Breath of the Wild game and Switch is being delivered on time celebration thread. Thread theme:

Breath of the Wild game and Switch is being delivered on time celebration thread. Thread theme:

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>ordering online
>not going to a midnight launch

I shiggy diggery doo

>still hasnt shipped
>expected to ship yesterday
>supposed to be here friday
I swear to fucking God amazon.

I'm sorry

Can I make Link nude? Pls

My switch is arriving tomorrow, is the shop even up or will it be before Friday?

That's why I stopped ordering stuff that I want to get in a timely fashion online. I've had shit get lost/delayed way too many times. I go either brick and mortar, or digital download.

I pre ordered with two-day shipping back during E3 and I'm a little concerned that they never updated the placeholder date. the progress bar is still almost to the end though

Mine just gave me this march 10th bullshit so I canceled
You might as well wait outside gamestop and try to get a walk in copy or download it from the eshop

>Preorder Zelda WiiU the day they allow it.
>My shit wasn't even given a date to arrive or ship.
Ill just buy the motherfucker digitally.

>Leave house to pick up number at 8pm
>Go out to dinner with friends for a launch party
>walk into gamestop at 11:59 straight to the front and leave at 12:01
>be home by 12:20 booting up the game
Truly we are the master race

Oh ya!
>Dont preorder switch.
>Only want Zelda.
>Digital buy and go to sleep.
>Wake up at 6am to go to work.
>Get home around 5pm.
>To tired to play Zelda.
>Just forget about it all together.
>Get reminded of it 2 weeks later.
>Never get time to play.
The true masterrace, are those who have to play games while dreaming.

I am really love Final Fantasy 20 right now, best game ever.

can't wait to see floppy dick link mods.

When is the midnight release for you? tomorrow?

Im not sure what youre getting at there user, i have time on the weekend for many things, this weekend will be zelda. No need to be so jaded, if you dont like zelda thats fine.

Yes, amerifat here. at least i get it before west coast

(i have pirated it too to demo the game though)

OK, I'm still not sure when it is here in leafland.


i have a friend who lives up there and it comes out same day, but he got it on your local eb or whoever you bought it from and ask if theyre having one.

when does embargo lift?
here in australia the game launches in LESS THAN 5 (FIVE) HOURS


Yea I should call, I might have fucked up because I pre-ordered at the EB games in a mall. So...fuck ....


I hope you enjoy your video game, bros.
BotW looks pretty dope.

Just got an email today saying my WiiU BotW wouldn't be shipped until the 7th. Cancelled and grabbing the digital version instead.

Do the preorders for that open today on the eshop?


nobody is saying that user, calm down.

The embargo should lift within the next few hours.

But judging from what few reviews (EDGE, Famitsu) we've gotten so far, and the myriad of impressions that we have been given, critical response is going to be overwhelmingly positive.

I wanna lick these hips.

bought from my trusted online seller that when you buy there the game ALWAYS is in your mail box the day before release. But they failed me today, I'll have to give them a 1 star rating on facebook now

Yeah, like every other Zelda.

Skyward Sword has a metacritic of 93.
Wind Waker has a 96, and the HD version a 90.
Twilight Princess has a 96.

Legend of Zelda scores are grossly inflated, and reviews are lying sacks of shit time and again.

link is not for sexual

"Your package has been sent" HALLELUJA!

How come people are pretending its not out yet, I've played it for like 20 hours by now and I didn't even need to buy it

>Hey user, I have time on the weekend for things.
>Therefore, everybody has time on the weekends!
>You must not like Zelda.

Get off your "people who dont have time to play X must hate X" train

i dont think theire inflated to much, even skyward sword has plenty of spectacle for normies. if you just want to have fun zelda games do the job pretty well enough to land a 7/10 minimum.

Well, that's how reviews for lots of media tends to be. Big names get big numbers. It's not a rule that's followed 100%, but there's enough to see a trend.

But in any case, based on what I've seen of the gameplay, I'm excited to play it. It looks like a fun game.

The amount of people with Wii U's is not large, and the amount with hacked Wii U's is even less so.

while in college i had time to play mario galaxy woth a part time job, im not saying beat the game in a week, but if you DO like zelda games give your self some well deserved r&r. its good for your health.

Your last sentence seemed dismissive in my interpretation. I didnt mean to imply it was fact.

Pirating a leaked copy doesn't mean it's "out".

>playing a video game doesn't count as "playing"


>Legend of Zelda scores are grossly inflated
Nah, SS wasn't the greatest but it was still one of the better games of 2011

>Estimated arrival date: March 08, 2017 - March 10, 2017

If I was hyped at all for this I would be pissed. I only went with amazon for the 20% off for prime pre-orders.


>release day is tomorrow
>shipping information only just approved at 5pm today

Oh boy. Because tomorrow is a Friday and they don't work weekends I'm going to be waiting until next week for it.


Is this on the switch or the wii-u?
Which would you suggest one gets?

it lack Marty's lips.

Blame Nintendo on this one, Amazon was the one that got shafted as fuck, so a good majority of people who preordered will not be getting copies due to the shipping fuckup.

Just buy it digital.

No, it definitely wasn't. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.

Name five (5) better games in 2011
skyrim is not better.

Simultaneous launch.

If you're getting a Switch, then just go for the Switch version. If you're not, then go for the Wii U version. Both are pretty much the same thing, but the Switch has fewer technical hiccups.


>no arguments

Mine says "Arriving tomorrow by 8 PM"
I have Amazon Prime so idk if that makes a difference, but if you pre-ordered it then it'll update eventually and be shipped on time unless there's some kind of shipping error.


dead space 2
shadows of the damned
radiant historia
xenoblade (I guess)


Fair enough, but the others? I don't think so.

>skyrim is not better.
Well it kinda is.

>7days till shipping
End me

So fucking pretty.

> being delivered on time
> celebration
fucking SJWs


Good thing I live in a country dominated by Sony. There's a ton of BotW stocks in my local vidya rental place. They even give out free pre-order bonuses for games at launch day if you buy before closing time.

Thanks sony, for letting Nintendo beta test the shitty version of Zelda on your console~

Now we both win, right my Sonybros?

game is shit. don't worry. just cancel preorder.

I think so.
they all tried different things. SS was just same old boring shit.


A polished game is better than shit like ds2 or fucking alice, no idea what you're talking about

I'm guessing we're supposed to dislike what nigel said even though it's true and makes sense, right?

Can you digitally download the game onto your Wii u?


>I'm guessing we're supposed to dislike what nigel said even though it's true and makes sense, right?

You are literally not! It's totally obviously you are supposed to agree with miss Bowyer

>delivered on time
its original release date was 2015...

For me it's in around 3 hours.
I've never been to a midnight launch, I'm scared.

wait how? where are you? west coast? Why are you getting it a whole day in advance?

Don't be scared, just avoid the autistic.

Australian East Coast.
How can I avoid the autistic? I am one.

>How can I avoid the autistic? I am one.

Just please don't force a conversation on anyone, keep to yourself.

I'll just show everyone my fanfiction then.
Thanks for the help, friend. I might even get a lovely lady out this!

Is this some sort of joke? Why do they speak like highschool girls?

What's the best way to pick it up? Does gamestop give you a number if you get there early?

>tfw I leave in the middle of ass and the nearest store is at 1h30 of driving
Still getting delivered tomorrow but I hope it wont be 7pm

Mine said arriving tuesday, emailed them, and it was updated to friday.

2hrs 30mins to go

When I was 14, I waited out in front of target all night for the wii. Some neckbeard brought a tv, GameCube and 4 controllers, so everybody in line took turns playing smash.

I suck at smash, but I'm better than normal fags at least. So I'm fair-Ingrid a dr. Mario with Marty, when suddenly the guy playing him yells at me. I look over.

This one massive black dude with biceps bigger than my head lifted up his fist and went to punch me. This guy was easily twice my age and twice my weight in muscle, mind you. The other guys grabbed his arm to stop me and he calmed down after that. During the whole thing tho I killed his character.

Never waited in line for a game after that

When is the review embargo lifted?

Right now.

>BY A. NON (AGE 7)

>The new Zelda is really bad. It thinks it's good but it isn't.
>The combat is shit, the world is and the gameplay is shit. The writing is even worse and the graphics is terrible.
>I would not recommend this game to anyone. It is really bad.

I don't mean to toot my own horn but this review objectively shows why you should skip Breath of the Wild and just play Doom II instead.

In 15 minutes

>Fraternizing with niggers

>Switch shipped yesterday
>mean't to arrive tomorrow (Aus time, so about 12 hours)
>Zelda which I bought from a different store because it was cheaper hasn't shipped yet
God damn it. What's launching on the actual e-store?

>order from ShopTo
>they deliver it 2 days early
>watch the plebs leave the house to pick it up while you're maximum comfy in bed

Based Nigel

So does anybody know how BotW handles on a a Wii U gamepad? How does it look?

My HDMI port is fucked and the only other option is playing with an AV cord till I get some component cables.

what the fuck is this shit?