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Sup Forums BTFO

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Well shit, how do I get past the captcha?

what does that even mean. why are game journos so retarded

Fucking human beings

clickbait/10 article title

>its the "we made a video game console for non-gamers" rerun
1, the wii was lucky and probably never going to happen again.

2, the wii also virtually destroyed all third party developer and publisher trust in Nintendo because wii owners werent gamers and didnt buy games.

3, the Switch is a phone, except not a phone and it only plays games. Or its a console, except only as powerful as a wii u so doesnt it feel good to be anyone who bought a wii u?


So do they mean it's for dudebros?

Nintoddler here, this bullshit does not represent my views or my ass backwards console preference, journalists are evil faggots. Burn this article and everyone involved.

tfw not a human

Didn't you know user? Gamers are dead

What did they mean by that?

>1, the wii was lucky and probably never going to happen again.
Fucking this. I wish Nintendo would learn this lesson and realize that casuals aren't ever going to move away from their phones and tablets for their latest Nintendo Gimmickbox again.

Finally, I'm the cute slime girl I always wanted to be, thanks clickbait!

Wtf, so we're not humans? lmao

Is that you Doodlediapers?

Just like the Wii

Nintendo switch is not 4theplayers?. FFS Nintendy.

it has been like that for a while though. the target audience is clearly not 4chin neckbeards, rather teenagers and college age people who otherwise dont really care about video games. only my casual friends own nintendo console


>"Gamers" as a movement is dead we should open for everybody!

>Switch is for humans not "gamers"

What do they mean?

Thread Theme Song

Gamers are not human

They don't have to be your species.

I am a human, so lemme just whip out my gorgeous 720p tablet in the year 2017 that is also as thick as a text book on the train. Time to slip on these joycons onto the side making it even more cumbersome. Welp battery died after an hour since I played it for an hour before bed last night, but that's ok because IM A HUMAN.

Holy fucking shit, neck yourselves


ITT: triggered neckbeards

you arent the target audience, get over it


>comes to a meme thread to dampen the mood by insulting everyone

fuck off ayylmao

Glad to see a fellow human here.





Don't shoot! I'm a human!

Nice disguise sapiencuck

So it's mean to target the normies just like Wii?

So are gamers going back to being an uncool thing to be? cause that would be great.

I'd wish Nintendo and the switch all the luck and success in the world if it meant all the normies migrating to it.

The Fuck?
When did that happen?
Those poor gamers, was it at least painless?

They don't want my business then.

>video game journalists reflect what is "cool"




But i bit the bullet and went to read it anyway. Basically as the others guessed they mean that it's perfect for normies, because they assigned the review to a guy that doesn't care about gaming and didn't want to play it at first, but then after three days he told the staff the console integrated "seamlessly" into his life because of the versatility

Is this the new damage control now?

Why are all games media writers such pretentious fucks?

What about that video where someone asks normies about the Switch and they don't know about it and they don't like it when they are shown it?

underrated post

Ayy lmao

Imagine having taste so shit that you're a human.

thanks Isukiri

Not to imply everyone knows about the Switch, but shit can be edited you know. It's like that woman that walked through half of NY to prove most males would cat call her but in the end editing out the irrelevant stuff she only got 3 minutes of relevant footage

Fair point

Games journalism is where you go when you can't get into real journalism.

>go to gamestop
>ask for switch
>they can't sell it to me
>"humans only", they say
>look down at my hands
>they're actually furry paws
>mfw i'm a bear

>he didn't max out bluff
i thought you guys were gamers

Imagine being a human and reading this article.


My only recourse is to turn to piracy.

Wait, I didn't read the bible but this sounds wrong somehow. Why haven't I heard of Isukiri before?

He's no Sir Bearington.

The book of honda is some weird shit.

But even "real journalism" isn't journalism anymore.




All journalists are pretentious as fuck, and they chose that career because they were born for being pretentious as fuck.

I met a current Journalist in High School, a barely functional Autist, his sole purpose in high school was gossiping, he was always shitting on everyone else, imposing his opinions.

A terrible person.

I assume a Grinch won't be able to pay the switch then?

Now I understand why I dont wan`t one. Fucking humans, at least I can still post since I'm not a robot.

No, some of us are still suffering.

>i-it was luck
HAHA wew

Doesn't look like anything to me.

Time to attack nintendo.

>gaming device made for non gamers
10 fucking ten genius level article here

user is a retard if he believes it was luck. He is however right that it will never happen again because the normie crowd has switched to smartphones and won't return from there any time soon.

That's not how bluff or disguise works?


Well, they're kind of right. It would have to have some games to be for gamers.

When the Nintendo NX was still just an idea to the public, I really thought they were planning on entering the smartphone business to make a Nintendo-brand phone running some custom version of android that only the Nintendo-brand could play their games they'd release for it.

There is almost no utility in a single-screen touchscreen device that /only/ plays games at the price they're asking - and if you think to yourself "well, it's also a home console" - then you gotta know that it's only as powerful as a Wii U, and the Wii U wasn't pushing units anyway.

I don't know if i'm being pessimistic or optimistic when thinking the Switch isn't going to do any better than the Wii U.



Wii U didn't undersell because of it's weak power, if that was the case then the Wii and DS/3DS also should've been failures. The Gamecube and Zbox sold way less than the PS2 despite having better tech, and so on

It's all about gathering the public's attention and interests. The "more powerful = more sales" logic doesn't explain any of the console races except the current

And nobody wants a Nintendo smartphone, the idea that the Switch should function like one only because of the general shape is ridiculous

are we human or a we gamer?


Pretty fucking racist towards us non-humans desu

I don't know about you, but I am a gamer and it's not because I have no life but because I choose to have many.

The Switch is 3 times as powerful as the Wii U, actually.

Though that speaks more to how underpowered the Wii U was.

The gig is up huh? At least I can take this suit off now.


Fucking ningens



>tfw got my bachelors in Journalism

coulda woulda shoulda

Nigga just write Pro-Trump news and you'll make easy money

I don't regret my purchase of the Wii U. I eventually bought 8 retail games and 5 virtual console games (Donkey Kong Country trilogy, Sin and Punishment, Star Fox 64) and I still play the system frequently in local mutiplayer.

But this was after the entire system ran its course, and I am not betting that Switch will ever have 8 games.



Nintendo hates skeletons!


Bark Bark bark

Can humans just fuck off out of the industry already? Goddamn.

Yeah, because its still weaker than PS4 and Xbone and more expensive. How the fuck did they manage that.

Also, yes technically the Wii was lucky. It hit a niche and caused a craze due to Nintendo's strategy of intentionally shorting supplies to create demand. Once the gimmick novelty wore off no one cared again and Nintendo became irrelevant again as evidenced by WiiU being even worse than gamecube in hardware sales AND software, which is a monumental accomplishment in being shit.

But it's not more expensive, it's cheaper than what both of them were at launch. You're purposefully comparing a launch price to discounts