Mother 4 is getting rebranded

>Yes, we are rebranding. That probably raises some questions, like...

>Q: Have you been hit by a DMCA?
>A: No! We haven't. This change is one part preventative measure, following several large fan project takedowns, and two parts acknowledging what we've actually been making - and what we've been making is a celebration of the games that meant a lot to us growing up, something familiar but also different. The game has grown up with us. We want to share that.

>Q: What's going to change?
>A: Most things will stay the same! This is still the story of Travis and his friends fighting the mysterious Modern Men. Leo still lights his smokes with paranormal fire. However, if something is associated with the official Mother games, it won't be in this one. Mr. Saturn? Bon voyage, amigo. The title will also be changing.

>Q: Are you selling out?
>A: This game is and always will be free.

Will you namefags stop being autistic about this game now that it's dropping the holy and pure "Mother" title, or is the project already too tainted?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm guessing they were inspired by Undertale's success and want to actually sell this game on Steam now?

too little too late fags

>However, if something is associated with the official Mother games, it won't be in this one. Mr. Saturn? Bon voyage, amigo. The title will also be changing.

Life is good

literally read ops post again

If Mother 4 (or whatever the fuck they're calling it now) actually comes out, it'll be a fucking miracle.

It's hilarious that in the time that this game has been in development, we already got two different games that took different takes on the Mother concept, brought them in exciting, new directions, and were met with wide critical acclaim and commercial success. Now we're just supposed to suck it up and accept this washed up clone that doesn't do anything to distance itself from the series it so blatently copies?

Fuck off.

>Q: Are you selling out?
>A: This game is and always will be free.


I wasn't autistic enough to cry about the name, I still look forward to the game if it ever releases.

It's got great art, great enemies/characters, and great music.

They can't even narrow it down to a release year, worst case at least we got some neat music and pixel art.

how lame, I like mr saturns
new psi name is shit
maybe i should make a mother 4 :~)


the only thing that made me interested in this game at all was that they had the audacity to call it Mother 4

now they have fucking nothing lol

>we are fucking terrified of Nintendo so we will change our game
>linking reddit

Make up your mind already

Do your best, user!

>You are both hypocrites!

Delayed again?

Delayed again.

Haven't some Fangames get a C&D in less than a week, yet these guys been at it for like 3 years?

Nintendo usually C&Ds near release

It all depends on the IP.

Mother is dead to Nintendo, they don't care.

If you don't defend your IP, you can legally lose it because you didn't value it enough to defend it.

This is why Nintendo attacked Pokemon Uranium and Square Enix attacked the Chrono remake/sequel, they still value the IPs and do not wanna lose them.

Sounds like they're compromising their vision to avoid getting sued. If the game didn't have tie ins, call backs and references and such to Mother 1-3 there would be very little reason for them to call it Mother 4 in the first place.

Can you C&D something which doesn't exist? Maybe it was C&D bait this whole time, and Nintendo never fell for it.

To inflict maximum pain on their fans?

>If you don't defend your IP, you can legally lose it because you didn't value it enough to defend it.
No, this is only trademark. Copyright is different.

They're pretty dumb for sticking to this whole "free" thing. Sell the shit so it can get ported to consoles.

try 9 years

Release it or do not bother giving updates. This always seems to happen especially with LSD remake that was on PS1 and also Yume Nikki in 3D there is this promise and hype then you never hear from it again. Never will I bring up my hopes to be disappointed again.

Welp, all these changes so late in the game seem hamfisted as fuck and is actually making me lose interest in it. Who cares it was free anyway. And even if they change enough for it to be charged for, people will pirate it and call it shit.

That's fine.

>if something is associated with the official Mother games, it won't be in this one. Mr. Saturn? Bon voyage, amigo. The title will also be changing.
What's the fucking point then? Now it just feels like a pointless waste of 11ish years. I hope someone modifies the game to make it like it was supposed to be.

Pokemon Prism, in development for 8 years. Rom hack - that is, a game mod - of a dead Pokemon game. C&D'd four days before release.

>supporting nintendo
>while they constantly assfuck their fans

Consider my interest lost

It's going to end up like that horse fighting game. You remove the branding and everyone will lose interest.

except people will compare your game to earthbound even if it has nothing to do with it.

With fighting is magic, the ONLY attraction was the ponies from that that fucking show.

I don't give two months until they announce they want to sell it on steam

Pay attention to my thing, friends

Actually its starting to catch up again, it already has a small following

Hmm, might be worth taking a look at again.

check their dynamic music video, its what sold it to me

This project was started before Undertale became popular with it's full release.

But the rename happened just now.

Honestly, if they try to get any money at all, I think the best course of action would to be to do a small Kickstarter and still release the game for free.

Why do people announce their release dates for fan games? It paints a huge target on their backs.

because they want to build up hype for whatever reason
they think they're selling a product

part of getting a Cease and Desist is a NDA to never mention the Cease and Desist

Honestly, the Mother 4 name turned me off to it a lot, because I have a ton of respect for the real Mother 1-3 and they were trying to cuck the name. I might check it out now.

How do you feel about mario fan games that call themselves super mario bros 5?

Is the game made by Shigesato Itoi?
Then it wasn't a Mother game in the first place and wasn't deserving of the name anyway.

>shigesato itoi has the exclusive license to call his games by a common english word now and forever

fuck off

Dumb as fuck

Good on them

I actually wouldn't have been mad if they decided to charge for it, working this long on something deserves compensation through sales.

They're typically trash so not much, but they do star Mario so...

People don't care if it's a mother game, only that it's like a mother game. The horse game instead was made to fulfill the autistic fantasy of having those specific horses fight. Now that it''s been re-purposed to be different animals no one cares.because their autism is highly specific.


This isn't about some retarded copyright naming and licenses.
You'd be mad too if your favourite dead videogame series got a sequel by a random cukc on the internet.
I'd rather not get anything than get a shit game made by different people.

i would be mad if the game looked shitty but it looks incredible so i was okay with them using the name
changing it is probably for the best though

What if the game's not shit

i too would be mad if i shit talked about games i've never played



Nintendo only C&D's shit when it gets a lot of press

>If you don't defend your IP, you can legally lose it because you didn't value it enough to defend it.

That's a myth spread by companiesto justify it. It's incorrect.

It's true of trademarks, sort of, via a process called genericization, but even then it's an extremely narrow and limited thing that fanworks wouldn't ever risk causing to begin with even if the fanworks infringe the trademark

>You'd be mad too if your favourite dead videogame series got a sequel by a random cukc on the internet.

No I wouldn't

I'm pretty sure i would be i'd stop and complain at every little thing thinking "what the hell, this isn't like the original, this feels too different." even if the game turns out to be good.
But that's just me probably, it's not a bad thing to have hope.

I mean, heck, I'd be personally chuffed if people tried to make an Ape Escape 4, even if it sucked. Couldn't be worse than the PS3 motion control game.

I think/hope its because deep down, Nintendo knows people are looking forward to their fangames and want people to play them but also need to uphold a strong anti-infringement front. All these fangames still have downloads available through whatever backchannels there are.
Or maybe Nintendo are just a bunch of sadistic fucks.

Its not entirely new, I know Killer Instinct has always had it since the first game and the modern one had it too. Skull girls also has dynamic music.

Lol, they saw how much money Toby made with his Not!Earthbound game and now want to make it "unique" and not actually Earthbound related so they can sign a publishing deal later on in all legality and publish their game on consoles and shit like Cave Story, La Mulana and Spelunky all did.

>Caring about Mother
Pick one

Is there a fanbase more autistic than Mothertale fags?

Your favourite game's fanbase is definitely more autistic.

Go back to circlejerking in some Night in the Woods thread.

Don't throw me in with the cancer that is /utg/, please.

Why do you think it's ok to link to reddit?

You can't run.

We'll catch you on something.

>Sup Forums
>no linking to reddit
Where do you think you are, grandpa?

Thank fuck.

This game had shitty tryhard dialogue, missed the point of the series, did several things Itoi never would, and thought it deserved the title of "Mother 4"

>Inb4 b-b-but muh Mario 63 fangame!

Mario never needed Miyamoto to run, and nobody plays Mario for the story, same with any other Nintendo game.

Please stop. Such reckless use of irony is the cause of the continual degradation this site experiences.

You joke now. But soon enough irony is lost. And newfags are genuinely defending the linking of reddit on the site.

when reddit is the original source of information it's acceptable to link it

>Mario never needed Miyamoto to run
Actually, the feeling of the game's actions, are Miyamoto's specialties when it comes to game design. He often plays the games, and gives the devs feedback on how it should feel to the player. He's very focused on action. Miyamoto doesn't give a shit about story though.

only newfags do not understand the subtlety between linking reddit as a source of information and linking reddit because of shitty memes

>nobody can make a fan game that says what it's a fan game of in the title because I say so! they should call it something else!
>they're shaming Itoi by trying to be unique! fuck these guys for doing their own thing!

the level of cognitive dissonance is honestly really impressive, to the point where I would almost call it true doublethink

No it's not. When reddit is the source, it's worth a mention. Because anons might ask where the info came from. You don't link to it directly. And ideally, you would find the information via an alternate source instead, so you don't have to mention reddit at all. But sometimes you have no choice but to cite reddit.

This goes with sites like Kotaku, IGN, polygon, and all the other shitty news sites that aren't worth support. And if you REALLY need to link for whatever reason. You can link an archive of the site.

See above.

>You joke now. But soon enough irony is lost.
It's been lost you absolute goon.
Look at the OP.

Doesn't matter anymore, Sup Forums fucked it up forever.

This honestly.
There's no going back at this point.

They have stated countless times they wanted to be true to the source material as much as possible.

I don't give a shit what they do to gameplay, but there's story and themes that clash against Itoi's to the point where it's almost insulting.

>Look at the OP.
Newfags gonna newfag. Just because one user does something retarded, that doesn't mean it's a widespread behavior.

>le Sup Forums boogeyman

Found the newfag.

You're part of the problem.


Mark my word, if Not!Mother 4 gets a good reception, they'll call up Nicalis for a paid Switch port

>mfw undermeme cucked this game's success while they kept redesigning the game's sprite art to be just right
>mfw undermeme looks like shit but will be way more successful than this ever was