Gamerfuel thread?

Gamerfuel thread?

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this isn't fuckin real

If chocolate chip pancake corn dogs are real; monster hotpockets are.

The janitor has eaten at least 6 boxes today while deleting threads that mention the Switch getting a 6.7

>made with caffeinated cheese

How the fuck do you Murricans come up with this shit? Like how do you come up with a pizza with a fried chicken crust?

Do you just look at pre-existing junkfood and think of ways to combine it with other unhealthy crap? Shit's great though and I wish we got more of it here.

Why do these people keep putting things in things they shouldn't be put in?

Oreos are the worst offender.
>Swedish Fish

Fucking WHY.

looks good

yes actually

>tfw momma suprises me and brings home 20 of these today


It's not real you stupid fucking America-obsessed yuropoor


We have "hotdog-flavoured pizza burgers" here so I don't even know anymore.

Does anyone have the one with the Deus Ex promo that had a trip to Detroit as the prize?

>switch threads get deleted
>but furry shill threads for night in the woods stay up
really makes you think

I'd give it a shot

We made apples that taste like grapes. Because why not.


le holy trinity

>having a holocaust jew stomach you can't eat anything like that
I ain't even fat nigger

Just imagine the shit you would take after you ate something like this. It would be a total fire sale. You'd be lucky to have any bones left. Would be like shitting out a gallon of boiling water. You'd lift up off the toilet.

>he stuffs his pizza crust with hot dogs

Thanks for the suggestion, grandpa.


I don't eat a hot pocket thinking it'll be anything other than a cheap imitation of a food product but at least it's based off chicken, ham, or beef. But slim jims are fucking processed to hell and back why would I want to compound that by putting it in a manufactured fake product? God damn disgusting.

It's companies trying to drum up interest in their stale products and definitely not an american past time you meme-lover

pop tarts has orange crush and ROOT BEER flavored tarts

>caffeinated cheese





>norwegian """"food""""


thanks user

focus groups and overpaid suits in board meetings mashing their brand portfolios together.
It's easy to do because it's only like 5 companies that own 95% of all recognizable food brands in the US.

Why do you think taco bell keeps making doritos flavored tacos or starburst flavored slushies?

who /poorfag trash/ here




>tortilla or flatbread


this and code red are the best flavors, I wish I could get voltage. Mango Heat is fucking awful

i want to fuck that bread

>The weapon to surpass the metal gear

The name is a real turn off. Also that it doesn't have bread, what's the point.

Japan has the weirdest pizza. Like don't they put mayo on it too?

you would be correct, it is not real

Post some vidya food tie-ins

>Absolutely loved these
>They haven't had them in stores for years


in b4 Ja/ck/ webm

It's not a real item user. It's a meme. And you fell for it.

Bread is a God damn miracle of the universe. People who willingly avoid gluten without an allergy are retarded.

watch this :)

why the fuck did they make the patties wider for the grand mac and not just put quarter pounder patties on the big mac bun?

mixing monster and hard liquor is a great way to die


Quarter pounder patties are a higher grade of meat


Delete this. Don't revive his insanity.

but it's so educational!


I'm lucky that not many people like game fuel flavor. It's like liquified cherry Air Heads, and since I'm one of the few people buying it there's more for me even a couple months after the promotions end. We have voltage here, though I prefer code red and live wire. Mangoes are my favorite fruit so I was quick to try mango heat, but sadly I agree that it tastes like shit.

Nah, you're just gonna be wide awake for that mistake that ensues.



You have to admire their technique even if it's just throwing a bunch of random shit in a pile.

I can't really find myself harshing on someone with legitimate mental issues vs someone like Ja/ck/ who is just a colossal moron who refuses to listen.

Masaokis cannot help himself.

I'm not hating on the poor guy, he was the one who first uploaded this bizzarity, so I feel compelled to share it


I would eat this just to see what flavor Reddit is

oh god, Masaokis is uploading again


this has to be a meme
>cooking prosciutto



Are you referring to the fried chicken chalupa?


Well, atleast he hasn't poisoned himself to death yet.

literally these exact ones
they are legit pretty fucking decent

It makes a pretty thumbnail, but that shit nasty

Japanese Mayo is entirely different from American Mayo

Jose Ole was the shit. All other forms of taquitos pale in comparison.

>American """"cuisine"""""


i mix 1 part mayo, cheetos and bacon bits. mix lightly and you get a convenient as fuck gamerfuel. you dip your hand into the bowl, and the mayo coats the cheeto stopping cheeto dust from getting on your fingers, while sticking to your hand so you dont need to look at the bowl or waste time grabbing a few. then you just suck it right off your fingers and bam, clean, ready to keep playing. you can effectively do it faster then any games reload animation

Try Mexico faggoli


Genuinely delish

americas a continent. american education everyone

I don't know. I went to a Japanese restaurant last year and had them put mayo in my okonomiyaki and it tasted pretty similar to Canadian mayo we have.

When I'm feeling eating healthy? Grilled broccoli with cheese. When I don't give a fuck? A cup of instant yokisoba noodles.

Who the fuck comes up with this shit. All millennials need to rounded up and killed execution style one by one.


now that's a man's drink


More like Mexishit snacks.

t. a millennial

Ok buddo, have fun in europoor land, feeding on """""""American""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" cum


>favorite hot pockets were BBQ Chicken
>they don't seem to exist anymore

>It is "healthy" because it involves broccoli

what the fuck is caffeinated cheese