Nintendo Switch (To a better console than this)

So Sup Forums, did you pre-order Nintendo's next technological disappointment that features unnecessary gimmicks for the billionth time yet again, or did you choose the wiser decision of not preordering a console in the first year of its release?

>Disconnecting left Joycon.
>No Virtual Console.
>No word on paid online service details.
>No Internet Browser
>Pathetic as a home console.
>Mediocre as a handheld.
>Pathetic battery life when strictly gaminginb4 "muh external charger" shit
>Joycons are laughably tiny when holding one.
>Doesn't include a bundled game.
>Doesn't include charging hub.
>Accessories are overpriced.
>Paltry 3rd-party support inb4 "muh indies & muh last gen Skyrim" excuse
>Objectively weaker launch than Wii U.
>Breakable kickstand.
>Touchscreen scratches easily due to plastic coating instead of glass.
>Terrible PS4-like GUI interface for System Menu.
>Pro controller is an absolute necessity.
>32GB memory in 2017.
>Clearly rushed during production due to Wii U failure.
>Tries to be too many things at once & never reaches being any of them.

There's literally no reason to get one now until next year or make it a dedicated Zelda machine. It should've been delayed desu. I expect it'll sell better than the Wii U, but whoever thinks this'll be the next Wii is clearly delusional. Set your expectations low. Not even Pokemon and Mario will make this the "highest selling console ever," and people need to accept that.

even the guys at the local eb games cant hustle this shit. any time im there we are all laughing about it.


Take away the joycons, and the thing looks like an ordinary tablet. It just looks so boring in terms of design. Plus, they never mentioned how hot the thing gets, so any possible overheating issues are concerning.

>ps4 has three games by the end of 2017, and released 3 years ago
>switch has three by the end of 2017, and releases in march of 2017

rly made me tink

I didn't fucking pre-order and I'm getting some serious launch anxiety. Planning on traveling 30 minutes to a smaller city's Walmart/Gamestop, which I think will increase my chances in securing a day 1 Switch.

I'm thinking I'll make Walmart my first stop, get there 15 minutes early, 11:45 PM. If no luck there I'll try Gamestop. If no luck there I'll drive back to my home city and check its Walmart/Gamestop.

Yup, I've got my night all planned out I think.

>the thing looks like an ordinary tablet

An ordinary tablet that plays exclusive games compared to your shitty mobile device.

I swear, sonyggers are trying to make this thing look bad and fail everytime.

Never, ever pre-order from anyone. Possibly the worst thing a human can do.

Fuck you. This will be the greatest console in the history of the industry and all recorded events of advanced technological development. It's a handheld and console all in one, so by Japan sales standards, it wins automatically from that concept alone.
Also, Pokemon. Nuff said, bitch.

That's great perfect time delta to fully experience every title

Not enough.

For who?

For casuals to be interested.

Really because it's sold out at my local EB and they are having a midnight opening tonight.

>Mediocre as a handheld

>is the most powerful handheld ever made


>JoyCons are laughable tiny

>implying they are meant for long play sessions instead of 10 minutes of coop at parties

>Doesn't include a bundled game

Just like PS4/Xbone on launch.

It's also $100 cheaper than those on launch. Ooooooooooh yeah I said it.

>Doesn't include charging hub

It charges in the dock moron.

>Objectively weaker launch than Wii U


Objectively better.

Zelda ALONE described as the strongest Nintendo launch title since Mario 64.

Let alone all the other great games both on release and coming in the first 2 months.

>Breakable kickstand

Only if you are a moron with parkinson's who pushes the console down hard on a table, or tries to insert it into the dock with the kickstand out.

It will NEVER EVER break under normal circumstances. Literally never.

This is actually good design sign the alternative is that the Switch itself breaks.


It's actually glass and has been praised. If you are a moron who can't help scratching shit, then buy a screen protector. If you are a normal person, then you won't have a problem.

>32GB memory

Irrelevant since Switch games run off the cartirdge, no install required.

The rest is bullshit.

>terrible GUI

>widely praised


BTFO shill.

>Accessories are overpriced

And also totally optional. That's the fucking definition of accessories.

I doubt it'll be the next Wii, but whoever thinks this is shit is clearly delusional.

$0.02 has been deposited in your account.
You have gained (1) NeoGAF karma points!

>It's also $100 cheaper than those on launch. Ooooooooooh yeah I said it.

So was the basic Wii U. How did that turn out?

>It charges in the dock moron.

I think he means the joycon charging hub thing.

who said anything about ps4? were talking about the switch user why are you changing the subject?

There's plenty to bitch about when it comes to the Switch, but why the fuck do people keep bringing up the lack of an internet browser like it's something people should give a shit about? Who honestly, in all seriousness, uses a fucking video game console to browse the internet?

The Wii U was a badly marketed (most Wii owners didn't even know what it was) ugly home console that directly competed with PS4 and Xbox (as opposed to being a handheld).

No surprise it failed.

Man, look at that damage control.
Nintendrones on suicide watch.

>Who honestly, in all seriousness, uses a fucking video game console to browse the internet?

You'd honestly be surprised.

Ah, that's a fair point, then. The included JoyCon grip should have been a charging one.

Of course the JoyCons have 15-20 hour battery life and charge when connected to the Switch/dock ... so basically every night when you put it back in the dock.

But still, I agree there.

Who uses a gaming computer to post on a video game board and NOT play video games?

If by damage control you mean facts, shill.

39°C on parts of the tablet when playing botw

Enjoy Nintendo's constant throat fucking, Nintendope.

its funny that,not only was the switch totally not ready to be launched, neither was Breath of the Wild.
Both could have easily used another entire year of R&D and development.

between the switch being a piece of shit and it's flagship game being a steam greenlight-tier unfinished survival beta, we're probably looking at a console that is more lackluster than the Wii U was.

I've noticed that all the negative shitposting goes into high gear once the eurotrash wakes up.


Yes when nobody else has released a new handheld for years you can make the ''most powerful one'' with mediocre parts. Gee nintentoddlers you are special people.

Fuck me, that's dangerous as hell.
It'll either explode like a Samsung phone or shut itself off as a failsafe measure to prevent it catching fire.

I knew this POS was too soon to release.

>Research and development and development

>zelda botw wii u

yeah, no
i'm playing it and its studdering to near N64 levels of OOT at times and shit
just get it for the switch, trust me on this

you ain't getting one mang
just wait like til E3 for info on the future of switch

my phone gets so hot I cant touch it when i have it doing GPS and its never exploded

more like nintendo switch this shit off nigga

I bought a Wii U instead and hacked it so I can play all games including the New Zelda for free.

I'd have to be a moron of monumental proportions to waste massive amounts of money on the Switch + the tiny library of games as they come out during the years.

>Irrelevant since Switch games run off the cartirdge, no install required.

oh, like how PS4 and XB1 run off the disc, but NEED you to install?

like how PS2 games or PS3 games needed you to... OH WAIT NO THEY DIDNT!!!!!

And Monstah HONTAH!

I'm getting one to act as a dedicated Zelda machine to tie me over until something else comes out. I already fucked my scheduling by impulse buying JP Nier.

Yes like PS2 and PS3 games, Switch games run entirely off the physical media and do not need to be installed.

Unlike PS4 / XB1 where you buy physical media and then spend 1hr uninstalling shit to make room and then installing the game before you can play.

You don't need to install Switch games if you buy the physical version, dude.

I preordered of course, because anything you could name that I should buy instead, I already bought.

Such as?


>dangerous as hell

Yeah maybe if you are a fucking ice sculpture, idiot.

39°C is BARELY EVEN WARM. The inside of your mouth and asshole is 37°C.

Why are you so angry? Did Sony forget to pay you today?


102°F is pretty damn hot, dude.

102°F is a hot day.

It's not a hot temperature to hold something in your hands. it's also not a hot temperature for water FYI/

It's literally only 2 degrees warmer than body temperature.

>102 - 96 = 2

>It's literally only 2 degrees warmer than body temperature.

*4 degrees warmer.

>102°F is a hot day.

During an exceptional heatwave.
Then again, it could be worse. Could be just an average day in Arizona.

>It's literally only 2 degrees warmer than body temperature.

98.6°F is the average body temperature, not 100.
Go back to school, kid.



this is bullshit

the switch is weaker than previous gen consoles

39 - 2 = 37

I think you need a maths refresher course. Americunt school system and temperature system fails again.

i just wanted an excuse to post that image Tbh

No it isn't.

switch is weaker than the ps4

Yes. And weaker than XB1. As you would expect from a portable vs stationary systems.

It's not weaker than PS3/360.



I don't care about anything you listed. I didn't preorder a switch but I might buy one in the future if it has enough interesting games for me. Nintendo systems over the last few gens have always been more like complementary systems for me, something you buy when you either want to play nintendo games or you simply want more games. I don't see them as a main video game platform.

>bought a PS4 after the Switch event in January
>played RE7, playing GR2 and Bloodborne, Nier Automata soon
>have a WiiU so BotW is on lock without buying a Switch
>Switch will likely have its launch woes sorted out with a revision by the time my actual system seller, No More Heroes 3, is out

Been a long ass time since I felt this good about vidya.

>Most powerful handheld ever made
Well yes, the last handheld to release was the vita 5 fucking years ago. Also, it's a """handheld""" due to inevitable shit battery life when cramming the power of a Wii U into a tablet (2-3 hours won't last you most long plane journeys, really limits potential of handheld mode), also, it's a bit too big to be a handheld. It crosses the line of being too big for a pocket, that the vita and 3ds were barely on the right side of. You will need a bag with you to carry your switch in, which limits it's portability. So while it is the most powerful handheld, it will most likely get blown the fuck out in a year or two by random kickstarter retards throwing together portable steam machines like the smach Z. Even if smach Z is a scam, I'd rather have a gpd win than a switch, due to the insane number of not very demanding Steam games I already own. (basically all 2d/indie shit, and some not very intensive 3D games like rocket league)