ever seen this?

Sounds more like Mike. I'm telling ya, he's trying to tear down James so he can completely take the channel over with Ryan. Not at all kidding

I enjoy watching the AVGN, and anything James does himself. I just can't get into anything else on Cinemassacre, especially Mike. Shit, I even like his newer stuff, if by newer we mean everything up to about episode 110. I haven't watched much past that, because it's like watching a friend you've known for close to ten years die a slow and painful death, but it's played for pity and forced laughter.

Mike "Mineycrafta" Matei is a piece of shit, him and Ryan have ruined this channel. James doesn't seem to give a shit because he stills make money off it and he's too busy taking care of his family. Now he's a guest on his channel.

No one at cinemassacre will say what happened, but what we know for sure is that Bootsy got fired while in the middle of making a Mike Tyson's Punch Out ep of Bootsy Beats, and Mike released a walkthrough of the same game yesterday. So whatever happened, we know that Mike Matei is an egomaniacal snake. No excuse for that bullshit

Why do people hate Mike?

He's a motherfucker.

Cinemassacre would be dying with Mike

I was in that thread a few months back. The guy's a fraud and it's obvious just from the way in which he tells the story. None of this is probably true.

It sounds like it was written by a passionless asshole who just hates things that James seems to enjoy and got a kick out of writing some fanfiction.

Why does this guy hate James so much?

Is he jealous that he is fucking his sister good?


This. Mike is an insufferable person on the camera. He is always interrupting, talking over people (especially James, all the time, before he can even finish a thought) and when he does stop good conversation about games to make a joke it's usually a joke already been made or a dick/fart joke.

Ryan seems like a fine site admin, and I'm happy they have a competent guy running that shit, but he has the personality of Burma Bat Shit. Mike is ruining the fucking Cinemassacre brand.

Of course I still enjoy avgn, he's great. Classic.

James is the most genuine guy on the internet, he loves what he does and it shows. Fucking awesome guy, I don't think there is anyone nicer or more down to earth than James on the internet.

Why does it mean so much to you? James is obviously a sperg. Even while interacting with close longtime friends he's still as awkward as an adolescent on his first date.

The news that he might be as weird off-camera as he is on-camera doesn't make me dislike him.

The weirdest thing about the story is how bitter and needy the writer sounds. He seems to resent James for not giving him attention. He probably had high ideas about being best buds with AVGN and is bitter about not penetrating James' wall of autism.


He used indiegogo.


>Why does it mean so much to you?

I was in the thread at the time, made a critical analysis that took the sum total of reading the fucking posts he made, and blurted out what I think. What sort of a fucking stupid question is that?

Besides, we agree on the key factor regardless about the writer. Are you autistic?

What's up with that full playthrough shit anyway? I get that Bootsy did sort of the same thing, but at least he had the purpose of it being a walkthrough with the proper editing to support it, and most importantly with charisma.

With Mike's its literally just him playing the game, which is ok in the context of it being a Lets Play, but its clear and I think he admits that he practices these games a lot before he actually streams the playthrough. If he's just going to do a perfect run, what the fuck is the point? You can see that in a million other places done much better than him. Part of the fun of Lets Plays is when the player goes in blind and thus has interesting reactions to what happens. With him, he just robotically plays through the game like he learned to in practice, thus nothing interesting or unexpected happens and its just him filling up dead air with mumbled teenage humor.

I know why he does it; he's deathly afraid of looking like a "bad gamer", which is proven by how he always has to remind people on James and Mike that they're just messing around and he could really beat these games blindfolded if he tried. On top of ruining the concept of a lets play, its just autistic to be that insecure.

You're having a cry because someone called your beloved e-celeb autistic, and you're slinging that term around? Top stuff, m8. Go dive back into your fav friend simulator.

i can't belive this happend

When will James and Mike finally fight against each other?

>Ryan from Statefarm
Most annoying person i saw on youtube in a while.

James needs to stop Mike before Mike destroys everything.

Yeah, I sometimes let AVGN episodes autoplay when I fall asleep. Best feeling.

It's not even James' main source of income and he's now a "guest". People only subscribed for James, even if he only uploaded a video a month people wouldn't unsub. Mike & mouth breather Ryan should've never been in front of the camera, you give them an inch and they take a mile. It's Mike that depends on the channel, if he wasn't shitting out videos (and even taking donations through live streams) all the time, he wouldn't have shit. It's whatever with Ryan on the business side of things, but as a personality on the show he's unlikable and boring as fuck. They've ruined the channel.

In a perfect world it would be James, Bootsy, and Kyle the Guitar Guy only. But Bootsy was dropped, Mike stole his idea for a Bootsy Beats to spite him, and James is a "guest" on his own channel.

Foiled again. Normal people call all those crowfunding sites kickstarters.

I still watch AVGN. Do people actually watch the other stuff? It's just dudes talking. What's the point?

It's hilarious when he says in the full playthroughs that he won't be talking much and we should focus on the game. If so what's the point of you even talking or forcing your ugly mug into the corner of the screen? Why am I even asking? Attention of course.

Not so much anymore

seems like he got pretty triggered when people called them out for not being experts at vidya during "person & person" videos when they are distracted and not being tryhards so he made more tryhard videos but still he is not consistent with them as in he doesn't go full tips and tricks in his playthroughs most of the time which could be his schtick if he wasn't such a dumb asshole

It feels like friends.

Only thing worse than Mike and Ryan Talk About Games are their livestreams. Utterly dull and both always look tired and uninterested.
Their Dead Rising stream is probably the worst I've ever seen, even DSP did better than them.