Complete every sidequest, 100% the game

>Complete every sidequest, 100% the game
>All you unlock is an alternate outfit

>Complete 100 level optional megadungeon with upgraded bosses every 5 levels
>Get an alternate outfit and insect bait
>Outfit is baller as fuck and the insect that's attracted to the bait is the best in the game

What else did you want? What else do you desire for completing everything the game has to offer?

>try to jerry rig a vagina
>all you get is a forked urethra

Is chris dead yet?


No, but Snorlax is

>complete a game
>don't get thanked for playing in the credits

Barb isn't dead. She's dying tho

>Selling his fathers prized stamp collection so he can buy more transformers

This is why aloggers exist, christ genuinely needs to die at this point. Bob didnt deserve this

>look at game ad
>has the wrong color arms

After this happened in RDR, I wish I could have had John be wearing this bitchin gear instead of Jack.

>beat hardest boss in the game.
>get the best weapon in the game is a reward, but now you have nothing to use it on since you already beat the hardest boss in the game.
What is even the point of getting it?

Yes he did you moron, Bob was a horrible person as well. It was karma he was stuck with Barbara and Chris and his first children wouldn't see him
I hate when morons paint Bob as some poor unfortunate soul, he's not. He was only slightly better than Chris and Barb

Ironicly he did it a week after talking about how it was the doctors fault that his dad died if i meet him someday iam gonna slap the fat fuck

tell me- how is CWC doing these days? does he get fugged in de bagina?

This is directed mostly to Adam Stackhouse; the S.O.B. who was the Alphabetically First Video in the PaRappa Contest and got WRONGFULLY the big prize. This JERK's Video WAS AGAINST The NO MUSIC RULE!!!! His, Suryabuchwald and Aprelewsky's VIDEO ALL SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISQUALIFIED because they ALL HAD MUSIC!!!!

In any case, I LOATHE Adam and his Sister for STEALING my one chance at taking my Sweet Gal-Friend to Seattle; it would have been terriffic. I might have even been able to change her outlook on not planning on having children (she and I are both virgins; although I am a FRUSTRATED, High-Functionally AUTISTIC, 25-YEAR OLD VIRGIN. And I LOATHE Surybuchwald and Aprelewsky as well, because their MUSIC probably landed those JERKS in 2nd and 3rd.

I don't have much going on for me really, because I have been the dog in America's favorite game, "KICK THE AUTISTIC" for my whole life.

I curse those seven people (between the cast of the three illegal videos) to DIE and BURN!

As for Adam, if he is reading this and is asking, "You've got something to say to me?" I do, P.S. F*** You, you Dream Smashing Son of a B****!

>implying super dante/vergil arent the most OP things to fuck around with while still retaining some fun value

Knowing Chris she would probably leave his mother's corpse on the bed rotting for days out of laziness.

>Game has an unlockable costume you get for completing the game 100%
>There's not a single image of it online


>the only images are so low res the only thing you can make out of it is the character's silohuette

user's talking about Snorlax, retard.

Do you even grammar

hidden secret level

Why do you guys know about his whole goddamn family

Why don't you?

>his mother's corpse

>Knowing Chris she would
It seems we're at an impasse

Because it's like a traffic accient, you can't look away from it.

because it's more documented than George fucking Washington
