MoP was the last good expansion

>killed the genre

7/10 I replied

Yiff in hell, furfag

MoP was their last attempt to make something original that wasn't just fanservice for box sales

cata apologists, kill yourselves

Cute panda

Vanilla > MoP > Wrath = TBC > Legion > Cata > WoD

what is this expression trying to convey?

>Dailies: The exp
>Catchup: The exp
>Chink pandering

Cata pre Dragon Soul was the last PLAYABLE expansion. Vanilla was the best once since TBC killed WoW with flying mounts

>buy my game

TBC > Vanilla > WotLK > Cata > MoP > Legion > WoD

Are those bed room eyes/

Whoa, cute panda

TBC > Wotlk > MoP > Legion (so far) = Cata (up through firelands) > Dogshit > Vanilla > The end of Cata > WoD

I know you guys remember vanilla fondly because the community was new and magical but it was a horrible gameplay experience.

I would agree completely if it wasn't for HAPPY BIRTHDAY GARROSH!

And the story in general being shit. Pretty much everything related to what lead up to WoD was just awful. Vault/ToT and the rare mob system were extremely good though. Nothing after Cata can compare to what came before just because of how much they butchered the game with Group/Raid finder and making the overworld pointless.

I will say there a lot of things I like in legion but holy shit artifacts are awful. And return of garrisons was a mistake.

>last expansion released when [my.age]

The only thing good about MoP was challenge mode. Everything else sucked or was mediocre.

Legion was en route to be Wrath tier (Aka the worst of the big three but not by much) until shitty ass fucking 7.1.5 and budget Sunwell happened. Return to Karazhan was some of the best content the game ever saw. Up there with Ulduar tbqh.

>Everything about Havoc DH that was fun was completely skullfucked in 7.1.5
>That amount of fun in an MMO playstyle will never ever happen again
>Nearly every time I post this some autist who doesn't care about fun post "But we have good numbers!"
I will forever be angry, when the stars have gone out and the universe is dead my rage will be the only thing keeping the universe from achieving absolute zero.

>Nighthold was just DUDE ADDFIGHTS LMAO the raid
>Aesthetically Sunwell, but less pleasing to look at and shittier elves
>Mostly recycled art assets everyone was already sick of looking at because of the cancerous Nightborne grind

The story which is the brainchild of Metzen, a hack so big that he couldn't even get a job writing comics, and continued by some guy who raided in EQ and another guy who was hired on the strength of a shitty webcomic back in TBC, it has always been fanfic-tier garbage.

an expressionless portrait shot.

what expression is pic related trying to convey???

You are really overrating TBC there, but since you like legion and cata as well, it is obvious you have bad taste.

i want to send a fem panda to my bedroom. strip her naked. push her onto my bed and sleep on her nice female panda ass™

the current artifact power grind in legion is so far and away worse than any rep grind we have ever seen in any part of any other expansion. it's made worse by the fact that we don't have flying and the secondary grinds like the the grind for potions and flask mats.
legion is the grindiest expansion by far.

The firelands patch had my hopes really high for the xpac and then the last tier took every good thing they had going and set it ablaze....I guess I probably do rate it too high.

Legion feels like it's at least trying to redeem itself and tbqh isn't all that bad. The expansion is young though and they have plenty of time left to fuck it up like they did with Cata, so we'll see.

Just because I have TBC at the top doesn't mean it's beating everything else by that much. It was mostly because they finally took a step in the right direction with class balance and the raids were the most memorable as a whole.

I wonder what the ratio of to firmness to quish it'd have

I think what a lot of people don't fucking get is that you aren't supposed to shotgun all of the AP out at once like most of the fags in group finder are trying to do with their "carry groups".

I mean the design IS flawed but it's mostly because it enables the grind instead of trying to smooth it out, and I'm not sure how they could accomplish that.

The hardcore players are actually playing the game and trying to grind something out? Gasp how could that happen?!?!?!?!?

I raid casually and I have my main's artifact at 54....I didn't have to go out of my way and grind like a madman either, I just did my emissary each day and maybe 2 mythics. Got it finished last week.

You don't have to be "hardcore" to get your artifact done.

You can't make a bad expac if you never make a good one

you tried

what about female panda tits

I'm talking about it never being finished. I quit like 4 months ago. Farmed the shit out of mythics got my two best legendaries by pure rng. The game is a trashpit. The amoung of farming that is needed now just to get raid mats is ridiculous.

If an official vanilla server comes online maybe I'll go back.

>The amount of farming that is needed now to just get raid mats is ridiculous

That's a lie though, the bloodhunter enchant + an average gold income has kept me with enough potions/flasks/food to raid as much as I need to and then some....and my guild provides enchanting mats. There is no farming required unless you want to sell them for a profit.

You haven't played the game, just fucking stop.

Female panda tits are for squeezing and groping so they grow larger in size so they make plenty of milk when she gets pregnant with a half-orc child

I want to make a qt female nelf DH so bad, but Havoc is such a bore to play.

what does it matter? the sheer volume of it is more than any other expansion.
and in a few weeks they are planning to add a bunch more to the AP grind to extend it even further.


You missed the ship 7.0-7.1 was sublime

That cute kid. Enjoy your trash expansion.

boy howdy user could you sauce me up?

You're complaining about farming raid mats and yet wanting vanilla? Did you fucking raid in vanilla? The material grind back then was absurd since you literally needed stacks upon stacks of every conceivable potion/elixer/food item in addition to flasks (which were way harder to make) for each raid. The fact that you can even begin to compare today's grind, which is the easiest it's ever been bar the crapshoot that was warlords, to vanilla and find that one easier proves that you're an ignorant shitposter who has no point whatsoever.

>and in a few weeks they are planning to add a bunch more to the AP grind to extend it even further.

Because the expansion is still young and you aren't supposed to just be done with it immediately.

nah it was shit, there were no good WoW expansions

I want to fuck a cute panda boy

Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne was the last good expansion

Here's your (you)

Stop kid. Seriously. Your underage is beyond hope.

Farming in vanilla is nothing like in legion. I'll take vanilla farm over farming for rng gear and ap any day.

Wrath was the last good expansion and even then it was a lot worse then BC and Vanilla. It started the downward spiral of quality. Everything past Wrath is Activision's wild cuck ride.

Panda boys must have to work out alot to maintain the body of their females

Thread needs more mottled blue draenei horsecock

Didn't they say artfifact levels were getting uncapped soon, or did they do that already?

You realize it's a korean mmo at this point, right?


>easier grind is better


I want to impregnate a Night Elf

Literally all you're doing is tossing meme insults out and trying to refute everything with "but it wasn't" without providing any evidence to substantiate your claims. You're a moron who never played the games you're trying to talk shit about or someone who's nostalgia goggles are embedded so far into his skull that he just cant formulate any type of reasoning.

Good luck getting your vanilla server.

I never said it was, I was just pointing out the idiocy in his claim that today's grind is "ridiculous" compared to vanilla's.

I want to impregnate my Night Elf

I played legion you fucking dumbass. You're in the minority of legion lovers.

the last "good" expansion was wotlk

the last passable expansion was cataclysm

get woke

No I want to impregnate it

wow is so shit now it can't even support a thread

get out

>generic night elf female no. 281743699
>couldnt even be assed to make some shitty slutmog for it

no one cares

iirc like 20 minutes ago there was a thread that was like 503 posts about MoP that got 404'd

Linear as fuck zones. Every edition has had its strong points and weak points

The right answer is the best time in WoW is when you had friends and time to play with them.

I didn't play during Mists, wish I did. I really yearn for a fun, whimsical expansion that's not DUDE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD FOR THE 100TH TIME XD

>level holy priest to 100 and gain 40 rank AP
>want to do arenas and pvp as disc
>realize i would have to grind all the way to 35 rank for all the traits
>want to offspec dps shadow in pve and pvp
>realize that if i want to pve as shadow have to farm AP AND grind for two legendaries to even compete
>want to pvp as shadow but can't unless i grind out all my AP traits

this is seriously the worst expansion i cant even fucking play all my specs on my main class

Draenei are for breeding

Even Orcs canonically know this to be true

Which expansion is the breast expansion?

>Illidan and Maiev working together
At least this took me by surprise, never did I fucking imagine, even after 10 years of appalling 'not prepared' jokes.

The gameplay might be heaps of dogshit but the characters are going places.

>You will never impregnate a qt draenei pally with your human sperm and create the perfect race blessed by the Light

Please die in a fire

I just wish I knew wtf they were doing with Jaina. She's obviously being set up for some kind of fall but I wish they'd get it out of the way.

Tbqh I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up letting the legion get to her so she could get her revenge on all the people she thinks betrayed her, or worse yet being the vessel for Sargeras in the end.

Tfw someone posts your art.
kys there's a panda on bottom

hi bael

>I'll never plow and impregnate Lakuu

Well I'm sad now

fuck off roxy

hi blizzdrones
hi shill lords
can you both go away from Sup Forums now and take turns fucking eachothers faces?

They wouldn't dare. She's got special immunity thanks to being some shady execs waifu, like Sylvanas.

i wish i could impregnate a qt gnome fem

I want to impregnate that

Stop that

Female gnomes are for jackhammer anal only

I've gone full degenerate


please stop posting my images thanks

>tfw you only resubbed because pandaren and worgen exist
>tfw you also resubbed to stare at the gryphons' paws during flight paths

imagine if we lived in a timeline where wow wasnt stuck in graphics from 2003

It would probably look similar to Overwatch, or be between OW and HotS.

>subbed to look at gryphon paws
Holy shit, you are a whole new fucked up kind of degenerate. I hope you hate yourself as much as i hate you.

I wish you didn't exist within my lifetime you fucking weirdo.

Pfft, Draenei are overrated. Pounding a thicc Pandaren in Mating Press until I blow my load? That's the ticket, right next to romantic sex with a Worgen Druid.

What's with that crazy eredar lady from the Monk campaign that was so determined to fuck with the pandas? I can't see how pandaland was a threat to the Legion


You know you're gay right?
There is no way around it, you like cock. It's a slippery slope after you start liking cocks.

>still silently waiting on the worgen model update
>know it wont happen but I still keep on waiting

Indeed, putting a leash on female Pandaren and Worgen to revert them to their animal instincts so they can be your sexpets is the true way to live.

You're underrating it. TBC is held in such high regard amongst players, they brought one of the main characters back from obscurity to headline an expansion almost 10 years later - Illidan as the central character in Legion. They even built the new class entirely around his raid abilities from Black Temple. Even WoD was an entire expansion of 'lets return to an alternative version of Outlands', including rehashing plenty of recognisable characters from BC - Archimonde for one. The past few years of WoW's development have been trying to recapture the past glories of BC, the veteran playerbase's favourite expansion.

That's partly why I've enjoyed Suramar so much, it's actually fresh and isn't previously well-worn territory recycled to pander to veterans, like so much of WoW is nowadays. It feels like the team finally were given license to start being creative instead of continue to exploit the now stone cold corpse of Warcraft 3.

That sounds gay as fuck.

>cata apologists

For all that it got wrong, the first raid tier of Cata was pretty fucking good.

Nah not my thing. On the contrary, I'd rather cuddle up with two soft fuzzy chicks.

Also Sex with a Tauren would be cash because of the head petting she could do to me while I suck the milk outta her.

HO BOY DO I LOVE TALKING /TRASH/ AT 3 IN THE MORNING! Don't you Sup Forums? p.s. Legion is ok I guess.

Post sexy pandas already.

>TFW no bouncy Panda butt on my dick.


FYI to those that go in, there's some Lili if you're not interested in Panda loli. That is if by lore she's technically a loli? Still just a fair heads up.