Has a video game ever made you cry /v?


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I cried when I played no man's sky.

Life is Strange

The last fight in Super Metroid.

who's the cute asian girl?


No, I am a man.
FFVII Crisis Core.

No not really. Most games are pretty bad at executing moments like that properly or those moments suffer because of poor pacing. It's incredibly rare for me to feel sad in the instance of a video game unless it delivers it really well.

Otherwise I take to books, movies, visual novels, etc. for stories and characters I want to get invested in with no problems. Not saying games can't do it well, just that most fail in the delivery.

I actually cried in FFX when Tidus found out Yuna had to die. I was 12 and that was some profound shit for little stupid me.

>Big... bro...

A video game has made me cum, does that count?


Stop playing bad games?

Fuck you

Skyward Sword when I realised I paid actual money for this trash.

did you cry after?


i cry all the time in video games. thats part of why i play them, they make me feel emotion when im so immersed in the game.

>ive cried during gran turismo 6. not even the ayrton senna tributes (well yes but....) but racing with music on

Sort of related, but have you ever had a bad headache after fapping?

Yesterday I fapped for a few hours, but when I finished I had a splitting headache.

FFX makes me cry even now

Mock me all you want. It broke my heart.

First game to get me was the ending of Drawn to life 2

I've had that happen during sex before


no, what the fuck?

No but this game almost pulled it off.

You sound dehydrated. Drink some water.

Pulling the trigger at the end of MGS3 and the river near the end of Brothers Tale of Two Sons. I tend to get choked up when devs find a way to utilize the medium's unique way of connecting you to moments.

You may be dehydrated

Fruit is nutritious and helps quench your thirst



I cried like a birch when this kid died

Played To the Moon today, got a bit teary eyed but not too bad.
Thanks to the user who recommended it the other day.



No Transistor's ending came close, though

Life is Strange. Bay ending hurt.



>grew up with a borderline-abusive stepfather
>got smacked a couple times for crying in front of him
>learned pretty quickly never to cry
>many dry-eyed years pass
>now I find myself tearing up at every turn
It's the strangest shit, I tell you.

In any case, I have cried during MGS2, 3, and 4.

You could have just said the MGS series user.

>he chose the canonical wrong end
What a beta.


The last line in the ending with flashback to your adventure always get me.

Never forget them

I don't recall crying during Portable Ops, Peace Walker, or V except maybe out of sheer disappointment where the latter is concerned.


This. The ending always tightens my throat and dampens my eyes.

Yeah, I'm a softie. So be it

FF9 makes me teary-eyed at like 4 or 5 different spots of the game when I replay it. The ending especially.

Elite Beat Agents, it still kinda gets me.

>be 9 years old
>rent Klonoa 2 times from blockbuster to beat it
>finally reach the end
>You get sucked away from your little blue buddy into the sky

I burst into tears

The end of crisis core final fantasy.
>soloing an army
>eventually realize you're SUPPOSED lose
>start taking hits on purpose
>scene changes
>last dmv or whatever is him trying to remember aerith

I couldn't handle it. Broke my fucking heart...


Every time


Sonic '06

>just released that I don't even remember a lot of games that made me cry
either my memory sucks or other mediums are more impressive

>the whole game is about making people happy
>suddenly this mission

I still do cry.


Reunion of these two.

didn't really bother me, maybe cause i like adachi

Terranigma's ending still hits like a truck.

In addition, despite knowing they would live, Whereabouts of Hope really brings the tears.

Might have been sad if it wasn't for the full retard revival scene right after.


This is cheating

The right music at the right time will get an emotional reaction out of me.

>The journey has nearly ended
>Link the First Flame
>Know that flame is going to go out
>Do it anyway because that was my purpose
>Look out over the horizon while I slowly burn and fade away
>This plays youtube.com/watch?v=D1kvgxgBexU

The music and story here got me choked up.

ma nigga

Cry with excitement

>that music

>you were always a brother, never an enemy
>at last my wrath is finally... gone