You didn't forget about me, the 37th Defender of the Earth, Captain Gordon, right Sup Forums?

You didn't forget about me, the 37th Defender of the Earth, Captain Gordon, right Sup Forums?

Disgaea thread

D5 Switch JP launch trailer, now with PS4 trophies.

You didn't forget about me in the midst of console war bullshit, right Sup Forums?

>everyone is too busy shitposting



You know you want to


Oh man that trailer is hype, thanks Gordon.
Anyone getting D5c who was unable to play it on Ps4 due to not buying one?

I have it for PS4, but I kinda miss playing Disgaea on handhelds, so tempted to actually get it eventually


Also dont remember Gordon being in D5.

While Sup Forums didn't forget about Gordon, NIS did, user.

Etna a fucking shit!

Have it for PS4, but honestly these days I play handhelds way more than home consoles. I'll probably get D5C and a Switch at some point.

I'm tempted to get the LE for the Flonne pin but then again $30 for a pin would be retarded since I already have the PS4 LE.

Gordon's not in D5.

NISA LE is pile of shit compared to PS4 one honestly, don't give them money for this crap
just import Harada's artbooks instead

I got D4 on PS3 and only played it till right after the Etna fight, but when I got D4 on Vita I played it to completion and then some, Disgaea is just so good on handheld, would recc/10.

Only played 1 and a bit of 2. How does 5 hold up in term gameplay and story?

best one yet
there is no answer to that one cause tastes

PS4 LE was also NISA but yeah, Switch one is mostly garbage. Even the soundtrack CD labels look half-assed.

I know. The games are perfect for handhelds since you can grind a bit when you get some spare time. I'm going to get a Switch anyway since there were a bunch of WiiU games that interested me and at least MK8 and Splatoon are confirmed.

True. Just really liked 1 story and characters. I don't really remember 2 all that much so I can't say I liked it or not.

>PS4 LE was also NISA but yeah, Switch one is mostly garbage. Even the soundtrack CD labels look half-assed.
thing is, aside of poster PS4 LE was same for JP and US. NISA needed only to translate it using already created assets
Switch release on the other hand, only NISA made LE, there is no JP LE.

opinions about story and characters after 1st game really varied. Aside of Disgaea D2, that's one pure trash everyone agrees
I'm in same boat as you, Disgaea 2 story is boring and forgettable, aside of Axel mode, but there are people who liked it quite a lot.
5's story isn't something spectacular, but it all in the end depends if it'll work for your tastes.


What are the odds

Best girls.

>calling Jennifer a try-hard
yeah, what are the odds some fucker has the guts to do so

>Wonder why he's S Rank in axes
>Watch LoGH

Never heard anyone ever bring up how much of homage he is to Schenkopp


Accept it.

I always thought Gordon is homage to your old sci fi stuff

Not that he isn't, Flash Gordon being the general example, its his weirdly high ability with axes that was never explained, that sort of weapon isn't normal in pulp sci fi

all this new info makes me miss him even more

No, but NIS sure did.

I like you

My game s-soon, right, Sup Forums?

Is that the bitch from The Witch and the Hundred Knight?


I unironically enjoyed Kurtis and went on to love 002, Pizza and to a lesser extent Hayato Jin.

Every team needs a pointy, agile birdman

Nice. Is Hundred Knight in it too? And the dog bitch?

Sadly no, just Metallia.

She's really good and incredibly useful though. Her overload runs a capture check on every unit on the stage which is insanely useful for post-game stat gaining.

>there will never be a Disgaea spin-off starring Gordon, Jennifer, Thursday, and Kurtis.

37th Defender?

Hrada did this

>PS4 trophy pop up
Nice one NIS

I'm unsure what exactly is going on in this picture.

>37th Defender?
Yes, citizen?

Is how Desco summon the thinh on her back

Yeah, I checked his twitter and he said "Procreate practice" when he posted it.

What an odd thing to decide to draw, though honestly more Harada Desco is appreciated and knowing this is how she makes those things is kinda neat.

Something insede me tell that he loves Disgaea 4

I thought it came from the eye on her back?
Anyway as an artfag I can confirm Desco is super fun to draw.

I'm a pretty huge Descofag and know someone who has been drawing recently, and he says the same.

It's nice that artists seem to like her. I'm sure it's the absolutely unmatched cuteness.

4 is great so that'd be cool.

People talk about how Etna costume devolved over time, but Flonne might literally just be a stripper in the next game at this rate.

Harada is pretty cool, I wonder how hard is it for him to not draw full porn.


When asked on his blog if he drew actual porn or not and if so how often, he replied with that image of Dio asking how many breads one has eaten in their lifetime.
Just think, there are heaps and heaps of official Disgaea lewds locked away never to be posted because of Harada's status as lead artist.

I remember a few years back nisa ran a poll and kurtis was in the top 10 favorite male characters.

People like him and I'll never understand why they didn't bring him back for D2 at the very least.

I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the fact that there may be official Pleinair porn somewhere in the world.
