Square Enix was going to kill off Final Fantasy if it didn't sell beyond 5 million. It sold 6 million instead...

Square Enix was going to kill off Final Fantasy if it didn't sell beyond 5 million. It sold 6 million instead. Are you glad that Tabata saved Final Fantasy with a great game and the FF franchise?

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Pc release when for an additional 5 million sales

I'm glad I didn't waste any money on that piece of shit.






it's okay, luckily there are enough people with good taste willing to support it



Why don't they just make a good final fantasy again?

It's not like it's hard.

Keep your hate memes off of my board.

I wanted it to die, the series is beyond redeeming.

t. kike

announcing reports isn't allowed child

Found the faggot

>FFX combat
>Setting akin to SNES games
>Amano art
>Nobuo Uematsu
>Bring back the Gooch
>Market it as a return to our roots with silhouettes of classic FF summons like Bahamut/Ramuh/Shiva/Ifrit

There I've just sold millions of copies on nostalgia alone.


>i was just pretending to be retarded huehue

No, I wish they had killed it off. The mainline series went to shit and the Final Fantasy we've been waiting years for was shit too.


>if you dont sell even just 5 million were shitcanning this franchise
>*sells 5.5 million and has a party*

Thats like graduating highschool with C's.

Why have the panels from nintendo and square enix been excessively gloaty shit for the most insignificant of feats that are actually kinda depressing?

>4.5 million
>6 million

what fucking tie and suit logic is this?

they need to reboot the series.

make... the final fantasy


Tabata-san explained that Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi told him that his mission was to make Final Fantasy a challenger again, by working like this was the last chance.

Shortly after Tabata-san was named Director of the game, he talked with the head of sales at Square Enix, and learned that sales forecasts for the game were quite low, under five millions worldwide. Moving away from turn-based combat had been deemed unwise, and that the Final Fantasy brand had was considered “diminished” and “in danger.”

That’s why Tabata-san set a sales goal a million units higher than the forecast, at six millions. He thought that setting a high goal would have brought the team together, forcing them to push through whatever obstacle was placed in their way.

It's annoying that this is true. Fucking nostalgiafags.

>Final Fantasy XV isn't the last Final Fantasy


Holy shit you are a faggot, kill yourself.

That must be why FF9 is the most popular game in the series

Speak English you fucking weaboo

Well shit, we could have been free of this awful franchise.





Yes. Also got the best protag too. Noctis is the face of FFs salvation.

They showed the PC version at GDC too.

No more final fantasy means no possibility of more Tactics games and i cant have that happen

Fuck it, it's a japanese anime esque franchise, just go the Fire Emblem route already

They did, XV was.

It sold over 6. They met their target and is making profit now on any XV copy sold.

Wish those fuckers would make some decent spin offs. New Tactics when?

They are too focused on their shitty spinoffs like the mobile games and that weird chibi style game that played on nostalgiafags and looked like Kingdom Hearts x Pokemon.

You know it's just quoting the GDC panel right?

There is no PC version. Also retards such as yourself need to stop falsely claiming any footage running on the most expensive $500 GPU before costs of the other components is the PC version because most PC users will run a version much worse than the PS4 Pro even in reality.

(6m - 4.5m) * $60 = 90 million dollars revenue
shockingly, that makes a difference?

it's a 33% increase in sales, which is already large, and a 33% increase in sales is much more than a 33% increase in revenue since the costs don't scale with the sales

5 million pirates
100,000 sales

Is FFXV the king of false advertisement? I think it even beats NMS.

How so?

Are you dense or just a shill?

Actually yeah, I enjoyed it. My best game for 2016.

There is, these pics are from it that they just showed at GDC.

Classic response

I don't care what it sold. It was shit.

How is that false advertisement? That's from today and is new stuff of the game running on PC and showing the off road driving they're going to add soon.


It says thre real _ FUCK YOU Bitch pussy

Why do you need to make a reboot? Each game has different mechanics for character customization along with varying settings.

Confused. If you're implying that that screenshot was advertising off roads driving which was not delivered, they never advertised it - that screenshot is post-release and is showing how they are going to be adding it in a patch down the road.

There is a lot of other stuff they're doing, such as completely overhauling chapter 13 and adding more scenes to the game. It's a completely unfinished mess of a game.

>Moving away from turn-based combat had been deemed unwise, and that the Final Fantasy brand had was considered “diminished” and “in danger.

Man, if only they could like, make a turn based game again to solve that problem! It's a shame that every employee at SquareEnix came down with a terminal disease that can only be prevented by never making turn based games again.

If they make a turn based game, the majority of the market won't play it. If they want to get the kind of casuals that buy Skyrim and Grand Theft Auto and not much else, then they need real-time action battles.

And they need that level of sales and mass appeal to sustain their massive budgets.

Why would people with good taste support dogshit?

Are we talking about good taste in shit? What separates good shit from bad shit? You sound like you'd know.

People supported a good game and it did well. No need to project your love for dogshit.

Never was into Final Fantasy but as far as I know, they were turn based games along with classic JRPG. So when I see FF now that it doesn't have it, it feels weird.

I just think Square lost their way and became more greedy.

I'm gonna say that's flat out bullshit, because the 7-12 games all sold at least as well as XV, or close to it. So I refuse to believe they couldn't make a game in the vein of one of those and not make enough money to justify the budget if 5-6 million sales is all it takes, especially considering XV's budget is spread out over the ungodly development time it had.

The 7-12 games sold in the 90s and early 2000s. The market has changed a lot, and budgets have expanded. It isn't enough to sell as well as the previous games when the budget is 50 times higher. You need to expand the audience, and that means expanding appeal. Turn based games are niche.

>because the 7-12 games all sold at least as well as XV, or close to it.

Those are lifetime sales including ports and rereleases. XV is at 6m+ within the first 3 months.

But this thread is about how XV sold well enough, by getting sales as good as those games. So selling as well as those games apparently is good enough.

Bad wording on my part. I had to rephrase it a couple times and apparently still didn't do well enough to show that some games obviously sold much better. Too busy focusing on the low end, I guess.

>Square Enix was going to kill off Final Fantasy if it didn't sell beyond 5 million
Yeah, they were totally going to kill off their biggest series that still continues to pump out tons of spin-offs, sequels, and has two MMOs that make them a shitload of money, all if XV didn't sell 5 million.

Go sit in the corner. Even for shitposting, that statement makes no sense.

They wouldn't kill it off, but they'd probably slash the budget. Which would actually force them to improve the quality, as they'd no longer be able to coast by on production values and scope.

Killed off the mainline series.

Most gaming PCs are more powerful than the Ps4 pro. It's weaker than a mid range gaming pc, only surpassing the toasters.

Granted there are plenty of toaster users, but the same goes for Ps4. Most users have the regular one not the pro.

It's lipservice, moron. It's to make people buy more, and emphasize XV's quality. I doubt it was in danger.

>is a "race realist"
>actually has a functional retard tier IQ like they claim others have

> there are delusional pc beggars that think FF15 will appear on irrelevant pc trash

it has been at 6M since january accroding to them.
this game doesnt have legs.