Post try-hard sexy characters

post try-hard sexy characters.

So all the ladies from Dead or Alive?

>try-hard sexy
Sorry for being retarded but can I get some clarification


I have no idea what the hell that means but Jennifer is definitely most underappreciated.


That game went to shit as soon as the humans were introduced. It should've just stayed about demons in demon world going on demon adventures.

I've always liked sexy charcters but this stupid tryhard bitch never appealed to me


Shit taste, all of you.


this so much

people who like these characters are the ones with shit taste

holy shit what are you reading my MIND??? I guess we all see it, but never said it



>it's another sjw thread of whining homosexual twinks




>literally nobody's whining except you



wow, what a try-hard bitch

trying hard is not sexy either

its sort of the last irony

I wonder how her back feels.

Honestly, I doubt Sorc is a very try-hard person
Probably good enough famalam


This character probably wins this topic, honestly.

Leave, pedo scum.

Anyone find Rouge the Bat a lousy character because of her Try Hard to be sexy crap, yet Krystal in Starfox Adventures is not about flaunting her sexuality as part of her personality and as a result not mind that one?

we're talking about the characters design being very tryhard and possibly coy. It's not very good.

She looks alright in there. It's her Prototype Bimbo design the lousy try hard one that got axed years ago. Anyway new Tawna is even more de-sexualized to the point of being unappealing.




Especially other M and Smash Bros 4.

Oh. I see. I think it's still pretty decent with the life-giver theme they aimed for, and the exaggerated characteristics of ALL the characters

This bitch

It's all she has had parts to be sexy individually but they're trown together in such a forced tryhard way that you just end up rolling your eyes

It's no coincidence she appeals to tryhard cosplayers as well

It's been downhill ever since the plugsuit I mean skinsuit I mean zerosuit made its debut

*It's like she had parts to be individually sexy


This is actually a really good example of that.

Cindy is the most blatant, cynical, corporate pandering thing we've seen in quite some time. As you said, her component parts are often seen in different characters but all at once the manipulation is really obvious. And that's before we get to the animations.

She just looks trashy. Same to Aranea (fight me). Iris is also try hard as far as trying to seem appealing to Noctis.

Feel Gentiana and Luna are underrated because they got class about how they present themselves.

>try hard sexy

honestly they dont try hard enough


the current champion of the thread

Anyone else miss Candy's DK64 design? It was just the right mix between charming cartoony and sexy enough for an anthro.


someone has to make up for the heavy prudishness and countless unappealing faces from western devs

>Every female character from league of legends and smite

I want to know what the fuck was that guy thinking when he wrote his review of the game.

seriously. i was having this conversation with a girl, "why do men sexualize everything?" umm because it's entertaining, this is literally called the entertainment industry. fully clothed chicks are not as entertaining as half naked ones, i know what im spending my money on

besides marie rose. you can't be cute and sexy at the same time.

you guys are making the wrong argument on the wrong thread. Before you start being defensive, this is about bad examples of implied "sexiness" not your overzealous Anita-politics.

This thread appeals to me for the wrong reason.

>you can't be cute and sexy at the same time.

All ladies from the new dead or alive

marie rose and friends are the worst examples of this. All the new dead or alive girls look like a cross between a mannequin and a blow-up doll.

>mocks anita
>tries to censor Sup Forumsnons

u w0t m8

No one can seriously say that when you actually look at the pre-DoA5 models, which are FAR more anime/doll looking.

There was nothing wrong about Jennifa. Being the cute, hot assistant in a heroic bikini was completely in-line with the retro sci-fi aesthetic that Gordon, Thursday and Jennifer were following.

Shino-sis is superior.

>All the new dead or alive girls look like a cross between a mannequin and a blow-up doll

And all the old ones look like gigantic barbie dolls, with identical plastic mold. At least the new ones can resemble humans.

But she's a succubus. That's kinda their thing.

nah there was design and deliberation in the old pre-Doa5 models, I found them very honest and charming. Saying they were more doll looking cos the graphics were weaker is like saying pixel art is "blocky looking". They looked good, and not just for the time. The new designs are too overzealous and miss the point completely. Imagine getting someone who wasn't interested in designing sexy women to design them: that's what the new ones feel like.

And yet the one whining is a Sup Forums snowflake
End your life

Big tits get hits

Thank god someone reminded me of this tryhard mess

>ITT: gays with the wrong opinions

I would like her if her animations were different, but I can't really imagine how else they would look.

She does looks like an American teenage boys wetdream girl, bland as fuck.

This is a good topic, though not for the intended reason.

Post Blazblues OP, especially Makoto


yeah, a young boy who doesn't know what sexy is cos he's just a kid, drawing boobs with a crayon.

I was gonna mention her horrendous animations, I really don't know what to say other than they're perfectly annoying. All of these characters give off the vibe of a stripper forced to act sexy because she has to support her kids.


holy fuck this

Maybe she just has the kind of personality that lets her get invested in what she does and has fun with it. Just a thought.

yeah, my argument holds better than yours, because whatever you're trying to imply doesn't show at all in the final product.

Is Space Dandy a reference to Gordon, Jennifer, and Thursday?

Jeanne is better.
Fight me fags

The problem is that Jennifer is too generic looking so rule34 of her just looks like porn of a generic blonde.

Her design is still uninspired. Blonde busty/strong girl in revealing clothing.

There's a shit ton of them in WWE or shit like that.



Every female character from overwatch with their annoying facial queues and animations

"I'm cute!"

"I'm unaware sexy!"

>no you're not.

This made my day


Her character is annoying, but she's a tasteful thot.

I'd fuck it. Even if she didn't take her pants off.

you beat me to it you fuckerrr- I was trying to remember what forgettable tryhard sexy female character I thought of recently, but I guess I was doomed to fail.
>Jesus even her name is tryhard..
>Reads tagline
>oh wait everything in Borderlands is tryhard.

dont know what that means but it sounds desperate

is there a drought of female characters to fap to? Cos I'm pretty sure there isn't..

ITT: That one shithole country that doesnt like girls with fat asses

I still don't get what's so sexy about japan's shemale teacher stereotype.

I guess it must appeal, considering bayonetta fans though.

It's harder to show character than physical appearance ain't it?
Many SF characters are uninspired/stereotyped as hell. Honorable martial artist, 'chika' Brazilian, snobby rich bitch, the school girl. I don't fault Mika for looking the role she's supposed to be. And there may be lots in WWE, but there is only 1 in SF.

It's important they their graphics and body physics improve over time.

Bayonetta is cool though. I'd agree that she fits the parameters of the thread, but her smug personality is fun given the context of her series.

>It's not hard to make good character designs if you care

These are designed by comittee cheap fap fests. And they're not even good.

basically, I agree. Just wanted to make that clear

I have no idea what's going on with her costume but she's always looked stupid to me

>just enough of a gap to show her bellybutton
hahaha is there a name for "desperately insecure sexy design" yet? They're so unsure what to do with her that they literally did everything.

>laugh posting

I can no longer abide by this faggotry. Posting neps



Her cute dress is the superior ourfit for this reason.