Where were you when Shitendo fell for the cultural Marxist bug and went full SJW

Where were you when Shitendo fell for the cultural Marxist bug and went full SJW.
Pass it on.

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spicy fucking thumbnail, my man

>Goldstein literally sweating bullets seeing anons expose his propaganda so (((he))) has no choice but to point out the use of a thumbnail

How are Traps, SJW?
Sup Forums and Sup Forums love traps because we can pretend to be straight when really all we like about Traps is that they have a penis

nigger i can't read your blurry picture of Link hugging one of those tiny deku leaf kids, while underwater
find me a better one

It's literally a mandatory event in the game where Link crossdresses as a Gerudo.

>traps are SJW

everything will be labeled sjw until nothing is

t. (((Shekelstein)))

ok thanks
but why is he underwater


>mandatory event
>in a game where you can skip everything else and run to the final boss as soon as you start

Oh so now not even degenerate fetishes will be safe under the ever growing sjw menace eh?
what's next, futa is sjw as well?

Triforce Heroes did it first.

As always, the greatest cancer in the franchise is Toonshit.

reminder that if this game was released on steam, people would get their money back after beating it.

also if it were on steam, it'd be on greenlight
>unfinished survival game with shit gameplay and no content

>As if Nippons weren't faggets long before the whole SJW shit became a thing.

It's a business thing, if they see something that might potentially squeeze out a bunch of extra sales their internal jew erupts.

it wasn't necessary in triforce heroes. the crossdressing were options and were retarded sure, but options and only optional at best.

Futa is obviously tranny enabling, yes.

>""""""girls""""""" with dicks are hot actually!

underage memes
just return to le donald on leddit

Here is a larger resolution picture

>literally FORCED to be emasculated if you want to see the games content
Holy shit, this is a new low for SJWs

wow horrible
did your fragile masculinity shatter already?

I want Sup Forums to leave.

You had to crossdress in ff7 and noone kicked up a fucking stink. It was actually pretty funny

In b4 something about being a nintendo shill. Havent owned anything nintendo since gameboy colour

You get that real men don't enjoy dressing up as women, right? Kill yourself you fucking nu male

Sup Forums please actually play some video games before posting
crossdressing missions are a pretty long running gag

Japs invented traps long before internet appeared, go fuck yourself.



Well I guess it's a good thing Link isn't a real man is he :^)

This reminds me of a fetish comic

You get that you're an insecure kid with a fragile masculinity?
I thought real men did whatever the fuck they wanted

Specifically this one

I can guarantee you that every drag queen in whatever city you live in could kick your ass.

>everything that deviates from the norm is a sjw plot
>I can't enjoy media without looking for things to be offended by
Back to snowflake

And seeing as this thread is shit anyway I'm just gonna dump this and leave

Well I mean when they fuck actual girls yeah.

And the player is supposed to self insert as him. Self insert as a crossdressing faggot that likes wearing girl clothes. I can't fucking believe that neo-Sup Forums is defending this cuck bullshit. Everyone that plays this game is a fucking nu male, I swear to God.

No, there a few key qualities that make a man a MAN. None of them include BEING A CROSSDRESSING TWINK THAT TAKES IT IN THE ASS

Wow, you think that scares me? I've personally kicked the shit out of several faggots in my time, none of them put up any kind of fight. Their submissiveness and mental illness causes them to enjoy the feeling of a boot stomping on their subhuman face

It's entirely SFW though and pretty short

Drag queens are usually straight, user.

This is just a shit thread fishing for replies

He's going all out!

That doesn't matter. They're fucking faggots either way. What kind of a fucking MAN wears a WOMAN'S clothes? The kind that wants me to kneel on his fucking throat, that's what

reported for sjw

Final Fantasy VII did the exact same shit two decades ago, only here you've got the SJW boogeyman to point at.

now this is bait

Japanese games are never sjw, only the west is sjw, it is a sickness that only exists in the west, created and perpetuated by whites.

trying to figure out if OP is having a mental breakdown or is just a really bad troll

Yo, 1v1 me irl, I'll kick your ass dresssed in women's clothing.
Neither men or women benefit from such a rigid gender binary, if I prefer to cook and do "feminine" and my gf is more dominant, it doesn't affect you, why do you give a shit?

this is completely fucked levels of falseflagging

the reality is nobody on Sup Forums cares

>as a character with an established background
Yeah nah, Link looks and acts nothing like me. If anything I'm demeaning a fictional character but even then that hardly changes anything. Also
>cuck shit
>at no point does Link watch his significant other have sex or have relations with another person
Y'all Sup Forums folk really need to work on your buzzwords, or at the least come up with a new one.

> I've personally kicked the shit out of several faggots in my time, none of them put up any kind of fight.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little deku? I’ll have you know I was born as the head of my race the Gerudo, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the Triforce, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in moblin warfare and I’m the top swordsman in the entire gerudo armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Hyrule, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the mail system? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of thieves across the Gerudo valley and your mailbox is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Gerudo Armory and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the kingdom, you little shit. If only you could have known what ungoddessly retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Oh no, you poor thing!
A real masculine man wouldn't give a shit. Pussy.

we're almost done, then this thread can die a swift death

Here it is, also featuring arrows that point out the next panel
That probably means the panel layout is bad but who am I to judge

anyway, this thread is retarded, go eat a snack or something everybody

until next time, see ya

1. the graphics of FF7 were shit
2. cloud wore a dress, not a see-through silk bra
3. cloud wasn't already a faggot enough as-is.

it's different.

And guess what? It was cuck bullshit back then, and it is most fucking certainly cuck bullshit right FUCKING NOW

Because you are the reason why western society is falling to the kikes. Fucking retarded drones like you that mindlessly absorb whatever the mainstream media feed them.

>good day goyim, wearing girl clothes is good actually :) stop defending your women, your country and your god, that is actually toxic and racist or something! let niggers into your country to rape your daughters!
>sir yes sir!
Fucking kill yourself you nu male faggot. You are the definition of a nu male. Your net contribution to the cultural development of society is definitely NEGATIVE.If you died the world would be a better place. Just fucking kill yourself, you are subhuman


Now what kind of message is this game designed to send? What agenda could it be pushing? HM I WONDER

Yeah real men don't care about masculinity right, just wearing pretty dresses? Kill yourself you fucking nu male

I didn't know FF7 was full of SJWs.


Nu-male this cuck that, who cares? Y'all are just as bad with buzzwords as the ebil ess jay doubleyews y'all cry about.
It's America, home of the free land of the brave. I don't have to give a damn what others do in my fucking country. You're the dumbass Sup Forumsack that voted in an Israeli ally into office so by all means and conventions you're a fucking kike yourself.
The absolute cognitive dissonance with you guys jeez.

traps aren't SJW friendly, traps are the first step to enlightment about male erotic superiority

Yes you fucking race traitor, you precious gook overlords are SJWs. You are a fucking nu male.Surprise!

Anyone else gay for Link? Even as a kid before I knew it was wrong for boys to kiss boys he was my boycrush

how so?

Why don't you try thinking for a second, and consider the wider impact of your life choices. MAYBE TRADITION EXISTED FOR A REASON I DONT KNOW

How about you try reading the fucking thread?

Go back to tumblr you fucking degenerate


But I did.

I hope you realize you're literally a right-leaning SJW.

A masculine man wouldn't play this fucking baby game with mandatory cross-dressing in the first place you Nintoddler lmfao, I'm not playing it

Traps are a garbage fetish for subhuman faggots.

Japs love crossdressing memes you dolt.

>its a Sup Forums gets triggered over cross-dressing as a joke episode

>its a "i have no formal education except sargon and friends" thread

I don't think there's anything more masculine than dominating another man into acting like a woman for you.

Now, crossdressing on the other hand, that shit's gay as fuck.

I for one enjoy laughing at our local sjw equivalent

How about fucking a woman and spreading your seed instead of getting poop on your dick and dying from STDs like a flaming faggot?

The traditions that change over each generation hombre? You're going to have to be more specific.
My life choices ain't effecting anyone but me and potentially my immediate family. I take you're some filthy northerner and don't get to interact with much people outside your kin. You should try getting to know people better, travel a bit. It gives you perspective on your life and the world around you.
Now hop off my board Yankee, 'fore I beat you in the ass.

>literally trying to defend crossdressing


All the "Sup Forums is gay xDD" memes ended up bringing in unironic tumblr faggots thinking they're in good company. Good job retards.

It's ok when Nintendo does it.

Your brain has been fried so hard by degenerate faggotry that you don't even know what tradition fucking means. It's clear that you're too far gone to reason with, so just do us all a favour and fucking kill yourself already.

>implying cultural Marxism is a real thing and not a wacko right wing conspiracy theory

Wew. Sage this shit.

SJWs have taken over Sup Forums. We fucking warned you.

>fictional crossdressing is destroying our society
This kind of humour has existed for literal millennia. It's not going anywhere. That's how Dad did it, that's how America does it, and it's worked out pretty well so far.

Masturbating furiously

>Being this mad at having your bullshit conspiracies called out


Wow dude, you sure convinced me!

>daddy crossdressed, that's why it's okay for me :)
No wonder you turned out to be a degenerate subhuman.

meant for

Your dad crossdressed and you think it's normal? Wouldn't expect anything less from a yuropoor.

>kill myself
>add to a gun suicide statistics
>libshits have more ammo to take yours away
Hmm, on second thought, maybe you're right. At this point I'm having more fun taking the dog piss out of you.
But anyhow, it's almost 3 am in the only state that matters and I've got work in 6 hours so this'll be they last you hear from me Yankee. Y'all take care now.


it was okay when FF7 did it too

>The ancient Greeks - cradle of western civilization - did it.

>The British empire -one of the heights of western civilization- did it.

>Monty Python fucking did it.

>funny cross dressing isn't traditional


Yet the benefits of you dying far outweigh the cost of a marginally bigger suicide statistic. That's like saying we shouldn't kill kikes and faggots because it adds to the death rate.

>>libshits have more ammo to take yours away
Not how it works, you fucking retarded ape

It's a joke, a quote from the first Ironman movie. Don't have a fucking spastic fit over it.

Someone who isn't a crazy conspiracy theorist?

What next Sup Forums (Sup Forums) - vaccines cause autism and the government puts us in FEMA camps? The reptilians are taking over?

And a manga from the 80's.


Hey at least the OST is pretty nice

That's actually a pretty awesome boss track. Excited for this game, everything about it so far seems great.

the fuck is that

Hi Sup Forums

Let's see who gives a shit about what videogame characters wear:

1. Sup Forums idiots: check
2. SJWs: check
3. Normal gamers: nope.

Honestly you Sup Forumstards and SJWs are the fucking same as each other. I hope you're happy Sup Forums, you've gone full SJW.