This game is really really good

this game is really really good

>Already thread up on it
>Makes another one
Fucking stop and fuck off.

>ugh like stop talking about video games
are you triggered

What game is this?

Night in the Woods.

>video game
Nice try, tumblrite

You definitely have to go back to your cesspit

looks like a game to me, if it wasn't, these threads would be getting deleted



>activate the bots to shill our shitty tumblr game

>reee shill reee

reminder the devs of this game were caught red handed with their automated posts yesterday

keep this cancer off of Sup Forums


Whats this game like? I imagine its teeming with sjw rhetoric

I loved it up until the end. I suppose I can't say the ending ruined all those good moments from earlier, but it's sad to know so much is left half baked and unresolved.

It stinks very strongly of dumblr and normalfag bullshit, complete with many "lel I'm so randum XD!11!!" moments. Certainly cringeworthy.
But there is a glimmer of /comf/ and some relatabilty in there. Somewhere. Its a normie game for faggots without any skill or thinking ability but it has its moments.
Torrent it if you're interested.

There's SJW reteric maybe twice, unless you count the existence of gay characters that. One is a very small character you can see from the trailer, the "no fascists allowed" guy who is an extremely minor character and actually a dick to Mae so you kinda hate him anyways. The other is slightly more jarring. At the very end it was cultists all along and one of them goes on a rant about how they just wanted to bring jobs back to the town, very specifically blaming immigrants at one point which was bafflingly never a part of the plot and really comes off as just dragging in current events just because.

Anything else I've encountered is too damn minor to mention.

Why would I ever trust someone who types like you?

where are the proofs

Complete fucking shit game and everyone who likes it is part of the neo-Sup Forums problem.

why would you ever trust anyone for reasons related to typing style

how fucking new

go back

Because you're a raging faggot and you have nothing else.

You could make the greatest story ever told and it will still be a shit videogame if it's one of these shitty VN's with no gameplay
fuck off


Must be fantastic since I never see anyone talking about the gameplay.


and that's a generous estimate

why are there so many threads about this game? doesnt look that noteworthy.

What do you do in it?

take a wild guess user

devs have bots to make threads/posts

Some threads are just full with bots, with similar responses each other, someone is triying to push so bad this game on Sup Forums

Remember to report and sage these threads

fuck animals

>le bot meme
Ever thought that maybe the threads keep poping up because it keep triggering you autists?

You don't even try to hide this blatant shill don't you?

What kind of animals can you fuck?

>admitting he's being paid by soros to post his agitprop sjw game on Sup Forums

ayyyy lmao


This game has the most blatant shilling ive ever seen. I fell for the threads but refunded as it was a bag of shit

Be wary


Various little things, but mostly explore town finding people to talk to and deciding who you want to ultimately hang out with between 2 people. Didn't feel like the least gamey thing ever, wandering the world with their simple platforming controls was nice and the occasional mini game, but it's a story based game. I dunno what to tell you, it's basically Telltale with a little more emphasis on finding things rather than just dropping you in a scene.

>it's just to trigger you cop out

>ugh im trash etc etc

i havent seen a single webm of gameplay

just quirky dialogue

its life is strange but for furries


I told you it's basically Telltale tier as far as being a game goes. I only give it a minor edge because they give you a world to explore as opposed to tell tale that lock you in a scene and you talk to everyone and then that scene ends. I don't think anyone is trying to fool you into thinking otherwise. You get some little mini games for interactions that help but you showed up to a story focused game, expect dialog.

>wasted time trying to smash the cockroach and Aunt Mall Cop came in before I could poke the arm for the tattoo

That's ok. The roach is worth an achievement. The tattoo is worth jack shit. The tattoo literally doesn't mean anything. It's some kinda remnant from when they were thinking they'd make this more of a murder mystery and then said fuck it all.

your shilling is really really weak

That sounds like SJW bullshit to me, wouldn't even waste the bandwidth on getting a free copy of it.

Why the fuck are open gay in so many things now? I have encountered like one fucking open gay dude in my entire life, and I travel the countries around for my job.

Only advanced gamers like us op will understand right..

Okay. I don't think it's that bad, one very short lived college hipster character who is an asshole your character hates and one awkward line from the cultist plot literally no one cares about, but we all have different standards.

If you have gay dudes as friends a lot of them are pretty open about it, you just need to talk more to them.

Gregg and Angus are pretty well written for gay. Like they're two dudes who are together, not MMM YETH YER COCK IS SO BIG ANGUSTH LIKE FASHION YASSSSS SLAY THEM SO GAY AND PROGRETHIVE

You're right, my standards and tolerance for any kind of SJW Tumblerite bullshit is in the negative digits.

It honestly looks and sounds like it should be an add-on to Undertale...

I don't quite get what those 2 games have in common, but okay.