Bomberman Thread

Bomberman thread. Get in here, you fucks.
Almost 22 hours until our glorious return.

Other urls found in this thread:

>My childhood is finally returning to me


>tfw didn't know crystals gave me more health and beat the entire game with only 4

>tfw didn't know crystals gave me more health and beat the entire game with only 4

Not that it really matters because every time you reset the game or turned it off, your healthbar reset back to 4 for whatever insane reason.

seriously? wow.
huh that's pretty hardcore holy shit

Amazon gayed out on me and won't ship it until Friday. Which is odd because they guarantee the Switch itself and BoTW by then.

I remember the first N64 related burn I got was from playing this game's multiplayer all one hot July day.

Ate berries for sustenance between matches.

I'm sad this game won't have any 3D maps


me in the green


White Bomber

Inb4 special snowflakes call me boring

>tfw bomberman in 7 hours
I hope anyway, I didn't pre-order. I look forward to playing with you guys.

>original original gangster bomber

>he isn't an original og

>Unavailable on amazon
Well shit.

When the switch inevitibly gets hacked, this will be my first game i get for it and thats a promise

We gonna have online lobbies this weekend?

>bought a pro controller and Bomberlad altogether for $90 because Best Buy GCU member and VISA checkout promotion
Feels great.

Who else /BuyingThisBeforeWaitingMonthsToGetASwitch/ here?

I don't buy consoles at launch because I wait for any kinks to get ironed out. Want to support Bomberman ASAP though.


I'm Blue or Yellow. Blue's sleepiness is me, and I feel like I'm a bit of a cuckoolander like Yellow sometimes too when I'm with friends

>green is my favourite colour, thus I choose green
>timid twink character
I hear he manipulates his brothers but he still acts like a cutey fruity

Someone needs to ship the blue ones. My penis can't take it anymore.

I hope we get some nice customization going on.

I've never played a Bomberman game where you can choose the custom color of your Bomberman and I don't know their personalities, so I'll go with classic white.


Mighty Bomberman?

That looks ugly as shit, hope they don't, stick to the classic look imo

Bomberman DS 2/Custom Battler Bomberman. It's pretty great.

In the meantime, what do you guys think are the best Bomberman games?

I've played it, it's not very good.


>Glorious return
If by glorious you mean generic piece of shit using the 'Super' name to get more people interested.
It looks boring as fuck and not worth picking up and I consider myself a decent Bomberman fan.

Have they at least confirmed animal friends or varied worlds?

5 worlds with 10 stages and a boss fight each are confirmed, no animal friends though sadly.


>Less worlds than an average Super Bomberman
>No animal friends

Is it worth retail price

Atomic Bomberman

64 > hero

Black, likely a grizzled veteran who has an eye wound that causes it to be permanently closed.

>Can still pre-order the Switch for launch day despite it coming out tomorrow.
>Can still pre-order Breath of the Wild for launch day despite coming out tomorrow.
>Bomberman is completely sold out at EB Games and I can't get a copy from them until April.
It's probably just had a much lower amount of copies shipped but I'm going to take it as a good sign.
I'm just going to import a copy anyway.

>Timid twink
He's a toddler you fucking gay

That's pretty reasonable.

Assuming you're Australian, check out Big W or Target if you haven't. It's not only cheaper but they might have some stock tomorrow.

That's a good idea. I'll hold off on getting it this fortnight though.
I'm already picking up BotW, Nippleslips and FAST RMX on launch which is pretty much all of my allocated vidya budget for this fortnight.