Which one would get a perfect score?

Which one would get a perfect score?
Oh right the one on the left because nostalgia

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Let nintendo die peacefully. A generic new (Horizon) IP already destroyed Zelda and it's selling faster than both Switch and Wii U versions combined

Horizon will only get 7/10, 8 at most is being hopeful.
BotW is a strong 6/10. IT scores 7/10, I'lol be surprised that even paid reviews stopped that low.

Screenshot this.

Make Link a female and watch as /vpol/ denounces Zelda as an SJW game

Neither, they both have flaws

The one on the right has more of them though

>Game getting a perfect score

The one on the right is Zelda. The point Im trying to make is Zelda gets more points just because its Zelda.

inb4 fanboy, I didnt like HZD

I'm currently playing Horizon
>really pretty game
>comfy music
>cute cliche story so far
>some weapons seem useless
>stealth doesn't seem necessary
>Enemies already started glitching

So far it's very OK
Pretty comfy and I want to keep playing

I think zelda is closer to nier.

It makes a true gamer go "Fuck Zelda"

Nintenshit is dead.

It's fucking amazing how true this is. Literally seething at the fact that drones deny this. Horizon is so much a better choice than Butchering of the Waifufaggotry it's not even funny.

>Zelda isn't out yet
>A game that is is out selling a game that isnt

STOP SAYING COMFY YOU FLAMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some people will buy zelda just because of pure nostalgia or it's a Nintendo game. Mostly only Nintendo fanboys, waifu fags or nostalgia fags care and are hyped for zelda. The only zelda game I ever enjoyed was skyward sword imo. The new zelda is just filled gimmicks and has cell shaded mid tier texture resolutions. I hope horizon zd does out sell zelda because that at least convince Nintendo to take risk in investing on new ips or other ips just like Sony and not play it safe like micro$hit.

How? The game nor the system isn't out yet.

Is this the Sony Circlejerk Thread?

i'm a fa-fa-football playerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

queers say comfy, that word is gonna be on sitcoms in two weeks

I honestly hope that Zelda is better
Not because I'm a Sony/Nintendo fag but I want to play a good fun game

Well good thing I say whatever the fuck I want and not care about what some internet fags think


i bet your puckered ass is comfy for my man meat little girl

It's not out yet though.
>selling faster
It's not out yet though.

oh brad you're so smart and skrong

Horizon deserves a 8.5 in my book a 9/10 seem too much at my time playing this game. I currently took down the robot spider looking freak that was controlling the little robots and that was a blast. The game isn't as easy as people meme it out to be. Robots hit damage can bring down you hp in seconds if your not careful. The human enemies weren't too much of challenge compared to robot enimies but they also will deplete your hp if your not careful. The story is very interesting and I'm starting like aloy a lot better than before.

Played both sad to say Zelda is much much worse.

Sony fuccbois have to work super hard to get people to even notice Horizon Zero.

It's so sad. - You guys already lost.

girl gamer seal of approval


>Sony game doesn't have a Season Pass
>Nintendo game does

is that perfect strangers?

>Literally seething
Jesus man chill out, these are fucking video games.

poor mans zelda

funny they are releasing around the same time.

that's about where I am.

Also it's just a gorgeous game in general, and I think Gorilla is doing a fantastic job combing a cinema inspired narrative with an open world game. I thought Alloy looked kinda ugly in all the pre release screen shots but she's growing on me.

Im pretty sure itll be Horizon because "muh diversity and shiny graphics"

both look good, ill most likely play horizon whenever i finish zelda

Yeah I agree BotW is a pretty poor excuse for a Zelda. It feels more uninspired than Spirit Tracks

>a true gamer
is this actual bait

shills for sjw's think they can take on the big N, they must have forgotten they fired their little camgirl banner waver.

Don't sell Horizon short just yet. It could still get a 10. Who knows how much the journalists are being paid?

they're all dead because of racism and aloy has a barren womb

I don't see what it would change? The game on the left would still be the one that was developed by a competent developer, and so would be better.

>the big N

If you're gonna call someone a big nigger at least say it

Depends. Would the zelda one still just be shooting a bow at robots while brain dead human AI roam the land with nothing to really do in a open world?
And the horizon one is everything breath of the wild is?

Way too triggering for such a progressive game.


I could not care less if Zelda was good or bad, I'm just happy that Horizon turned out to be shit and all the drones pushing it got their just desserts.


Nintendo is pretty good at making females though. I don't think they would make a SJW game.

I'm glad people are delusional enough to think Sup Forums speaks for everyone who plays games

>It's fucking amazing how true this is.
It isn't though. Not until Wednesday morning did anyone have the ability to purchase any more copies of Zelda or the switch.
Horizon had several months head start in people purchasing it due to nintendo's artificial shortage.
And that is still just digital Wii U codes. can't buy it any other way.

your comparing a game that can't be bought with the sales of the game in overwhelming surplus.

>I don't think they would make an SJW game
>Skyward Sword has Link being manipulated by Zelda into helping power her up to goddess status to save the day
>Breath of the Wild has Link be an errand boy to power up Zelda to goddess status to save the day
>Legend of Zelda series has a female-only tribe where they only give birth to females of that tribe and the only males born are always evil

Yeah, not SJW at all.

nintendo subjugates their women and i like it that way

I hardly find aloy ugly. She has own of those kind of faces that isn't beautiful/ hot tier but is very original and not forgettable. She looks and sounds just like a ordinary female.The people that find her too ugly and unplayable are mostly waifu fags.

I'm just glad I pirated BotW and didn't waste money on it.

No overworld music and bland dungeons is ridiculous

The reality is that Zelda has the force of nostalgia and hype behind it.

I've seen it happen after every goddamn Zelda since LTTP. They get extreme, outsized praise for the things they do, their flaws get brushed off, and only once the honeymoon is over do people realize the actual merit of the titles.

Remember the madness around WW? It wasn't until a few years after that people realized that empty ass great sea with the slow surfing, lack of dungeons, manual wind changing cutscene and crap dungeons wasn't very good.

Or how about Twilight Princess, the cynical OoT ploy from Nintendo? The awful wolf sections, the ugly character designs, fuzzy visuals, worthless subweapons, and empty as fuck Hyrule field.

Now, lets move on to Skyward Sword. That game has a fucking 93 on Metacritic. The game with shitty waggle controls, crappy "The Sky" overworld which is basically a reskinned Great Sea, the unending tutorials, the massively padded game, and the basic combat limited by the Wiimote.

Legend of Zelda games get their scores severely bloated, especially by Nintendo-only outlets that vomit 10/10s at anything from the company.

If Red Dead Redemption 2 manages to come out this year, I wouldn't be surprised if Zelda gets a higher score than it.

epic batman reference brah

I don't see what that has to do with anything but okay.


Glad I rented Horizon. Couldn't stomach how boring it was and how most of the weapons besides the bow were useless and damn near all enemies were brain dead.


>Remember the madness around WW?
I do. Still like it. Liked it the first time I played it too. I don't roll with the zelda cycle.


Yo, I still remember people going crazy over the Link v Ganondorf shit at Spaceworld 2000. And then the pure HATRED they spit when WW's aesthetic was shown off. Even now we have people who hate that look.

But yeah, what you said is mostly true. Zelda gets a pass on shit that would get docked severely in other games.

Uncharted 4 "failed" yet it sold 9mil

Sup Forums couldn't spot a failure even if they looked in the mirror

The word you're looking for is "average". It's rare in games to get an average looking main character. Not grizzled, not cute, not debonair, not gorgeous, not hideous, just plain.

What Im saying is if you just swapped the characters and names over both the games I still wouldn't play what was Horizon Zero dawn.

yah my bad i posted the wrong thing strung out on coffee, i meant to agree with you


Zelda does for the most part get bloated scores. Here's to hoping while BotW will most likely receive the same treatment, is a better game.

This game is shifting in a different direction much more than Zelda has done in the past, so I'm optimistic

I'm going to have to ask you where in my post I said that Horizon was a failure.

No, wait, let me guess, you think that when I said the game was shit I meant that it sold poorly and you don't know the difference. Am I in the ballpark?

Both games are open world POISON that needs to go away.

Jesus fuck, these companies bitch about it being expensive to make games these days, but opt to make one of the most expensive styles of games EVER.

pack in movie

Zelda became pozzed SJW waifushit now.


You're talking about Ricky Bobby and the ShitStation 3 which still has no games

I really hope it's a good game, but the last main game sin the series don't inspire such confidence in me.

Very few developers can nail an open world experience in their first go, and I highly doubt Nintendo will do so.

mia mint pics?

same poster, that's irony friend you made perfect sense

Yeh she's average. Not amazing fap material but not hideous and awful looking either. Loli aloy is just looks bad and some times creepy.

there's zero chance horizon could be a better game then zelda

no i'm talking about the bloat job that you played horizon on

this looks like a boy

sure, nothing is saffer than change zelda formula with botw

this is gonna be windwaker all over again.

See, the thing is, there is no honeymoon stage. Years after they were released, lttp and oot are still widely regarded as the best games ever made.

Zelda games just have a penchant for being great. They've been great for 30 years now. That's not even heard of in any other franchise. Most can't even keep going strong for 5 years. I think it's time for you Sony fans to face the music. Nintendo first party games are, have been, and will continue to be the best in the industry.

if i didnt know any better i'd think this was meant to be sarcastic
unfortunately i do know better, who could possibly think this was good enough to put in a game

Also, when windwaker released, everyone was shitting on it for its art direction. It took years for people to come around and value that game for more than just it's tight gameplay. You're shooting yourself in the foot here.

>people can't play both

>See, the thing is, there is no honeymoon stage.

LTTP and OoT are great. Timeless classics.
Wind Waker, TP, and Skyward Sword are not.

The latter are Nintendo's latest output for the series, the ones most relevant to look at in terms of anticipating what we're getting into.

Yes it is.

The praise for the art direction, the large "go anywhere world", the charming characters.

And then afterwards people realize it's both empty and basic compared to other open world games, and it's ultimately a substandard experience.

Except Wind Waker is better than Ocarina.

I want to impregnate Emma Stone

Horizon doesn't get the free footing Zelda gets because of it's name. It needs to stand on it's own two feet and establish itself as a franchise through gameplay, graphics, controls, animations, artstyle, enemy AI, etc.

There is a lot of work that Horizon had to go through to prove itself in which a essentially VIP free-pass given to Zelda primarily because of it's name, I've actually played it and I'm not impressed but those are early impressions and I haven't played Horizon yet but it seems to completely outclass Zelda in every facet of game design besides story.


Except Zelda actually looks like a fun game while every time I see footage of Horizon I become less and less inclined to want it.
It looks like a fucking B-Team trying to make something out of their league like Ready at Dawn with The Order once again being touted as Sony's next big killer app

Ocarina is far from timeless. Wind Waker has always held up better and will continue to hold up better.

This. I'm fairly certain anyone who thinks this game and it's chromatic abberation is in any sense of the word "a good game" is convincing themselves it is good. Shit PoV, shit open world, shit combat mechanics, shit AI, shitty story, shitty world, shitty characters.. This game is mediocre, don't convince yourself it's anything but. Or enjoy it, whatever.. It'll fade into obscurity and in a year no one will talk about it again.

Atleast if Zelda is mediocre (it isn't), it has it's namesake to fall back on, assuring it will have a long shelf-life. No one just ignores a Zelda game, good or bad.

Right because of sony's paid reviews and the identity politics narrative

lol went to buy some games in my local shop here in Tokyo today and saw a couple of teenagers looking at horizon in the ps4 corner and talking about the game that it looked fun but the main character was "busaiku" kek, they put the game down and walked away.

Everything you described sounds literally sounds like Zelda and I've played it. Have you played Horizon?

Except Horizon is confirmed to be amazing.