Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

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Well shit, how do I get past the captcha?

what does that even mean. why are game journos so retarded

Fucking human beings

clickbait/10 article title

>its the "we made a video game console for non-gamers" rerun
1, the wii was lucky and probably never going to happen again.

2, the wii also virtually destroyed all third party developer and publisher trust in Nintendo because wii owners werent gamers and didnt buy games.

3, the Switch is a phone, except not a phone and it only plays games. Or its a console, except only as powerful as a wii u so doesnt it feel good to be anyone who bought a wii u?


So do they mean it's for dudebros?

Nintoddler here, this bullshit does not represent my views or my ass backwards console preference, journalists are evil faggots. Burn this article and everyone involved.

tfw not a human