Why do people think that Nintendo is good at anything out side of mildly fuckable characters?

Why do people think that Nintendo is good at anything out side of mildly fuckable characters?

They haven't made an amazing game in fucking years and yet Sup Forums claims they are the best fucking company ever? Is this just a Nintendo shill base of operations now?

>Horizon is Amazing Game according to Sup Forums shills
>it got 88 MC
>Mario Kart 8
>Got 88 MC
There's one answer faggot


post more of that girl



>They haven't made an amazing game in fucking years
What do you think was their last amazing game then?

Because while all the claims you've made are spot on, no one else is doing any better


>thick n' average

muh fuckin dick

>le thicc xD

did you expect any other type response?

you knew what you were doing when you made this thread.

isn't that reviewbrah's sister?

Super Mario sunshine, obviously. You fucking troglodyte.

looks like gary sinise.



I literally just sniffed my screen.
Oh goddddddddd

Am I doing this right?



Nintendo owns your souls and the only cute are more thicks

Breaking News we have footage of op in a cafe live

>''Who asked for milky...?''

>Check catalog
>Literally over a dozen threads shitting on Nintendo

I think OP may be genuinely retarded

Me! Me!
Please give me milkies.
I'll give you my Battlechoad

>fat acceptance thread
yuropoors must be waking up

Let's post other kind of thicc then.


Well yeah, since they're losing England, they want the US for the EU

Absolutely disgusting. We're an anal only household.



Ew please don't write that
Heterosexuality disgusts me desu :^)

Did she win?

>Somewhat remotely human body
>fucking dumpling for a neck
>baby boy head

I'm dead.


her tiny mouth is cute.

my heart?

You are missing out!

looks like Alex Dauginas lol fkn lmao



>''A-user, please...''

Holy fuck user, i have not even read what you thread is about. Is there more?


Did she just sniff her armpit?


>tfw 27 year old virgin

What video game is this?
Is it on the Switch?

Uh oh.

>Sup Forums claims they are the best fucking company ever?
Sup Forums is split on Nintendo, stop lying you fucking shill



Wanna do buttstuff with me, user?

Welp, I don't see why not.

I'm pretty sure I read that this girl was like 15 when this photo was taken.

Great, I'll prepare the strap-on!

source me tho

What was the source for this?

girls these days need taller than that.

Are you really a girl (female)?


>be 20

>reading this thread

>I can literally hear this girl and her bf going at it, round 3, in their room above me. the ceiling is shaking and the bed is rocking back and forth, squeaking like crazy and occasionally I can hear her long drawn out moans

It's just not fucking fair.


Marry me

I forgot to mention obviously im still a virgin

even worse: no real gf, longest relationship was a week

can barely even talk to girls.



Been there. 4 months ago. Except it was the room next door. And the girl getting loudly railed was my little sister. I came three time listening to her moans that night

prove it or we'll know you're just a dude like the rest of us failures

Holy shit just Google search escorts in your city. Find ads. Google phone numbers in ad to make sure they have reviews and go fuck.

"""""She""""" already turned down my very romantic and heartfelt marriage proposal. No woman would ever do such a thing. Therefore it must be a man.

you didn't even try your best, user

there's a fucking watermark m8

I wouldn't even share that on an anonymous board if I was behind 7 proxies. What the fuck man.


Shoulda proposed to me like pic related.

You know how I said earlier in the thread that I'm a 27 year old virgin? How do you suspect I wound up that way? Better get used to it user, you've got a long road ahead of you.

This is a text book cuck

People won't like to admit but this fuckin thread is better than most of what Sup Forums does.
Thicc chicks> videogames

Damn it, you're right. I fucked up. Can you ever forgive bb?

im scared

have you done it before? whats the process like, do you just tell them exactly how you want the sex to be?

>Addicted to Sup Forums and video games
>32 years old
>Live with my 21 year old girlfriend who cooks me food and fucks me senseless and cheers for me while I play hard games

What's your excuse?

It's all good, user~



just tell them you want to lose your v plates

How much more mentally handicapped is your gf than you user?


and i dont have an excuse. im still trying everyday to talk to girls and form friendships

I'm 12 years younger than you so I'm too young to get a girl 11 years younger than me attracted to older men, obviously.

inb4 "date a girl 11 years younger than you anyway"

Fucking sad of a human being

what the fuck

She's completely neurotypical, she's just incredibly caring and likes looking after me. I try to help out around the house and she gets possessive over chores, it's cute. She also gets really angry at feminists who say women shouldn't be houseproud and care for their man.

Ah, she's fictional, got it.


Sound like my dream
>Turning 31 soon
>Have a crush on a 20 year old.
>Think she might like me back.
Only problem is she lives far in another state, and I'm afraid to even try with her, because I don't think I'll have the means to see her, even if she wanted.


Super Mario 64 was one of my favorite games on the Nintendo 64. When they made this game about the stupid watergun jetpack I couldn't ever get into it.

Who is this walking pair of tits and ass?

Definition of a goddess. My god. Name?

I wish I knew.

I'm the opposite, I just wanna sit around and play vidya while my bf does all the chores around the house.


i dont go outside at all

Post recording of sister moaning.