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Sure is

>apple jacks shit tier
>life low tier
>honey nut cheerios mid tier

Who made this garbage

>no fruity pebbles

Probable deadspin
The had PLAIN NO FROSTING Poptarts as their best Poptartd


Elder God Tier coming through

Making this thread vidya related

Golden Grahams master race reporting in

Fuck yeah mini-wheats.
Also where does Raisin Bran crunch place on that grid. It sure is fuck better than basic raisin bran.

>cocoa pebbles having anything on cocoa crispies
>pops in shit tier

>Frosted Flakes low tier
>Kix in shit tier

I swear to god the easiest way to tell if someone is a manchild is if they think Kix is shit.

mini wheats are for poor people and rapists

>another burger food thread
wow yes everything looks disgusting. Congratulation

Oddly enough that is my favorite cereal. Not too sweet. Not too bland. It's sweetness never builds to the point that you don't want to eat it anymore like many other cereals. Doesn't sweeten the milk.

It is just some good shit.

I need to bother to find a damned place that actually sells it and buy a whole case of it. Haven't had that stuff since college

>Shit tier

What the FUCK user. Kix are good in any form at any time of the day

too sugary

at least for me now that I'm older. Same with cinnamon toast crunch

>Honey bunches of oats
>Not God Tier

Haven't seen it sold anywhere in over 3 years.

It's sad.


Why isn't Cinnamon Toast Crunch in elder god timer

CTC bros where we at

>Sugary globs containing rice krispies instead of a bowl of Rice Krispies
It's the best cereal

>Tastes good on it's own
>Can put tons of shit in it
>Brown sugar
>Coconut shavings
>Bit of sugar
>Cinnamon probably I'm going to have to try this now
>Conducive shape to do all this with unlike trash tier Corn Flakes (Plus Corn Flakes lack that baseline good taste)
Not all of them at once obviously but a box of rice krispies can do so much more than the ordinary sugary shit.

I second this. No fucking idea why they have any other kind than almonds though


>cinnamon toast crunch


>Rice Krispie Treats
>God Tier

My fuckin nigga, do they even sell that anymore

I'm pleased Reese's Puffs are in the proper tier.

>raisin bran placement
>apple cinnamon cheerios placement
>top tier is literally candy cereal except mini wheats

Cereal Tier list for 6 year olds? Sure

Reese's Puffs are just Cocoa Puffs and Peanut Butter Crunch mixed together nigga

Smorz is amazing faggot

>Life Cereal that low
>Meme puff that high

Eat a bowl of brown sugar Life and say that to my face, faggot.

Kix should be in it's own bottom tier of shit.
It's fucking wood pulp.
The horse meat of cereals.

I wish Polybius was real.

only real good cereal posted

>Frosted Flakes that low
>Rice Krispy's replaced by shit tier treats variant
This list is shit and you should off yourself OP

You're small time

>no Captain Crunch

Shit list

>dark souls
>lower than Cave Story and Metroidvanias

Cinnamon toast crunch tastes like soap

>rice krispies god tier
absolutely fucking not
>smorz top tier
absolutely fucking yes

>Eating a bowl of sugar
>Not a tasty neutral cereal that you can put fresh fruit into
I seriously hope you guys dont do this.

Cereal in a bag is better.

I don't know why this thread is making me laugh so hard

>raisin bran and honey nut cheerios in mid
>apple cheerios and special k in low
>motherfucking lucky charms in top tier
>bunch of overly sugary shit in top with the exception of cinnamon toast crunch
whos the fucking plebeian that made this list

its called special k in ausland
if you want to buy it here lol

I hate everything in the top row.

My favorites are Honey Bunches of Oats, Raisin Bran Crunch, Frosted Flakes, Honey Nut Cheerios, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, Cap'n Crunch and maybe the odd Trix.


>multigrain cheerios not elder god tier
>cocoa pebbles and cocoa puffs not shit tier
garbage taste desu

Why are they so god damn addictive?
I'm not even much of a sugar fiend, I mostly eat Life cereal.
But when Smorz is in the house I can't hold back.

>Visual Novel
>art games
what the fuck am i reading

>Cinnamon toast crunch not EXACTLY sugary shit

>Corn pops at the bottom
Pure autism.

other than mini wheats, your god tier list is fucking trash kid

Why are cereal marshmallows so shitty and disgusting?

>cereals with frosted sugars and chocolate


it's sugary shit but it's the only tolerable kind of sugary shit because of the cinnamon
it's the best a sugar cereal can get really, much better than that fucking disgusting trash "cereal" known as lucky charms
I don't even think actual 6 year olds like lucky charms

>eat lucky charms
>dread the actual marshmallows because the texture of them is absolute garbage

Personally, I can't stand Mini Wheats. Hate their texture.

>Programming that low

>Cinnamon Toast Crunch
>Not French Toast Crunch

Everything else is fine i guess. But i'm just a leaf.

>top tier isn't the top

Stop fucking doing this, faggots.

the quality of mini wheats depends on the amount of frosting that survives on the cereal grain, it's top tier at best and low tier at worst

>Rice Krispie TREATS instead of normal ass Rice Krispies
*Austistic Schreeching*

They get soggy too fast.

>regular cheerios
>not god tier
enjoy your heart attacks

i still can't believe this memester won the entire fucking season

>seeing this in the store just reminds me that Hidden Treasures doesn't exist anymore

>smorz have been discontinued
>if I think really hard I can almost taste them
Why do you do this to me user?


Waffle Crisp has transcended categorization, I see


> Pops
> shit tier
kill yourself faggot

>gorging on carbs helps your heart

Waffle Crisp just makes me want to eat real waffles.

>Frosted Flakes that low

FUck outta here with that bullshit, and Lucky Charms taste like diabetes

Love them in small doses.

Am I the only one who likes every single cereal listed? They're all really delicious.

Sup Forums can see OP's shit tastes

but can they see why Cinnamon Toast Crunch belongs in God Tier anyways?

Now categorize them based solely on the milk they leave behind when you're finished.

>eating cereal
>eating refined grains and sugar

what are you, 10?

>eating cereal
>complaing about carbs
What kind of cereal do you eat? Meaty-o's?

Legit question, why the fuck does anyone like lucky charms. Those marshmallows are goddamn awful feeling to chew. Literally cancerous infestations in your mouth.

Also Fruit Loops doesn't deserve shit tier, they aren't amazing, but a staple cereal that you could eat at a friends house.

Posting alt-right cereal

>No Broccoli and Chicken for breakfast
>No Bell Pepper and Chicken for breakfast
>No Kale and Chicken for breakfast
>Not even plain fucking Yogurt

What the fuck is wrong with you?

sounds delicious.

>being this anal about breakfast

What are you, 90?


Kale is disgusting. The texture is just fucking awful. It feels like paper in your mouth.

yogurt is fucking disgusting

I'd gladly eat the rest of that though

>complains about carbs
>follows up with essentially ">not eating carbs"

>still eating breakfast

you know that was a made up meal by the grain/dairy industry.

you're only meant to eat two meals a day.

Cuz alt righters be swimming in pussy

My fucking man. I've convinced 3 people now that this cereal is the second coming.


Reeses puffs are shitty, go fuck yourself.

>>complains about carbs

>Honey Bunches of Oats not being God-Tier

Kill yourself.


>plain yogurt

Might as well be eating a plain bowl of lettuce if you want to be ingesting nothing.