Why is the west so bad at writing romance in games as compared to the Japanese?

Why is the west so bad at writing romance in games as compared to the Japanese?

Just because WRPGs don't feature pedo incest doesn't mean they're badly written.

>Good romance

The Japanese have a very idealised version of romance that isn't realistic.

I guess it's because romances are optional and a small part of the game in WRPGs, while in most JRPGs they're the focus of the story, so they're more well developed and feel more rewarding.
There are exceptions, but they follow that rule, that's why Persona's romances are kinda boring but the romance in The Darkness is one of the best. One is optional side content, the other is the story.

Sounds like you're an SJW. It's a pity you don't have high standards.


Tell me a good video game Japanese romance story

I wish I was joking.

Because the Japanese understand what people actually want. Westerners are stuck in this weird meta thought process where if you're attracted to something that means it is bad. If you like beauty, and traditional romance, then you're part of the plan. At least, that's what they think. That's why the nips are making a huge comeback.

Because western developers are 99% American devs, and romantic love is considered evil and oppressive in American society.

>harem of pre-teen girls form a harem around MC they just met

I'm not an SJW

I wish their idea of romance was real

If you wish it was true, then chase it. All kinds of loves are real. All you have to do it work to find it.

>tfw you see Kurisu again
>"What you're seeing now is just a dream"
Kurisu please ;_;

>tragic love story where the lovers can't be together

Yea that's original Final Fantasy has never done that before

Westerner's are mostly selfish twats
Japanese culture teaches them from an early age that the self is less important.

This is a big part of it.

>weebs actually believe this

>otaku pandering
>good writing


Every single person I've seen talk shit about Steins;Gate has either not played it or just gets a kick out of pissing off weebs, or both.

Japan makes you want the happy ending but doesn't give it to you because their culture is all about duty over romance/happiness.

West gives you the happy ending but makes you not want or care for it in any way and just rushes it.