Tired Gamer Thread

Tired Gamer Thread

When was the last time you enjoyed a new game?

When was the last time you couldn't put a game down?

I can't remember

Dirt Showdown.

Was 3 bucks and I played it while I had a cold and it gave me good nostalgia to NFS carbon except it's way more fun for an arcadey racer. It was a solid 20 hours.

I wish there was some plane racing games.

Yakuza 0 like 15 minutes ago. Love that game. Feels good to not be a jaded fuck

>When was the last time you enjoyed a new game?
couple of hours ago
>When was the last time you couldn't put a game down?
two days ago

Dark Souls 3.

For me it was doom during launch ---- big pause ---- now I bought a ps4 and I played heavy rain and beyond souls and I wasnt able to drop the controller.

Now I cant find anything again and I am feeling so bored playing vidya but I am doing it like eating a bad medicine.

10 years ago
Somethings in GBA

Shin megami tensei 4.

The game has perfect atmosphere, dialogue, and perfect gameplay. I love it so much, I don't understand how they put such an amazing game on a handheld. Makes me excited to see all the monsters in 3D on the Switch.

Yakuza 0

Shit game

Gravity Rush series. Haven't played a fun (imo) platformer since the fucking Jak series.

>Tired gamer thread
>Bunch of people who aren't tired gamers posting

This is the same board who gets triggered at the mere mention of comfyness now, so I'm not all that surprised

>heavy rain
>beyond two souls

What game?

I'm probably more jaded than the average Sup Forumsirgin (as in I regularly go 3 months or more without playing a single game, even for 5 minutes) but in the last few days Bloodborne has really clicked for me and I'm enjoying it a lot. I don't even remember the last time I bought a DLC for a game but I think it'll be worth it.

boy is it

What's a good castleroid to play outside of CV and Metroid games? I need something new and I've replayed those too much. I tried Shadow Complex or whatever and I just got bored late game.

Pokémon Sun and Dragon Quest VIII, the last thing before them was probably Dark Souls 2.

But I'm starting to like Dark Souls 3 a lot more,

i've been playing old ass nes games for about 15 to 20 minutes every day after I get home from work. i'm usually too tired to keep playing more than that. hell sometimes I feel like I'm forcing myself to play when I really just want to lie down. I've been stuck on Ghosts 'n Goblins for a week now and i'm still not past level 3

i'm still stuck in that big ass maze with the red demon guys. man this game is an asshole

Someone please recommend me a game I can get lost in... please.

new Doom


Earlier today, hours of For Honor then hours of Fallout Vegas.

Life is good user. If you're not enjoying it, stop doing it, do something you enjoy more, and come back in a month.

>early february
There's an awful lot of games out there, user. That mean there's gotta be one that'll restore your faith in vidya, rekindle that fire. It's out there.

>hours of Fallout Vegas.

until the first ctd?

Hollow Knight. Seriously one of the best I've played.

axiom verge is good if you're after something modern

Xcom: Enemy Unknown. Then get Enemy Within after one playthrough.

Same for me
>Got to Grand Archives
>Wew this is good, but how late is it
>It's fucking 5AM
>How in the fuck
>Could have continued playing but really don't want to fuck up my sleep schedule so went to sleep
>Slept 4 hours and booted the game again
Needless to say my sleep schedule got fucked because of the game

I was about to google ctd but fuck it, I'll admit I don't know what that is

Total war game, probably war hammer

what are some games you normally get lost in user? different people find that different games click with them. I put on a podcast and play hours and hours of euro truck sim 2 when i want to just zone out and forget my troubles.

Crash to Desktop, user...

what are some games where the gameplay is contingent on very sensitive conditions which are altered by the game anyway because of lazy and/or incompetent developers?

Berseria. Hopefully Zelda too starting tomorrow. Feels good cause I'm usually also a cynical and jaded person especially about AAA games these days.

I play on console, I'm about 40 hours in and no crashes or game breaking bugs. A few graphical hiccups and some dumb AI but that's it. Game's fucking brilliant.

I just got into resident evil 7 and I'm surprisingly really enjoying myself. It's the first new game I've had fun with in a while.

After all the expensive games I've got it's Rocket Legaue that I still keep coming back to and I got it free on ps plus, it reminds me how graphics have no importance in a game in the long run.

That's a pretty specific question...

I don't even know anymore, its been so long.

I like difficult games, one where I'm under the pump and need to play well to get through.

or just games where I can sit back, relax and explore.

Yakuza 0

Stop fucking playing mmo's/mobas. By the time you want you enjoy some singleplayer is already 12:00AM, you've been playing 6 hours straight and shat yourself without notice. Also your dog is dead cuz you didn't fill his bowl since 3 days ago.

Hell yeah, that game is great

I enjoyed Nioh deep into ghe night that's why I'm tired.


Lately anything that isnt Souls or Ace Attorney bores me.

But I just startes Earthbound like 2 weeks ago and Im having a blast. Its really good.

Been enjoying Fistful of Frags a lot lately

>When was the last time you enjoyed a new game?
Probably DS3

>When was the last time you couldn't put a game down?
When antibirth for isaac came out I was playing it religiously

NieR Automata actually gave me hope that video games can be good again

But then i rushed through that shit in like less than 24 hours after release

I'm currently fucking loving Helldivers.

>When was the last time you enjoyed a new game?
Persona 5

>When was the last time you couldn't put a game down?
Playing through SMTIV: Final now, it's pretty compelling.

Friend of mine got me overwatch and it was fun playing with him.

Haven't really been hooked on anything. I my games go untouched for weeks. When I do play it's for a short amount of time.

Today, played dune 2000 all day.
Just one mission and it took all day and I lost. Still a good game.

Pokémon Sun. I played it nonstop after getting it at a midnight release and beat it in a week

Played the Talos Principle mid last year which was great. Since then only been playing FFXIV and I'm more or less out of stuff to do there too.

Lots of games I want to play but no motivation to actually start. I'll probably pick up the new Zelda at least.

I think it's partly because I see starting a new game as a time investment. Once I start I know I'll have to play through to the end until I'm satisfied which could take a long time. It's like a loss of freedom to just do whatever, even though that's obviously completely retarded and I can stop/start whenever I want.

Comfyness has some sort of value or at the very least is something that's valued by people who actually like vidya.
"Tired gamers" are just huge whining faggots who don't know when to take a break from vidya.

I REALLY didn't expect this, but I played HotS with a friend to get the WoW mount, and I'm having fun. Never liked mobas before, and I know half the appeal is WC characters, but I'm having a good time with Thrall

Final Fantasy Tactics
Gears of War
Tales of Eternia
The Last of Us
Megaman X5

Baldur's Gate might be up your alley.

i got stardew valley in that humble bundle a week or so ago and i can't stop playing it. i was expecting some silly farm game and instead i got comfy ass seasons, waifus, and WAY more gameplay than i bargained for.

then grim dawn went on sale, and fuck me dont even get me started, i can already tell im gonna be playing that all summer.

Dark cloud!